
Friday, July 06, 2007


Just a quick plug for a busy weekend ahead (Penang tomorrow evening), I'll be on Astro AEC Channel "Talking Issues" (就事论事) programme to discuss the quality of university graduates today. An English write up of this post will be made available at my Education in Malaysia blog later ;)
议题: 现在的大学生素质有问题吗?
时间: 11.00pm
佳宾: 翁诗杰、潘俭伟、罗志昌
频道: Astro亚洲娱乐台(19)




















  1. Anonymous11:54 am

    Stop spoiling undergrads

    I REFER to the report, “Varsities must help the weak” (The Star, May 6, 2006), and find alarming the statement made by the Higher Education Minister that universities have 20% to 25% of students who are weak in their language and interpersonal skills, thus, affecting their marketability in the tight market place.

    Much has been said about the competency and preparedness of our university students.

    We have been hearing suggestions on how to improve their (English) language and human relations skills in order to improve their marketability.

    Implementation of various training programmes, dangled with attractive allowances at a cost to the nation, were carried out to help them, too.

    I do not think there is any university in the world that has gone out of the way like we do for our students.

    Many of our students in public universities are either full or partial scholarship holders, or at least eligible for loans, apart from those who have to pay the full fees.

    In many countries, students have to fight for limited places in universities, coupled with great financial sacrifices from their parents to see them through.

    A few would commit suicide or contemplate suicide if they fail to make it.

    Within the Asian region alone, for example, in many universities such as in China, Japan, South Korea, India and Bangladesh, potential university students have to sit for an entrance or qualifying examination to gauge their eligibility and attitude to undertake undergraduate programmes.

    But in Malaysia, students with the barest minimum entrance qualifications can gain entry for tertiary education without sweat or fuss.

    Thus, the onus on the universities to make sure they produce qualified graduates, as stated by Datuk Mustapa Mohamed is, by all counts, a tall order.

    I perceive our university students are a very privileged lot as they are well protected and insulated from financial woes and certainly very well cared for by taxpayers who laboriously are adding to the Government’s coffers.

    There is certainly a limit the universities can do for these “bottom-placed students”, in the words of the Higher Education Minister.

    Students have themselves to blame if they do not improve, as we have different avenues where weak students can improve, and sharpen their language and inter-personal skills.

    The issue here is attitude, and unless they cultivate good, positive attitudes of wanting to improve themselves, whether language or skill wise, they are in no way going to change their adverse situation and predicament.

    The question is how passionate are they in wanting to improve as far as their weaknesses are concerned?

    Without drive and hunger, they will still be where they are, say, 10 years from now.

    It is time the powers that be stopped pampering and showering these students with all sorts of help if they do not show signs of improvement.

    Their seriousness must be reflected in their commitment in wanting to better themselves.

    The ultimate test of their years of education is their marketability, competitiveness, competency, and contributions to the nation.

    In short, their tertiary education must not be suspect when they enter the job market.


  2. Anonymous12:01 pm

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  3. Anonymous12:17 pm

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  4. Anonymous5:19 pm

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  5. Anonymous6:46 pm




  6. Anonymous9:48 pm



  7. Anonymous11:40 am


    I managed to catch you on air; didn't know that T.K.Ong was also there.

    I must admit disappointment for your respectful nature. It is good to show respect to those around you but on the other hand, if you have solid points, you'll need to stand firm and take every opportunity possible to deliver them.

    What I saw was O.T.Keat shoving you aside all the time and when you tried shoving him, he actually told you not to interrupt.

    Of course, he wasn't being a gentleman and we can't expect him to be because his boss and other "bosses" are watching. If he fails to "protect" the ruling government, he'll be in deep trouble.

    Nevertheless, I was expecting you to conduct yourself with more assertion in your delivery. You'll need that if you want to move on to the Parliament.

    Anyways, good attempt. Hope to see you on public media more.

    take care.

    ah boy
