
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Ceramah List for Thursday

Donate to DAP for PJ here.

Update: Please check this page for updates later today as there may be last minute changes. We are still in the midst of finalising the police permit.
Update : We apologise, the ceramahs tonight has been cancelled. However, Tony Pua, Dr Cheah and Lau Weng San will do their walkabouts at the Chow Yang pasar malam

Our ceramah venues tomorrow , 28.2.08 (Thu) CANCELLED
Field opposite OK Restoran, the other end of Kayu Nasi Kandar. Near pasar malam.
between SS2/8 and SS2/21

Tony Pua
Dr Cheah
Lau Weng San
Others to be confirmed


  1. Anonymous10:26 pm


  2. Anonymous11:31 pm

    Hi, husband and i are voters in your constituency.A check on the spr site says our pusat mengundi is dewan serbaguna mppj ss21/12.Would appreciate if you or someone can indicate to all the readers like me where this place is.This way we all know where to go on election days.Thanks good have our votes.

  3. Anonymous2:10 am

    This is what I found when I typed "stupid DAP" in google:

    Sometime we just need to place ourselves in other's shoes to look from their view ;)

    I think he got some points at the end of the blog, just a suggestion, no offense ;)

  4. Anonymous8:59 am



  5. Anonymous9:20 am

    Never in my whole life in Subang Jaya did I see such a large crowd at the DAP ceramah in SS 18 area playground!
    Thousands of people, hundreds of cars lining the road
    I think this country is now ready for that change!
    Blinkers are now removed!

  6. Anonymous9:21 am

    I listen to your Ceramah in YOUTUBE, you have VOICE OUT the main point of what Malaysian are facing. Current Leader NOT CAPABLE TO LEAD THE COUNTRY INTO NEXT LEVEL.We are still arguing & fighthing internally whereas neigbouring country are moving so fast in terms of GDP Growth.
    Last 2 days I read a news paper posting PM stick a campain to support BN on Taxi..the sticker be placed at the center of the Screen .My son asking is our PM sleeping? I told my son, THIS TIME, IS A TIME TO ALL MALAYSIAN TO WAKE UP OUR PM..IF OUR COUNTRY STILL LEAD BY PEOPLE DO NOT HAVE A DIRECTION, WE ARE SINKING....

  7. Anonymous10:38 am


    Turn on the turbo and take PJU!!!

  8. Anonymous11:01 am

    Dear Tony,

    Send this message strongly into the mind of PJU folks, especially the aunties and uncles: "国会议员是要辩论国事,哪有跑水沟看垃圾,帮忙争取执照等蒜皮小事。"!!

  9. Anonymous11:04 am

    Tony phua and excellences candidate to be the MP for PJU.If u left out of the MP list then it will be a lost for whole malaysian.A success and rich people who forgo his career and relaxing time just for all Malaysian to create a better Malaysia.

  10. Dear Anonymous 1131,

    Here is a map to your voting centre at Dewan Serbaguna MPPJ SS21/12, Damansara Utama.

    Please look for the PLUS (+) sign in the middle of the page which indicates the location.

    The Dewan is in the middle of the Damansara Utama SS21 housing area, with a padang next to it.

  11. Anonymous1:52 pm

    Tony, you have my moral support though I cannot vote for you.


  12. For those want to support TONY



    your vote is not enof..BN is not that weak..they got $$

    SO PLEASE ASK AND CONVINCE ANYONE you know who stay in PJ Utara to vote for Tony...PLEASE!!

  13. Tony is the asset of Malaysia, let's vote for the Opposition.. Let BN hear our Voice.

  14. Anonymous8:54 pm

    i am most disappointed that your talk tonight have been cancelled. i saw quite a number of people loitering around looking for the talk.

    anyway i sort of guess there was a permit issue, BUT DON'T WORRY, we know what to do.

    i've seen the monday night talk on the net - awesome.

    keep it up!

  15. Anonymous9:19 pm

    Tony, I salute you for your courage of convictions and we the people are behind you all the way! Don't worry, we are all in this together and together we will see it through no matter how tough the journey is. Thank you for trying.

  16. Anonymous10:20 pm

    Opposition DAP fields young Oxford-trained businessman

    By Channel NewsAsia's Malaysia Correspondent Melissa Goh | Posted: 28 February 2008 2020 hrs

    Opposition DAP fields young Oxford-trained businessman

    KUALA LUMPUR : The 12th Malaysia general election is seeing more young professionals being fielded as candidates.

    One of them is Oxford-trained Tony Pua from the opposition Democratic Action Party.

    36-year-old Mr Pua is being touted by the Opposition as the "boy wonder" and is contesting the seat in Petaling Jaya Utara.

    He founded his own IT company, Cyber Village, in Singapore and made his millions after he listed his company on Sesdaq.

    But he quit business last year and returned to Malaysia to join politics full-time.

    Mr Pua said: "I have made Malaysia my home. I think when you make this place your home, you have to do your best to make sure this country is worth living in. Politics can help to make and shape a better country."

    He added that he hopes to capitalise on the growing anti-government sentiment among the Chinese community which makes up over 76 percent of the registered voters in Petaling Jaya Utara.

    Most of them are middle class Chinese and so political analysts believe Mr Pua can represent their hopes and dreams.

    He said: "I hope to make a stand for the people of Malaysia. It's possible for professionals to go into opposition politics and yet do well."

    Mr Pua is facing 43-year-old Chew Mei Fun, who's widely seen as one of the more capable candidates from the Malaysia Chinese Association, a key partner in the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition.

    And despite having served as Member of Parliament for two consecutive terms, she's not taking her opponent lightly.

    Ms Chew said: "This round is tougher compared to the last term."

    She recently survived a car accident that broke her collar bone and injured her left eye.

    And now she has another challenge in the form of an impressive but untested Tony Pua.

    But Mr Pua said he's here to stay even if he fails to unseat Ms Chew in this general election.

    Analysts foresee a close fight between the two, and whoever that wins will be by a slim majority. -


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  17. Anonymous11:05 pm

    Tony my friends and I purposely went all the way from subang to ss2 for your talk tonight but was told that it was canceled when we arrived. Fortunately we got to bump into you at the night market. We were happy enough to see you and your team!
    You are such a gentleman with friendly and humble smile. The people will definitely need you to be there.

    Although we are not voting in your constituency but you and your team have all our moral support. We will pass your message on to everyone we know!
    Take down PJU! You deserve to win!

  18. Tony,it's nice meeting you at SS2 Pasar Malam.Do bother about issuing receipt for the $1000 cheque which I handed it to you personally.I'll contribute more later and hope to convince friends to donate.Lastly,just let you know that me and my wife and my mother-in-law will be voting for you.All my family members will definitely vote for DAP.Bye now and see you great guys at the Ceramah tomorrow evening near KDU.

  19. Anonymous2:07 am

    Dear Tony.

    I was at SS2 on Monday when you were speaking, as well as Sdr Lim Kit Siang.

    A great ceramah and I wish you will get elected in Parliament.

    I am a resident of PJ Utara, in SS2, but I am a voter at my hometown, Teluk Intan.

    Although I could not vote for you, I will be voting the DAP candidates for TELOK INTAN parliament (M. Manogaran) and PASIR BEDAMAR state (Seah Leong Peng) seats at my hometown.

    My wish is to see more DAP MPs and state assemblymen as well as those from PKR and PAS, together we deny the BN a 2/3 majority in 2008, and perhaps, in 2012, a victory where DAP, PKR and PAS can form a coalition government with BN as the Opposition.

  20. Anonymous10:26 am

    keep fighting, tony!

  21. Anonymous10:46 am

    Go Tony Pua.

    Hello UMNO cybertroopers reading this.. read this and shake. Oh wait, I think you're probably from one of the local lowly-ranked universities and can't understand English.

  22. Anonymous12:36 pm

    I purposely went all the way from Pandan Indah to ss2 for your talk on Thursday night but it was told that it was cancelled.
    Although i could not vote for you, i will be voting the DAP candidates at my hometown.
    Go!! Go!! Tony......
    Change! We can believe in!!!

  23. Anonymous5:49 pm

    Hi Tony, I went to hear you speak at the ceramah and frankly am impressed by your dedication and sincerity towards our community to have returned from a lucrative life in singapore. I wish u all the best but I only wish that u had been fielded in another constituency which has a sleeping MP. Chew Mei Fun is one of the better BN MPs in a parliament full of mediocre MPs waiting for their next paycheck. In case u dont win, I hope u wont be disheartened but instead take it as a challenge for ur introduction into Malaysian politics. Go Rocket !!!

  24. Anonymous9:35 am

    Dear all,

    Even the stupid p0liCe come to Melaka DAP's PEOPLE'S HALL to disturb on 1/3/08 !!

    It is not surprise that they don't provide permit for SS2 talks !

    Where is justice ah my dear friends ???

    BN think they can use police to stop us ?? NO ! WE WILL GROW STRONGER !

    Dear MELAKA fren, make sure tonight we MUST go to Pay Fong HALL !!!! show them !! show them our unity !! our believe for DAP !!!

    for the news, pls log on to

  25. Anonymous1:16 pm

    For All Melaka People who work in KL, Please do not forget to come back to Melaka and VOTE DAP, NEED HELP HERE!!

    If not, we might fully control by BN and a lot of people will suffer!!!

    COME BACK TO VOTE! Ask your family to VOTE DAP..PAS.. KEADILAN... SAY NO TO BN!!!

  26. Anonymous7:21 pm

    You are true gentleman and have the intellect to fight for rights of the people. You deserve to win. I hope others in PJU will vote for you too!
