
Friday, December 21, 2007

Hindraf ISA 5 Forum

ISA Arrests of HINDRAF 5 – Operation Lalang II in the Making?

The invocation of the Internal Security Act (ISA) to arrest five Hindraf leaders is most deplorable and marks another violation of the pledge by the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to promote democracy, uphold human rights and defend the rule of law.

The five detained under the ISA are P. Uthayakumar, M Manoharan, R Kenghadharan, V Ganabatirau and T Vasanthakumar.

The return of the ISA is another regression of Malaysia to the dark era of human rights violations which can only tarnish the country’s international reputation and image.

Is Operation Lalang 2 in the works with the warning by the Deputy Internal Security Minister, Datuk Mohd Johari Baharum that “a list of names had been submitted by the police and it was only a matter of time before several others were detained under the ISA”.

The DAP is organising a forum on the above issue with the following details:
Date: 21st December 2007 (Friday)
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: KL Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall
The distinguished panel of speakers will include:
  • YB Lim Kit Siang, Parliamentary Opposition Leader
  • YB M Kulasegaran, MP for Ipoh Barat
  • YB Fong Kui Lun, MP for Bukit Bintang
  • Sdr Lim Guan Eng, DAP Secretary-General
  • Sdr A Sivanesan, DAP Central Executive Committee Member
  • Other speakers to be confirmed

See you there! If you'd like to contribute to Gana's fund, you can also pass me the cash or the cheque to "DAP Damansara Branch" this evening.


  1. Anonymous5:20 pm


    While I fully understand that this is a DAP initiative can we not have speakers from other political stand, NGOs and ehmm... enlightened Bumis in the panel to make the forum even more credible. Otherwise we will only be listening to what we want to hear.

  2. Great to have meet ya there, great event and great speakers ;-)


  3. Attended my first DAP forum. One can be forgiven to think that it was an event organized by the MIC. More than 95% of the packed hall were Indians. I believe this is going to be a normal phenomenon in the days to come.

    I must say I was a bit disappointed because except for the guest speaker Haris Ibrahim, all the other speakers hardly touched on the ISA issue. (I left before Lim Guan Eng speak) The rest took the opportunity to take a swipe at the Government especially Samy Vellu. Well, I guess it's understandable looking at the composition of the crowd. I just hope that everyone there last night will take up Haris' challenge to make ISA an election issue and to convince 10 people why ISA should go.

  4. Anonymous6:31 pm

    TP, You better watch out! The BN is after you and trying to discredit you. Just read today's NST.
    My advice, dont be threathened. The performance of the Government economics are worst!

  5. Anonymous10:37 pm

    Dear Tony,

    I saw another news in Nanyang today. A blogger is trying to tarnish your image. Don't worry, we have 100% confidence in you. We know that they are jealous of your capability and growing popularity.

    BN will never gain my family votes anymore in the future. I really can't wait to vote Pak Lak out! All my friends who voted BN in the last GE have vowed to vote opposition, I'm not kidding you!

    p/s: To the bunch of 'idiots' who are trying to discredit Tony Pua, shame on you!! I hope you can sleep well at night. It's just a matter of time, your bad karma will punish you or your family eventually, be it physically or mentally. God bless you.

  6. Anonymous11:13 am

    "rule of law" - isnt having a procession without a permit as required by the law is not in accordance with the requirement of the law?
