
Monday, April 28, 2008

Caught Blogging in the Parliament

That's me taking my oath (pic taken off video feed)

Heh... we were finally sworn into the Parliament today ;-)

While waiting for time to pass, there were 222 members of Parliament taking their oaths individually, both Jeff who sits right next to me, and myself decided that we'll test out the systems here from right within the Dewan Rakyat ;-)

Yes, the power supply was good and the broadband access with the CAT5 cables were working fine too ;-) It's a 2MB line, could be better of course, but can't complain.

And then, Wong Chun Wai of the Star picked up Jeff's blog entry and decided to have us interviewed for blogging in Parliament. Heh, we'll see how it appears tomorrow ;-)

[update 29 Apr (Tue)]

The Star carried the story here with this picture on the front page(!) You can even watch a short clip here. ;-)

That's me sitting next to Jeff in Parliament (pic courtesy of The Star)

But, it'll certainly be interesting blogging from the Parliament from hence on ;-)


  1. Anonymous2:26 pm

    Hi Tony & Jeff,

    Wow! Is so excited that you guys are doing! Reporting the TRUTH & LIVE from Dewan Rakyat....Get Ready with your camera/video phone ready! Take those shots or video taped those UMNOputras & BN Bunch of their conducts & behaviours! We Rakyat WILL be right at the back supporting ALL of you!


  2. forget about RTM. You can do a live stream of the proceeding.

  3. Anonymous3:24 pm

    Congrats! Do keep us updated. Cheers.

  4. Yes you 2 chaps. By all means do that. If you could post some video clips would even be better.

  5. Dear YB ,

    Selamat Bersidang .


  6. When YB will organise a trip to visit the Parliament for the PJU voters?

    I want to try free coffee or tea at Parliament, ha ha

  7. Anonymous4:16 pm

    A plea from a member of the electorate.

    Dear members of parliament, all I want is a peaceful and harmonious country. Please always have the love of our country in your hearts no matter what you undertake from this day onward.

    Please help to have the riches of our country distributed equally to all segments of society. Spread joy and happiness to one and all, young and old.

    Please have a heart for the senior citizens in our society who need help and care. Make their remaining years pleasant and carefree, appreciate the contributions they have made to our country.

    Spare a thought for the poor and struggling families that exist in this nation of ours. Most of the time, they are voiceless, lend them your voice. Let their plight be known in parliament and help bring them the necessary assistance for them to create a decent life.

    Do not forget the young, help build a healthy environment so that youthful talents can blossom. Help to create an environment that is free of drugs and pornography. Put your talents together to see that quality education is provided to the future leaders of our country.

    Allow good sense and decency to be your guides in whatever you do from today. Always be aware and conscious of your prime duty - to help to unite the people and to do your best to discard all words and deeds that can disunite the people

  8. good luck YB Tony!

    Stay focus and the rakyat will be with you always.

    come a long way since taman oug and that online florist :-)

  9. Anonymous4:28 pm

    After millions of RM in renovation, the best structured cabling for Parliament is only Cat 5e? Even my son's school is using the Cat 6 cabling system for their PC networking.

  10. Hi! Mr. Tony & Jeff,

    I think you two are the first and second person that blogging at Parliament Malaysia, wahaha!


  11. I am glad you and Tony are blogging from the parliament.

  12. cool man,support u YB!!can spread what happen in Parliament as fast as possibles.

  13. Hi Tony;
    it's great i saw you at parliament at this morning....

  14. Anonymous9:05 pm

    Dear YB Tony

    I am so very happy that the Pakatan Rakyat has won the Subang Jaya seat. Now MPSJ no longer seen wasting rakyat good money on useless beautiful flower plants on the road surrounding MPSJ. Before they waste money changing new plants every short period

    Save a lot of money ! TQ Tony

  15. YB, Congratulation & All the best!
    Still remember me? haha...It's me, Kai-Bi from Alor Star.
    Hope can organise another greater talk forum and very very hope that you'll attend.

  16. Anonymous9:43 pm

    So proud of you! Saw you on NTV7 news as well. You look so great in coat.
    Good luck!

  17. Anonymous10:02 pm


    loved the idea! good that we can have a better understanding of the inner workings of the malaysian parliament!

  18. Anonymous10:20 pm

    Congratulation first to be in parliament as our reps, second to blog from parliament and keep us informed on the happening in parliament. Get a webcam and webcast direct from parliament, RTM might censor some with your webcast i'm sure we will get a better coverage.

  19. Anonymous12:31 am

    Congrats Tony and all the PR electeds !!

    The rakyats have awakened ....

  20. hello tony and Jeff , you both is already a Yang berHormat, please do not acted like yang burung OK, we are the tax payer , please perform well in parlimen, do not wasting our tax payer money by blogging rubbish in the parlimen, are u both treated the parlimen like playground ? another thing is tony ur cybervilliage have harm so many investor in singapore there is why u running back to malaysia right, i know what u have done in singapore, just do well in malaysia , do not bullshit around claiming how good u are in singapore OK

  21. Anonymous2:03 am


    Wow! You look "canggih" blogging in Parliament.

    Let's continue to pray for our beloved nation and its people for righteousness, equality, fairness and God's will to be done in our homeland.

    I believe there are quite a number of Christian MPs in Parliament. I would like to suggest that all the Christian MPs gathered in the prayer room and prayed for the nation and the needs of its people before Parliament session starts or when there's a break in Parliament session. I believe it is via God's will you are elected as an MP and the wind of change is sweeping the nation can only be done through the Almighty.

    The nation of Malaysia belongs to God. And I believe that all the people in Malaysia will eventually turn to HIM

    "Faith without action is dead"

  22. u better dun filter my posting, all the posting in your blog is just like BN government, filter all negative thing about u and allow the positive posting to public, seen u said the parliment is so comfordable which is done BY BN government , than why u have so much complaint to BN government ? u live in singapore before, do u think this will happen in singapore, much more free than in singapore right, i think if u are in singapore u will be a tang liang hong second

  23. Anonymous9:53 am

    Dear Jeff,

    Great thing you guys going there! Finally we have eyes in that room that will "cuci" them if they try to bulldozed everything thru!
    It is also great that we get up to date info of what is going on when you guys blog from in there....
    Can't wait for more great things to come, keep it up, you have our support.....

  24. where is my posting, i think u are same with jeff Ooi cover ur face usign shit

  25. Anonymous10:31 am

    YB Tony,
    Now it is the time for you and your colleagues of Pakatan to rock them (BN) in the Parliament.The whole bunch of ardent supporters would be behind you and show them what we (opposition) are not there to shake our legs and waiting for the cheques to roll down at the end of the month.Go for it and blast those non-performing Ministers right and left,buddy!

  26. Hope that Dato Seri Anwar will be the next to sworn in, as the 6th PM of Malaysia. He is currently taking a comfortable 81% lead in a survey conducted as who will be the next Malaysian PM.

  27. Anonymous1:51 pm

    to the poster who posted at 10:21am and his various incarnations, can you like, offer something more substantial than name calling if you really think that your posts have the divine right to be published??

  28. Hi YB,

    Do not allow blogging flows into your blood as your wife may not be too happy, see
    All the best!

  29. Hi, Tony and Jeff,

    It's really great & cool to see that bloggers now are blogging from Msia Parliament. A remarkable start indeed and signifies that we all are now living in the modern technology era. Probably also acts as a reminder to obstinate politicians once again: "Please don't think that we fellow people are still so naive and would be fooled by indecent job done!"

  30. Excellent job guys!
    May the blessing and guidance from above continue to shower to those who seek truth and dignity for our beloved country Malaysia.
    I am very proud of my country because we have leaders like you who are shaping the next generation to come!

  31. this so-called blogger "jason ang" is certainly a mca/gerakan/umno cybertroop. i gueess the war is here in cyber world too. :)

    let's all welcome him..and applaud his freedom of speech(shit). :)

  32. Anonymous7:48 pm

    Hi Tony,

    Well done and I am very proud of what you are doing for the community and country. Stay focus and I am sure you will do very well with the team. Never be afraid to ask for help. We will always be here to support for the right cause.

    Ernie Chen.

  33. Anonymous7:57 pm

    Hi YB,
    Keep up the good job. we hope will see more members parliment debuting our interest. check and balance must have.

    Cheers All.

  34. YB Tony,

    Don't be too engrossed in blogging and forget to ask questions ya...

  35. Anonymous9:01 pm

    YB Tony Pua

    Hope there will be more new breed of smart and thinking Parliamentarians

  36. Anonymous9:51 pm

    LOL Jason Ang.

  37. Anonymous9:56 pm

    This is cool!


    Blog their shtis oootut

  38. Ok good guy, hope u can bring more sound issue for national in parlimen, and DAP may not ur final choice in politic, DAP and PAP is total different OK, just wonder why joint DAP, I am also back from Singapore but just not feel tha DAP doing the right job, hope u can think carefully

  39. Anonymous11:24 pm

    Dear MPs.
    No offend but do you think it's proud for you to showing off you actually make your time productive by this article? Aren't you suppose like come out with something more citizen-concerned acts other than making yourself like such? I've never seen anything that you're going to do for those who voted you in this blog ever since you were elected. Kindly posted some really what you want to do for us in this useful space.

    Thank you.

  40. Anonymous11:30 pm

    I hope that you do not misuse the technology and the freedom they are currently giving you. Do what's right, not just concerned about bashing people from other parties. Stop on the petty issues, forget our differences, and let's work for a better Malaysia where everyone lives in peace and harmony.

    And first off, peace and harmony will not prevail with the attitudes of your blog readers who make such hasty and hars comments.

    Please do something about it.

  41. Anonymous12:07 am

    I expect some people will kick up a fuss about this blogging business in Parliament and then will probably cook up some new rules to stop this.

    Their way of thinking - very predictable one.

  42. Anonymous12:46 am

    (Jason-ANG) I take it that you are merely exercising your right to express yourself here.. well and good.. on the same note, let me express mine.. no disrespect but please take some english class before u take on tony.

    secondly, why the personal attack and then seek to cry "why delete my post?" Dude, please get on your own life.. I wonder if u have heard of karma? well, if u haven't, let me just help u understand in your level... this karma ah.. is like ah.. u know ah.. u soot the people ah.. the people also ah.. will soot the u back lo.. something like that lo...

  43. Looks like both Jeff and you are out-"cooling" each other for entering the Malaysian Book of Records as the first bloggers who actually blogged in parliament. :-)

  44. Anonymous1:55 am

    Just try to get the live video feeds transmission, plug it into the laptop every time, and stream it online. Remember to tell Jeff to do the same!

  45. Anonymous2:03 am

    congrats tony pua...
    really hope i can visit Parliament again in future. the last time i went the oppositions were bullied by the rulling unfair

  46. Anonymous12:56 pm

    Wah Tony,

    Ho Liao.....

  47. hello anonymous show out all ur name dun barking over there without identity

  48. Anonymous10:34 pm

    Tony, let's hoped that the powers-in-charge will not prohibit the use of Internet in Parliament.

    So long as the proceedings are not being disrupted, I do not see why it should be barred.

  49. Anonymous11:27 pm

    Hi Jason ang, it is my own preference and my right to stay anonymous here just like how you use your right to "visit" tony's blog. Btw, I doubt the word barking here will be correct to be used here simply because my 1 comment doesn't amount to bark. You might want to refer to the dictionary for the meaning. I think the Oxford should be of help to you.

    I have nothing against you having said all. Just expressing my thoughts on your comments to Tony which I feel is unwarranted. Peace out!

  50. hi YB tony! you've revolutionised communication from within the parliament. this is exciting. :D

    selamat bersidang!
