
Sunday, August 12, 2007

Merdeka Dialogue: Whither Bangsa Malaysia?

50 years ago, we were promised democracy. We were promised justice. We were promised equality. We were promised to be treated with human dignity. We were promised freedom.

In 1963, we became Malaysians and the notion of a Bangsa Malaysia was born. This was given form and substance by former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad in his Vision 2020 that set out 9 challenges for Malaysians to achieve a developed country.

No mention is made of Bangsa Malaysia by the Abdullah administraton. Is the concept of Bangsa Malaysia still important or relevant in the light of failed promises in our original social contract?

The DAP is holding a Dialogue in conjuction with the 50th Merdeka Anniversary celebrations this coming weekend.
Date: 19 August 2007 (Sunday)
Time: 2.00pm
Venue: Crystal Crown Hotel, Petaling Jaya
The panel of distinguished speakers include:
  • Y Bhg Tunku Abdul Aziz, former President, Transparency International Malaysia
  • Datuk Param Cumuraswamy, former Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers, United Nations
  • Mr Yeo Yang Poh, former Malaysian Bar Council Chairman
  • YB Lim Kit Siang, Parliamentary Opposition Leader
Following the session, a dialogue will be conducted with the participants hosted by another distinguished panel (subject to change):
  • M Manogaran, President, Malaysian Tamil Education & Research Foundation
  • Haris Ibrahim, Human Rights Lawyer
  • Jeff Ooi, Prominent Malaysian Blogger
  • Dr Oh Ei-Sun, East Malaysian Socio-Political Analyst
To ensure sufficient seats allocation, please register in advance with Lim Swee Kuan (03) 79578022 or via email at limsweekuan(at)

At the same time, the Party will take note of the views and opinions of the participants in formulating our vision for Malaysia, more pertinently, in preparation for the upcoming general elections. ;)


  1. Anonymous8:08 pm

    it should be "whither", surely?

  2. yup, surely. error noted and corrected ;)

  3. Anonymous3:13 pm

    Saya sokong sepenuh-penuhnya apa yang dikatakan oleh Raja Nazrin tentang apa yang PM Abdullah buat sekarang?? Melancong dengan isteri barunya dengan tidak memandang serious masalah rakyat tapi mahu pula membangkitkan video clip yang menunjukkan realiti apa yang berlaku di bumi Malaysia kini.Saya berharap Raja Nazrin diberi kuasa untuk mengganti PM yang ada sekarang atas sebab negara kita telah kehilangan hala tuju sebenar.

  4. Anonymous3:20 pm

    UMNO dan MCA memang sekongkong..apa yang MCA buat untuk bangsa Cinanya?? tak ada~~ hanyalah ikut apa yang UMNO kata...oleh itu UMNO kata janji tu mesti kosong kepada rakyat MCA mengangguk kepalanya juga...memang mereka ni sama sekali....taburnya janji janji yang manis HANYA UNTUK PILIHANRAYA untuk mendapat undi dari rakyat yang tertipu....

  5. Anonymous3:38 pm

    UMNO hanya tahu untuk menuding jari dan mengkritik ini dan itu..tapi saya tak nampak mereka buat apa-apa yang menolong negara kita untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang lebih penting dari mengkritik dan membantah..MEREKA HANYALAH MEMALUKAN BANGSA MELAYU DAN MAKAN GAJI BUTA

  6. Anonymous6:44 pm

    Pak Lah: BN will deliver the promises made in 2004.

    Agong: In view of the countless corruption cases being covered up, the fact that media is being suppressed, Billions of tax payers' money being wasted to your cronises, where is the integrity, transparency, and accountability of the BN government you promised?

    Pak Lah: ....I disagree, any recent example to prove?

    Agong: There is another DISASTER on the Port Klang project created by UMNO due to corruption and bureaucracy. Ironically, such imporant news is again being suppressed by you in most print media (

    Pak Lah: (speechless for a while)........I don't know. Give me more time for another honeymoon. I will get back to you again after consulting my evil son-in-law.

  7. Anonymous9:08 pm











    掌舵人在發展經濟方面裹足不前,施展政策卻又舉棋不定,讓原本作為我國經濟發展火車頭的東方硅谷(Silicon Valley)─檳城,如今卻淪為北馬經濟發展走廊(NCER)的“西邊”,這是何等的諷刺!





