
Monday, February 25, 2008

DAP Ceramah Monday 25th Feb SS2

Donate to DAP for PJ here.

The PJ Utara team has been greatly encouraged by the show of support shown so far.
Last night, we had 2 ceramahs, and the attendance was fantastic!
Tonight, our ceramah will be held at SS2, in front of MJ Cafe
The location is near the SS2 market. There are two entrances to the market, one from McD, and the other is from MJ Cafe, behind Hong Leong bank.

for tonight's ceramah, we have an excellent lineup.
The speakers are
Lim Kit Siang
Haris Ibrahim
Tony Pua candidate for Parliament Petaling Jaya Utara
Dr Cheah Wing Yin candidate for State Damansara Utama
Lau Weng San candidate for Kampung Tunku
Thank You

Starts at 8:00pm
Parking can be a bit of a problem on Monday nights as there is a pasar malam there.
Come early to find a place to park OR park at the open-air carpark. I think it's RM4, a bit price, but helps saves on your stress level.
It would be good if you could carpool cos it saves the environment and takes up less parking space.


  1. Anonymous12:33 pm

    I left my details for volunteering at but nobody called me back. I tried to find out what n where the upcoming DAP ceramahs are, the same site says no events coming up! When I called up, I was told to go to Tony Pua's, Teresa's blog! What abt the others? There is a proper DAP election site but I believe it is not manned and updated. This site is so important during this critical period. Pls pay some attention to it!

  2. Anonymous1:21 pm

    Tony, need your help to get someone to have urgently the Just Change video format to wmv and avi format for English, chinese and Malay version in DAP website asap so supporters can download. Do play this campaighn video and songs at all ceramah.

  3. Anonymous1:24 pm

    hi tony, is the ceramah uploaded on dapmalaysia or youtube. i'm not in malaysia, so unable to follow the ceramah, but definitely will comeback to cast the vote.....

  4. Anonymous1:27 pm

    wow, uncle Kit really hardworking. Last night just attended DAP Kinta Valley ceramah until almost 11pm. Saw him speaking with full of energy. Response was encouraging.

    Wish u the best of luck for this coming GE, Tony.

  5. Anonymous1:50 pm

    Guys, phantom voters are still at large. Check out all these IC numbers from SPR website.


    Another thing in common is that all these phantom voters are “voting” in BN grey areas like PJ Utara, Bukit Bintang and Ipoh Timor. What is the EC doing?

  6. Anonymous2:37 pm

    Hi Tony,

    Election is stressful, isn't it?
    Take a break and enjoy the following video :)

  7. Anonymous2:50 pm

    Hi Tony...

    I would like to attend the ceramah tonight but the time didn’t allow me to do so..

    If possible, please record the ceramah and post it to youtube, therefore, we (for those who like to attend but can’t) can have the updates and create the awareness for the rest of the public…

    thanks…jiayou! :)

  8. Anonymous4:07 pm


    1. Barisan lost 2/3 majority once, in 1969. Only briefly.

    2. Since 1957, it has amended the constitution 690 times to propagate
    its power. By comparison, USA which is more 200 years old has only
    amended its constitution 27 times; Singapore as little as only 4

    3. Barisan's ability to amend the constitution as it likes (and make
    unjust and unfair constitutional changes) must be stopped now.

  9. Anonymous8:19 pm

    Hey Tony! too bad I am not in Malaysia now, but I really hope that you can make a big wave there!

  10. Anonymous9:44 pm

    Hi Tony,

    Since the party is faced with lack of resources here is a suggestion.

    Tape the ceramahs and after each ceramahs, post it on your blog or DAP’s website in MP4/DIVX formats (files are smaller in size compared to mpeg 1, 2 or avi). Also include any campaign materials in pdf format. The rest of us would be able to download them in an instance and disseminate them quickly far and wide.

    All the best to you and your team!

  11. Anonymous9:51 pm

    If we don’t deny BN 2/3 majority in the next parliament, we will lose a lot, a lot in the next 5 years!

    Many of the obviously cheating and unscrupulous BN politicians are still kept as BN candidates for the coming GE on 8 March 2008. They are all ready to suck more of our money after they get elected on 8.3.08.

    Furthermore, after the departure of one generation of cash-rich bloating BN politicians, we now have a new generation of insatiable relatives (son, daughter, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, etc.) all ready to join in the money-sucking game (a game they believe to be their rights from womb to tomb).

    Just look at the various economic corridors in place now. North, south, east, and west - these are corridors that will channel billions of RM from all directions into the pockets of Umnoputras and their bumiputra and non-bumiputra cronies.

    Time for all Malaysians to unite to vote FOR DAP/PKR/PAS candidates and vote OUT BN candidates!

  12. Anonymous10:04 pm

    Hi Tony,
    I hope you 不会有太大的压力,只是以平常心面对挑战. We know you are working very hard for this election. You still have a chance to win I believe.

    I really really want to vote for you but I'm from the Klang constitution. But I'll definitely vote for your DAP colleague in Klang.

    I wish you all the best!

  13. Anonymous10:06 pm

    Hi Tony,

    The battle has just started. You really stand a chance to win. Remember this: “要成为政治人物,就必须勤奋工作,到各城各乡拜会!”

  14. Anonymous10:33 pm


  15. Anonymous10:39 pm

    Election is coming. The current government are giving out sweets. Roads are being paved, the ugly low cost flat behind my mansion is being painted (after 10 years), the office of the Lembah Pantai MP was also cleaned and painted. She runs a community centre above her office. Its a 4 stories building. She only painted her ground floor and the 1st floor where her community centre is. The floors above were left as it is. Biasalah, all nice nice in front but deep inside all sai.

    I will be using my previlage and rights as a citizen of this country to choose/vote this coming March 8. I am definitely voting for a change. BN has lost my vote this time round. I rather take the risk and see what the opposition can do rather than sticking with the current circus. But nonetheless, this is going to be one exciting election. The rakyat will be voicing our dissatisfaction through voting. Wei, when we keep quiet doesn’t mean we agree with or we like you. We shall see.

  16. Anonymous10:45 pm


  17. There are a lot of situations in the country where people feel are injustices, unfairness, abuse of power and blatant corruptions. People obviously feel very angry about it when such issues arosed, but do you actually have to rights to complain about it and get angry??

    If you have voted for the ruling government (BN), PLEASE DONT complain! You voted them into power, they are your choices. Why should you be complaining?

    If you didnt bother to register as voter to vote against injustices, PLEASE DONT complain! 4 years time for you to get registered, you didnt bother to do so? Too late to do so? 4 years time? Too late?

    Dont complain in current and future issues in the country if the people you have elected into offices did bad things. They are ultimately your choices, you choosed them. You voted them into power, you gave them the power for them to abuse, to corrupt and to rob from the country. Dont complain! You knew they were incompetent but still you voted them into power to run the country, you have LOST THE RIGHTS to complain. You knew they were corrupted and dirty but you didnt bother to register to vote them out? DONT complain!

    Make your vote count for the future of the country! Be a responsible citizen. Vote it right, Now! The power is back in your hands!

  18. Anonymous9:29 am

    Great speech last night, Tony. Cant believe we stood all 3 hours. But it was worth it.

    Chew Mei Fun & co was also havings theirs some 100 metres away. Popped by and saw less than 50 or so people there.

    Keep working and spreading the message to all PJU folks.

    I am all for you in Parliament.

    And by the way, Harris Ibrahim was right. It is time we be Malaysians instead of chinese, malays, indians etc.

    Barisan Rakyat is the way forward.

  19. Anonymous9:47 am

    政府说:马来西亚没有种族区分.. 马华代表华人 巫统代表马来人 国大党代表印度人.. 那么哪个党可以代表马来西亚人? 只有反对党可以代表马来西亚人

  20. Anonymous10:00 am


  21. Anonymous10:01 am

    上届大选让国阵赢了超过90%,因该我国治安,经济。。种种都会更好,人民也会活得越来越好。但。。大家想一想这4年来,马来西亚人民得到的是什么???是油价上涨、物价飞腾、治安败坏、犯罪案越来越多,天天打劫。BN 说 ‘ 再转变 ’根本是骗人的{再转变,人民又被骗,要转变,记得把国州两票都投火箭)。如果这次又让国阵赢。。接下来的曰子,人民会苦苦苦!!真的不感想。。。

  22. Anonymous10:28 am


    如果以“空洞”二字来形容国阵今日隆重推介的《马来西亚进展报告和2008年竞选宣言》 ,一点也不为过。







  23. Anonymous10:38 am

    I know it is busy time and everyone is really having an impossible, hectic schedule!

    However, can DAP provide supporters like me who blog html codes for logos of DAP such as the official logo, the Rocket Kid, the DAP 'X', etc so that we can spread our support on our blogs?

    Really proud of DAP for bringing in intellectuals who can really bring Malaysia fwd!!!

  24. Anymore ceramah? Please let us know!!!

  25. Anonymous11:50 am


    DAP此战巴生国会必败 !

  26. Dear Tony,

    I read your articles with interest. And I sincerely hope that DAP would win PJU parliamentary seat.

    As you have mentioned carpooling as a more environmental friendly way to go to the ceramah, may I suggest that DAP in PJ can print flyers to introduce DAP representatives and distribute them out to each household instead of doing up the posters and buntings (which in my honest opinion is just creating rubbish, rafia strings, plastic sheets etc etc.)?

    If you are not aware of, there are still a lot of uncles and aunties in PJU area have no idea who the DAP guy is (they don't even know your name). A flyer with introduction on your background will certainly help them know you better, and be impressed.

    Hope this helps.

  27. Any ceramah in Damansara Utama? This area is pro BN so you need to work harder here to swing the votes.

    I believe Tony has a good chance to win

  28. Anonymous6:02 pm

    I was there on Monday night.

    In general DAP should tone down a bit on the rhetoric, and should address issues by outlining solutions. Rhetoric may be crowd pleasers, but some are still wondering what other concrete actions DAP will take, apart from promising to be citizen's eyes and ears. Or DAP will be only just for the sake of opposing.

    Please take it to the next level, outline your manifesto, solutions.

  29. Anonymous8:43 pm

    Hi Tony,

    I was so excited to see you giving speech on your ceramah on 8tv this evening! Honestly I think you have a good chance to win :)

  30. Anonymous9:01 pm

    hi, i was wondering y there isn't any update on your english blog regarding your campaigning when there are updates on your chinese blog? and why isn't there a schedule for your ceramahs so that people(me included) can plan ahead?

    hoping to hear one of your speeches soon.

  31. Anonymous10:15 pm

    Hi Tony!

    I saw you in action for the first time at the SS2 ceramah. You sure delivered a power packed speech. I was surprised actually. As for all your facts, I totally understand the message you are putting across. I see great potential in you becoming a great leader and parliamentarian. DAP has made a good move by taking you in and you have also made a wise choice by joining DAP to fight for our rights under the Constitution. Keep up the hard work!

    By the way, I heard Chew Mei Fun's ceramah got stopped by the cops. She used a lorry for her ceramah which apparently is against EC regulations. Maybe the cops couldnt recognise her face from the BN posters. I guess this is the recognition she gets for being the "minister of longkang and potholes". WE NEED A REAL PARLIAMENTARIAN WHO CAN SPEAK OUT FOR PJU AND THATS TONY PUA!

  32. I have heard that you wrere giving a good talk in newspapers. I trust you can win it.
    I have put a poll in my blog.
    welcome to visit

  33. Anonymous4:22 am

    Absolutely enlightening. When is the next ceremah. Will definitely gather a group of frustrated fence-sitters to attend the next meeting.
    Best wishes to you.

  34. Anonymous2:49 pm

    Tony, good luck and really hope you WIN! Just qurious if you have ladies in your campaign team? You may need more "woman-power" in the PJU Team to attract the women voters and to fight against Chew who has strong support over the women.

  35. Anonymous9:10 pm


    I'm a malaysian living in Australia. I saw your campaign in youtube. It was brilliant and i wish u the best of luck in the coming election. The charismatic speech you made will make u the victor in PJ Utara for sure. I have faith in you that you will succeed and serve the people well for the principle of justice. I appreciate your fight for equality. One that fights for freedom is one that has achieved a clear conscience. You made my day. Thank you.

