
Thursday, February 14, 2008

DAP PJ Chinese New Year Open House

You are cordially invited to the DAP Petaling Jaya Chinese New Year Open House!

The details are as follows:
Date: 17 February 2008 (Sun)
Time: 10.00 am
Venue: Damansara Utama Community Centre, Jalan SS21/9, Damansara Utama, Petaling Jaya
Halal food will be served. Bring along your family and friends! We certainly hope to see you there! For a map, click here. ;-)

Gong Hee! Gong Hee!


  1. Anonymous10:47 pm

    January, Tony??

  2. the month is wrong..good thing it's not a nomination paper

  3. Anonymous11:36 pm

    I will definitely go. See you there and thanks for inviting.

  4. This is confusing. DAP website says this: 17.2.08 DAP National Chinese New Year Open House, 10am-1pm (cancelled). youre website says there's an open hse. Which is which?

  5. Anonymous9:08 am

    there is a typo. Should read "17 February 2008" instead of 17 Jan.

  6. Anonymous9:10 am


    Wrong DATE - 17 January???

  7. yes, yes, losing my voice, losing sleep and hopefully not losing my mind too ;-)

    Updated, it's February 17th ;-)


  8. Because of elections, the "National" open house has been scaled down to a PJ open house as all leaders will be busy with their own programmes... ;-)

    Hence PJ taking over the reins as the facilities has been booked.


  9. Anonymous10:00 am


    Lawan this Chew Mei Fun & MCA all the way. My family are all voting for DAP. Will be goig to DAP office in PJ to make a donation to your election fund.

  10. Anonymous3:03 pm

    are you going to give me angpau ???

  11. I think you will be a better representative at Parliament level since your blog is well researched and you have education issue at heart.It will be interesting to see you cross sword with BN Ministers.

    Your opponent only seems to be interested in local council matters like taking pictures of pointing at the longkang. Her performance fared badly at parliamentary level on one instance where she was grilled badly by Fong Po Kuan when she offered to mediate outside.

    Hopefully when you are elected, you don't use such cheap way to gain publicity to mislead the public.

  12. Anonymous7:11 pm

    Tony, I support you 100%. You have my vote.

  13. Anonymous9:21 pm

    i think i wanna go tooo:)
    but can i have a ang pao for my lovely daughter ai wei 1st
    from sowlee

  14. Anonymous9:02 am

    we 100% support TP's efforts so what say you guys ...

    we just thank TP for his best wishes and don't talk abt angpows ... very sensitive word for narrow-minded pple


  15. Anonymous10:39 am

    Dear all,
    During this critical period, please don't ask for angpao from DAP. DAP badly needs you angpao instead to campaign againt the evil UMNO.

    Please do you part, it's time to walk the talk. Let us deny BN the 2/3 majority! We can do it if we unite together! Tony Pua is our hope!

  16. Anonymous6:48 pm

    Hi Tony,

    Go go all the way.. just achieve it..

    Bring down mihun goreng.. and your voice will be heard

  17. Anonymous11:04 am


  18. Anonymous5:16 pm

    Too bad I am unable to change my address in time to vote in PJ Utara. I will definitely try to convince my wife and her family to vote for you. Go for the fence-sitters - you are still not very VISIBLE in the area yet. Your MCA opponent is visible (frequently seen on the ground), in particular with the aunties. Hit on the HIGH crime rate (people in PJ are living in fear) and cost of living. BE SEEN (let the voters know who you are), rocket symbol is not enough.

  19. Anonymous7:56 pm

    Yesterday me & my friends embarassed char bee hun & Hu Jian Biao at SS2 pasar by shaking hand with them but saying that our vote will go for you.

  20. Hi Tony,

    Hope you can finally take away another lame voice from the parliament. we need ppl with backbone and with a rational mind!

  21. Anonymous9:16 pm

    I totally agreed to TP that opposition can perform better than BN MP in Parliment.

    Sad to hera that FongPoKuan is not contesting.

  22. Anonymous11:58 pm

    Since I get to know you through your blog, I tell myself I will meet you in person one day. I made it this morning.

    All the while, I believe all of us should vote candidates of good character and integrity into Parliament / State Assembly. That is to say, base on this criteria, our choice can be from either ruling or opposition parties.

    But, the problem is that BN candidates who met this criteria are restricted in many ways in voicing out problems in Parliament / State Assembly due to reasons known best to themselves. As a result, we can see no quality debates from BN representatives which have caused many flaws in laws passed and government policies.

    That is why I believe people will vote for you even though your opponent is of good character and integrity.

    Best of luck, Tony.

  23. Anonymous12:00 am

    I support you 100%. You have my vote.

  24. Anonymous10:50 am


    I met Chew Mei Fun yesterday at Damansara Uptown. She was having lunch with 3 other MCA chaps. They went round the restaurant shaking hands with the patrons and when they came to us, me and my friends (4 of us) shoke their hands but we told her straight to her face that we have nothing against her. We are against UMNO-BN and thus will not be voting for her. We also told her that our families and relatives are also doing likewise.

    So, Tony go for it.
    Fight these UMNO-BN crooks.

  25. Anonymous12:05 pm

    wor, met you at the open house (instead open house, it has become political speech), your speech just like ronnie liu made back 3.5 yrs ago. btw, where is ronnie, can't see him in ss23 gathering (on sat nite where there got cmf and michael chong) and yesterday open house. and what makes you think you can beat cmf when she can beat ronnie with 10k votes!

  26. Anonymous1:28 pm

    cmf could beat ronnie liu in 2004 because the voters were cheated by a new PM who looks like a good man, sounds like a good man, but is not a good man.

    Tony is much more sincere, good-looking, richer, smater plus his other excellent credentials, I can't see any reason why Tony can't replace cmf unless the EC uses phantom votes.

  27. denzook, u a cyber trooper from bn?

  28. Anonymous5:47 pm

    von tek, no-lah, me play devil's advocate only.

    but what I don't understand is why ronnie is giving way to tony, since ronnie is much proactive, vocal, informative and experienced. even if tony is smart, rich, but he's still a newcomer, moreover under DAP banner and i don't see any possibility how tony could beat CMF given in year 2004 ronnie lose not hundreds or thousands, but 10,000+ majority with 70% chinese, it's a huge majority i would say. you never see at kampung cempaka how staunch are them to MCA.

  29. Anonymous10:01 pm


    Let me explain, using commom sense, why Tony Pua can easily beat cmf. I'm a face reading expert.

    First, as already explained, the 10,000+ majority in 2004 was largely due to the new PM effect. Since the majority of voters now know that they were cheated in 2004, they won't be silly again to be cheated twice by this hypocrite sleepyhead.

    Second, which I think is more important, is how the candidate looks!! Ronnie does not look as refreashing as our handsome and always-smiling Tony! I know how Chinese vote! The look of the candidate is very important!!

    If you still don't get the point, this is an example: do you know why the brother of Ong Ka Teng lost terribly to Po Kuan in 2004?? It's because of his cunning look :) get the point now? :)

    so the conclusion is, vote for Tony, you will never regret to have him serve your constitution and to kick UMNO's ass in parliment!

  30. Anonymous12:23 am


    I believe there is nothing personal between Tony and Mei Fun. Both are good persons. This can be clearly seen from the kind gesture of Tony when he visits Mei Fun in hospital.

    Fortunately or unfortunately, both are from different political parties. The thing is that Tony has made his point clear that he can make our voice heard in parliament, while Mei Fun couldn't, as BN MPs have no 'free will' in voicing out issues even though in their hearts, they may think otherwise.

    So, in this sense, Tony is worth our votes to give him a chance to prove himself.

    As for Ronnie Liu, I personally think he is equally good, just that he was defeated in PJ areas for the last few elections. Because of this, DAP will not be so silly to put him in this area again, right? Anyway, I wish Ronnie the best of luck this time if he fielded some where else.

  31. Anonymous10:32 am

    At this point in time, I think we need an MP who will not have his/her hand tied behind their backs.

    Not even one hand.

    I believe there's only so much an MCA MP can do without having to kowtow to various groups of people/organisations.

    SRJKC Damansara was erected in 2 1/2 months despite much protest. It's also very poorly planned - it's placed right in the middle of a traffic junction (outside Riana Green).

    The road leading into the school only has one lane in and one lane out, which doesn't accomodate the amount of residents living in that vicinity.

    Was there even an assesment on traffic impact? I'd like to see the report and I'd like to see who signed it too.

    Btw, road widening works leading to Sony/BU began several weeks ago. (Why only now during election period?)

    I don't want my MP to even have one hand tied behind his/her back, and that is why I'll be voting for TP instead of CMF.
