
Friday, March 07, 2008

Ceramah Friday - SS2/63

Donate to DAP for PJ here.
This is a picture of the crowd in Penang, courtesy of TVSmith.
Do you think our crowd tonight could reach this size?
We have our permit, so, rain or shine, we'll be there.
We have confirmed a good line-up of speakers, with more to come.
So please invite your friends and family who are still undecided. We need their vote!

Ceramah SS2
MJ Cafe, SS2/63
(near the morning market and Waisikkai, behind Hong Leong Bank)

Speakers (so far):
Tony Pua
Lau Weng San
Dr Cheah Wing Yin
Haris Ibrahim
Teresa Kok

hopefully, this ceramah marks the end of one era, and the beginning of a new era
We need to translate the huge attendance to votes.



  1. Anonymous8:06 am

    Definitely be there tonite. Just pray hard it won't rain like 3 March. ^___^^

    All the best to you Tony, Weng San and Dr. Cheah.

  2. Anonymous8:14 am

    Good job DAP.

    Rakyat Malaysia. We need to VOTE to the the rubbish government that we are NOT happy and we need to change

    We cannot vote BN just because of a bowl of rice bowl in front of us because the rice bowl will be BROKEN soon if we let BN wins. Who should we vote to stop all these nonsense? ask our heart and conscience and purchasing power...they will tell you

    VOTE without fear

    ex-bn supporter
    datin ng

  3. Anonymous8:55 am

    yesterday i was there in your ceramah,i know who should i vote. i saw many ppl donate to dap party, including me. and it would not find in any BN ceramh.this is the different !

    tonight i am not going to your ceramah, becoz i need to go back to my hometown , NS and VOTE FOR DAP's candidate in my hometown.

    With DAP, we see the HOPE.
    With MCA , we see the DARK.
    u must kick the fried meehoon out from parliament. each of the person in PJU should vote for the DAP! VOTE WISELY ! ALL THE BESTS!

  4. Good Luck Tony!

    May the force be with you. haha. i am so cheesy

  5. Anonymous9:06 am

    Who will go for you? Who will speak up for you? Vote for Tony Pua, Vote for DAP. Vote for Opposition. Vote for the future of your children. Do not be taken in by slick marketing campaigns and advertisements of BN luring you into a false sense of security AS IF you vote for opposition you may not have true peace and security. (a veil threat?)

    To put things into perspective, BN has 199 seats in the Parliament, DAP only has 12 sets. PKR only 1 seat and PAS 5 or 6 sets. Truly a “David vs Goliath,” scenario.

    So who will speak up for you? Will you help to get one more Voice into the parliament?
    You can make a difference on 8th of March. Be a difference maker.

    God Bless!

  6. Seen It's great... All the best 08/03/2008....

  7. Anonymous9:24 am

    Just don't be over confident. More people is a positive sign but does not mean they will vote opposition.

    It could be because more people are undecided and they wanted to listen to what the opposition has to say, so do not say thinks that use race or religion that make other race left out. Like "we are fighting for the chinese" will make other races feel left out and feel DAP is only for chinese. Even the "benana" chinese could sometimes feel left out because they sometimes think they are not real chinese (mainly because they don't speak mandarin). Though SS2 mostly are chinese, but most are english speaking (they went to national schools) and a lot of us really want to be a real MALAYSIAN.

    DAP should not be only a cause for the chinese. It should be for ALL.

  8. Anonymous9:47 am

    People, do you remember the song "Enough is enough" by Donna Summers? Download it and play it out loud in your cars. Let's hear it !!

  9. Anonymous10:12 am







  10. Anonymous10:21 am

    Hi Tony, last day to go.
    Good news to share, i have managed to pass the message from your ceramah to my friend, to convice them to vote for DAP. I will never stop to do this until the last minute!

    Go! Go! Tony! Go! Go! DAP!

  11. Anonymous10:29 am

    Dear All the Opposition Candidates,

    T Q very much for all the Scrafies n giving-up all the Materialism gains for being an Opposition candidates..
    We all the Malaysians, irrespective of Races should support all this Candidates, vote for the Opposition and we are willingly n slowly to rebuilt the country for everyone benefits, not for UMNO's and their Cronies with all the baloon price contracts ! Malaysia is a Rich country but are being mismanage and abuse of the funds that our country has..May God n All the Mighty bless all the Opposition candidates win hansomely.. TQ fr JohnJeanSiow n family..

  12. Anonymous10:41 am

    Dear Voters, do you support corruption ? If you do, then vote BN. A vote to BN is a vote to corruption. And a vote to BN is a vote to the BIG bully who use a 2 foot long keris to instill fear until your submission. A vote to BN is a vote to a BIG bully. Say no to corruption, say no to BIG bully. Say YES to the Opposition, defender of the people. Do not be afraid, vote for the Opposition. God will help us, for God is righteous.

  13. More info.

  14. Anonymous11:04 am

    It is very clear again, this BN Prime Minister threaten us again on the eve of election.

    We want change!!!

  15. Anonymous11:26 am

    U forgot to say WHAT TIME is the ceramah?

  16. Anonymous12:10 pm

    we want curruption or clean country is all DEPEND on OUR VOTE ! on 8/3/2008.

    MCA in wangsa maju said : XXX is coming, new chinese school is coming, how pity of us ? this is the ONLY WAY to build our school by using the election as our's condition to exchange it ? this is what MCA's promises for us ?

    let us vote wisely ! We want to send all the RIGHT leader to our parliament !

  17. Dear PJU Voters,

    Front page news in Star today

    On the eve of election, the PM threaten us!!!

    He INSULTS us!!!
    He is ARROGANT!!

    So be wise, do the needful on 8 March 2008

    PENANG: Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi reminded the Chinese community that if they gave the DAP their votes, they will end up not having any representation in the Government.

    Boycott Star
    Boycott NST
    Boycott mainstream media

  18. For as long as I remember I hve voted for DAP. This election will be the same, EXCEPT that, this time I attend ceramahs, and give donation. Every time I attend, I give.. Last time I voted for oppositin becuz I want pembangkang in parlimen and dewan, now I vote for the opposition becuz I want to contribute to a better Malaysia for ALL MALAYSIANS. I want a better Malaysia for my children and my cucus...
    People, give your support to DAP, Keadilan, and PAS.

  19. Anonymous1:12 pm

    I am confident the opposition will get more share this round. but, we certainly cannot over confident!

    This is my first time assisting DAP as polling & counting agent. Hope it will be a good results for all opposition party.

    Let's pray hard to make our Parliament a place whereby truly reflected it is a place BY the people, FOR the people and FROM the people.

  20. Anonymous1:21 pm

    All the best, Tony!

    Tonight, I'm driving back to my hometown Taiping, with my parents and sister- to vote for a better Malaysia.

    Enough is Enough!

  21. Anonymous2:04 pm

    Hi Tony,
    Best wishes to all the DAP candidates. All my family and friends will be coming out in full force to vote for you in PJ Utara and for Dr. Cheah in Damansara Utama. We are ready for a change and change for a better Malaysia.
    All this BN character bashing and scare tactics will not work on the Rakyat anymore. This can only come from a Govt that is bankrupt of ideas and policies on how to make Malaysia a better place for all Malaysians.
    Finally to Chew Mei Fun, I say Bye Bye. These will be her famous last words as an MP: " I thought the NEP already abolished?"

  22. Anonymous2:22 pm

    I think I will be there tonight.

  23. Anonymous2:41 pm

    i'm so sad that im not a voter in PJU~ however, i will still go support!
    i've been to a lot of tony's talk~!
    we MUST send tony into the parliament... think for our future... please.....

  24. Anonymous3:26 pm

    I hope you will wrestle the PJ Utara seat from err.. Mee Hoon Kueh???? Sorry forgot her name! I will definitely be there tonight and I will vote for your fellow DAP compatriot, Teresa Kok tomorrow.

  25. Anonymous3:55 pm

    We all are good citizen in this country but how to tahan petrol increases every now & then. We can't vote for development as every development like road-we still pay Toll and toll increases just like petrol. We had no choice but to VOTE to safeguard our hard-earn salary.We had NO CHOICE in this election. So all the best to whoever that can reduce the Oil Prices....

  26. Hi Tony,
    Best wishes to all BR candidates. All our prayers for you to succeed in this election.

    My family and inlaws are all voting for Malaysia - which is a vote for the Barisan Rakyat.

    May you carry our fight and our hope for a better nation.

  27. Anonymous4:43 pm

    Really feel the wind of CHANGE, so far none of people I know will vote for BN….Yes.
    Lucky enough I’m a registered Voter in PJU, Tony & Dr Cheah you guys got one guaranteed vote from me.

  28. Penang Han Chiang 06 March 2008 Jeff Ooi(1/2)

    Penang Han Chiang 06 March 2008 Jeff Ooi(2/2)

  29. Anonymous6:35 pm

    I'm a voter in Bandar Tun Razak and voting for opposition tomorrow. I'll be there tonight to join the rest of the brothers and sisters to cheer "Tony! Tony! Tony!" We may be of different colour but we're all called Malaysians! Tak Nak BN!

  30. Anonymous8:08 pm

    Hi Guys,

    I just got news from sources that the Housing ministry is planning to introduce a program for some Solid waste management stuff. and we the house owner have to pay about RM50 - RM 100 yearly on top of our quit rent. It was supposed to be announced at the beginning of this year, but Badawi and Ong Kah Ting asked to postphone it until after election. from the documents i saw the benefectors are mostly gov linked companies. they have postphoned it till april.
    can someone from the press ask badawi or ong kah ting tonight? and record their denial. we will use that video against them when they launch the program most probably in April.

    another reason to vote against BN. why do i have to pay quit rent and this new solid waste management fee??????/ to fill who's pocket???

  31. Anonymous9:31 pm

    if BN is sincere, why use threatening. I do not understand why mca work with them if they see them as enemy/evil till they need to guard for us. Why cant they point up their fault for us? Do we just need to close one eye as long as our part not eroded(well u know that's not true).

    I do not want to live with no dignity.

  32. Anonymous8:29 am

    shame on PM to use the threatening trick! Overhelmingly dissapointed for how he & his government fails in their responsibilities, so badly..
    I wont vote for a incapable government & leadership!!!
    Yea, let's vote for a better Malaysia!!

  33. Anonymous8:34 am

    Just wondering why no DAP ceramah held in pj seksyen17??

  34. Anonymous4:19 pm

    Good Luck Tony! We want a Change and drop the Old Skool,Stuck up and Dictative Ones. All Da way mate!

  35. Anonymous5:02 pm

    tony ! wish u all the best

  36. Anonymous12:00 am

    Tony !! CONGRATULATION on your success !! We are proud of you !!

  37. Anonymous2:03 am

    Tony, Congrat!!!! What a 19,000+++ majority!

  38. Oh yeah...


  39. Finally ! All hardworks pay off !

    Cheers for the people from PJ !

    Folks from Damansara Indah !
