
Wednesday, June 20, 2007

"Youth Can Make a Difference"

“Youth Can Make a Difference!” is looking for young people to help promote youth participation in the political process. Become a “Youth Can Make a Difference” Outreach Team member today! This programme is organised by Youth for Change (Y4C).

As an Outreach Team member you become part of an effort that helps empower young people to participate in the political process. The first challenge is getting the young people to register as voters.

You will help inform and empower your friends to let their voices be heard on the issues at stake in their communities, states and nation.

You will also have first hand knowledge of upcoming “Youth Can Make a Difference” events and issue campaigns!

  • Register voters at events, colleges, universities and educate young people.
  • Participate in specially designed programs for “Youth Can Make a Difference”
  • Meet fellow Outreach Team members and partners with issue and grassroots organizations.
  • Engage young people online and on the ground to join the Outreach Team.
This campaign is a resource for any person who wants to get involved with politics and make a difference. You will have lots of opportunities to amplify your political opinions.

Email YOUR name, email address and mobile number to Y4C secretariat at y4c2006(at) NOW! For further information, please contact Chua Yee Ling at 012-7355 025 or 03-7783 1164.

Together let’s get the new voters.


  1. Anonymous9:00 pm

    The benefit of joining Tony's “Youth Can Make a Difference” Outreach Team;

    1. easiest way to became astronaut (naik roket DAP)
    2. How to hate the government
    3. to become more racist
    4. be tanah busat supremacist
    5. how to hate the other race
    6. Tony Pua & Lim Kit siang ideology

  2. Anonymous3:15 am

    Seeing the response by Anonymous 9.00pm makes me think he should be the FIRST to sign up for the programme! Haha.

  3. Anonymous10:55 am

    as usual lah... the pot calling the cattle black. there is nothing racist about political awareness and there is nothing wrong about being responsible for your voting rights.

    i have been to a few pro government forum, and you guys cannot believe the amount of racist statements being flung there, i think even the KKK will blush!

  4. Anonymous11:03 am

    naik rocket DAP at least better than paying RM80mil to main teh tarik in space lah.

  5. Anonymous11:13 am

    What makes a society not racist when then representatives from the government herself are racists? Like father like son lah.

  6. The consequences of NOT joining Tony's “Youth Can Make Difference” Outreach Team;

    1.Every year gomen send people naik RM80 million rocket. become indoctrined with Datuk Bung mokthar's ideology become a donkey smacked by PM abdullah with his stick. (carrots was just his lip service.)

    4.Gomen asks you to bend over to pick up the soap 7 days a week, 365 days a year


    you guys can fill in the rest....

  7. Anonymous12:58 pm

    The best thing to do is to replace the whole BN government. Pak Lah has failed miserably as the PM cum Intenal Security Minister. What has he done as the country’s Intenal Security Minister? He is still drawing the salaries of multiple cabinet posts without doing anything seriously. He still wants more honeymoon and waste more tax money. The overdosage of Vigra has probably caused him being over-optimistic and thus he dreamt about 2057 to fool the people around. This old corrupt man must go soon! All eligible voters should and must vote for the opposition party, especialy DAP. Once we have a strong opposition party, the government in power will no longer be so arrogant, ignorant, and inefficient. Long live uncle Tony Pua, we need 1000 more politicians like you!! God Bless!!!

  8. Anonymous1:10 pm

    //What type of a government is the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi leading?//

    The type of govt where its citizens got raped and robbed every minutes, first by the govt itself and now by the criminals.

  9. Anonymous1:12 pm

    Abdullah Bodohwi thinks he owns Parliament. In all his comments, not only on this matter, but in all matters, have been “arrogance personified”. The PM is leader to a government in disarray. He has not taken any action against all the wrong doers of his government-”the close one eye” MP, the ‘Kalang Mansion’ builder in Klang, Kanabatanagan MP for his disgraceful comments IN Parliament, corruption allegations against the Deputy Minister of Internal Security- and the list goes on.
    If fellows like Johari are in charge on Internal Security, should we be surprised at all that gang-land activities and rapes that take place in JB almost everyday. The present leadership and the goverment is “SHAME! SHAME” But are we brave enough to show our disgust at the polls, lets see.

  10. Anonymous1:15 pm

    AAB is the most travelled PM in history i think. He is hardly in the country. ALways on the move as if he is so busy. NO wonder he needed a luxurious jet. To travel in styel and comfort while the country rot and die. With 4th floor boys running the country, we are all doomed!

    Thank you Mr Prime Minister.

    We will remember you always!

  11. Anonymous2:19 pm

    We need the opposition to step in NOW!

  12. Anonymous6:08 pm

    Don't lah taruk our PM like that. He is working very hard to look for oil.

  13. Anonymous12:19 am

    The opposition is a minority party and should not be allowed to step in anywhere that determines the fate of the majority. Pl anons out there bring yourselves to the real world or you'll be in netherworld for good

  14. Anonymous1:50 am

    I guess most people would agree that our current PM has not contribute to the country's progress, equity, equality and prosperity.

    If any of you guys really think that it's so easy to be one, I honestly want to trust that you guys can definitely be better than him. So, for the sake of our country, do fight to be our next PM and prove that other people should not have voted for our current PM. We often have to pay a price for what we say, but with the anonymous access to blogging, more and more people could care less of the impact of their words.

    We can easily make assumptions, but if you have had experienced working there, you would understand how busy things get everyday. I do not doubt that our PM travels a lot and most of the time, his schedule is tied up with officiating events, meetings, press conference...He can even be at three different states on a same day to attend meetings and events.

    So, those who are keen to be our next/future PM, good luck. Period.

  15. Anonymous2:32 am

    "The opposition is a minority party and should not be allowed to step in anywhere that determines the fate of the majority. Pl anons out there bring yourselves to the real world or you'll be in netherworld for good"

    What the heck is a minority party and a majority party?

    Smacks of racism....typical idiot.

  16. Anonymous11:30 am

    Get real lah, the minority has limited power or no power at all. How the hack do they step in? Step in and kena goreng masak masak kah?

  17. From the above it looks like if you're associated with a party which someone else opposes, what your intentions are, are no longer important. You get killed however noble you intentions are by association.

    Say day indeed, there is just no democracy here. Intentions, thoughts, ideas are all deemed to be one with a person. Thoughts cannot be distinguish from an individual as a person per se.

    I think therefore I am!

  18. Anonymous1:21 pm

    To anon 232 you don't even know what is minority or majority party and then passing judgement that those that don't agree with you are racists. You are indeed showing yourself to be the ultimate idiot. Good luck DAP for having these sort of people to support you. And this clk fella thinks he is some sort of a philo-sampah and thinks too highly of the minority having the rightousness and the majority being all wrong. My gosh where did you learn boy - oUTAR?

  19. Anonymous1:48 pm

    No democracy? As if you don't know what is democracy... Majority voices is the final decision.

  20. Anonymous2:19 pm

    For those anonyers who adore Lee Kwan Yew and Singapore Lions pls visit this blog.

    To achive that bench mark (of Singapore) you need those( as in the blog) too. Would you?

  21. Anonymous5:39 pm

    "To anon 232 you don't even know what is minority or majority party and then passing judgement that those that don't agree with you are racists. You are indeed showing yourself to be the ultimate idiot. Good luck DAP for having these sort of people to support you. And this clk fella thinks he is some sort of a philo-sampah and thinks too highly of the minority having the rightousness and the majority being all wrong. My gosh where did you learn boy - oUTAR?"

    Go ahead and explain - what the heck is a "majority" and "minority" party?

    Only racists like you would seek to divide malaysians into majorities and minorities whatever they mean.

    Little wonder you kind produces bocor and bodoh ministers.

    And if those are elected ministers, imagine the morons who voted them in!

  22. Anonymous5:40 pm

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  23. Anonymous5:53 pm

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  24. Anonymous6:19 pm

    Racist or not? or was it a racial issue? Put only one race in a country and they will still fight and argue. Put two persons together and somehow, there'll definitely be disagreement.

    C'mon, get real. It's all about our own pride, human self-defence mechanism. We choose what we think we like and believe in. It's not about race. It's all about our brain.

    Bloggers out there, with the anonymity used in this discussion, you won't actually know know who is who and from which race one's comments come from. So, don't be fooled by foolers who intended to fool fools.

    Enjoy blogging.

    Tony, more interesting topic plz.

    the same race together

  25. Anonymous6:35 pm

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  26. Anonymous6:42 pm

    I don't have enough money for my funeral yet, do you anon 6:35 PM? (opp 6:30 heeee)

  27. Anonymous9:50 pm

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  28. Anonymous10:35 pm

    ye 9:50 pm,

    if 5:39 pm think
    L'herbe est toujours plus verte chez le voisin

    then the south china sea will show 5:39 pm the way..

    L'excès en tout est un défaut.

  29. Anonymous10:43 pm

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  30. Anonymous10:55 pm

    anon 539 the minority are your kind and the majority are my kind. period. Your kind thinks that you are doing good by getting development and my kind thinks you are doing bad by getting development. Using the majority rule principle we object to development and it is our view that you are causing damage to our land and to some of our people like the corrupting of the umnoputra. So the best way out is for you to vamoosh

  31. Anonymous11:27 pm

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  32. Anonymous11:39 pm

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  33. Anonymous11:47 pm

    To anon 1139 Pl articulate and avoid foul language . You are not the ghee hin clan no?

  34. Anonymous11:50 pm

    Point out the foul language, you blind bat.

    When are you jumping into the south china sea? I'll pay for your millstone :)

  35. Anonymous12:09 am

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  36. Anonymous12:10 am

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  37. Anonymous12:14 am

    Agree this gheehin genes are not accepted by china ( stop press from China times)

  38. Anonymous12:24 am

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  39. Anonymous12:27 am

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  40. Anonymous12:29 am

    Aiyaa... still around. You are supposed to be afloat somewhere in the south china sea. Lazy boy! still waitng for my handouts

  41. Anonymous12:32 am

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  42. Anonymous12:36 am

    This make a very good movie title: A Tony's Team VERU much higher level of intelligent - escape from bukit pelanduk...

  43. Anonymous12:41 am

    Don't compare yourself with Tony Pua lah - you are cut from an inferior cloth.

    And deep down, you know it. If you want a reminder, take a look at your crutches courtesy of umnoputras.

  44. Anonymous12:44 am

    Wahh you over rated TP, I thought I read somewhere he raped cyberjaya?

  45. Anonymous12:45 am

    You can't rape a location, only a person.

  46. Anonymous1:12 am

    Aiyaa TP why you laped cypercaya?

  47. Anonymous10:38 am

    What lah all this animal calling... We are ALL a shame lot to the entire world.

    Go ahead lah differentiate yourself as babi, lembu or monyet... the whole world is watching this comedy and laughing rolling on the floor.

    Can we just be malaysian instead of babi, lembu, monyet, your kind, my kind, etc?

    I hope you guys beware of the language.

  48. Anonymous12:06 pm

    Yeah, although the west want us to preserve our tropical jungle, the people need not behave like animal la. So you animal wannabe, stop destroying the land with your logging and polluting factories. Not happy go build your factory in china and stay there for good

  49. Gosh... I stay away from the internet for just a bit more than 24 hours and I come back with plenty of animal name calling on both sides of the fence.

    I've taken the liberty to delete all comments boths sides with any reference to insulting the other party (emphasis: both sides).

    Sigh. Even a harmless post asking Youths to make a difference incite this type of response. Then again, it's probably the work of 1-2 persons.

    ;) Tony

  50. Anonymous1:24 pm

    Good move, Tony.

    I have noticed there seem to be a certain individual who has been posting racist rubbish in several opposition members' blogs for the past few months.

    Shame that Malaysia has such idiots with too much time on their hands.

  51. Anonymous2:08 pm

    Anon 1:24PM,
    Will you call those who have been posting racist rubbish, calling all such bad remarks to the current ruling party leader idiots also?

  52. Anonymous4:16 pm

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  53. Anonymous4:22 pm

    My entire family and relatives will NOT be voting for BN this time. We made a mistake in the past, but never will we repeat that again. We blindly entrusted our future to BN but BN has deeply hurt our feelings and grossly abused our trust in them. Malaysia has become so racially, religiously, and economically divided because of the corruption, incompetence and arrogance of UMNO, MCA and MIC. I have seen unimaginable corruption among an UMNO minister and her relatives, where millions of ringgit of taxpayers money have been used to enrich their own families to the extent that it becomes sickening. Just take a look at the so-called prime minister of Malaysia now, does he care about the plight of the poor and unfortunate non-bumis, does he care about the sufferings of families who are being persecuted religiously, does he care about fairness and justice to all Malaysians? The answer is clearly NO. He seems to spend most of his time overseas with a large entourage of ministers and businessman on taxpayers money. What benefit has he brought to the country through all these expensive visits? There are much more problems and issues requiring his attention within the country but he is never around, or rather never aware. Look at the arrogance, rudeness, and inhumaness of BN ministers. The type of rough and dirty language they use in parliament is disgusting. They are showing bad examples for youths to emulate. It is no wonder that there are so many social and behavioral problems among youths in the country because the BN “leaders” behave like thugs themselves. Even the speaker of parliament endorses their bad language and behaviour, and the lame prime minister has done and said nothing about it. What kind of “leadership” is this? The principles of Rukunegara are not adhered to by the prime minister himself!


  54. Anonymous5:45 pm

    Yes, we want change . Lets all vote for opposition PAS or DAP which truly represent the people. We dont want BN because the ideology itself is hypocritical. Better still we must have people power - one person one vote which is true democracy

  55. Anonymous8:44 pm

    Anyone who posts racist remarks regardless of ethnicity is a bigot and should be banned from decent blogs such as Tony Pua's.

    Criticizing political leaders is one thing, hurling racial insults e.g. telling others to leave the country or pigs is another.

    Hope that answers your question.

  56. Anonymous10:13 pm

    Tony Pua's decent blog?

    If Tony is really interested in civilised discussion he is the one who should stop all of name calling to other people. But he allow all sort of bad remarks to the ruling party leaders especially Malay leaders and even further proceed to the Malay civil servant /graduate.

    Tony latest uncivilised provocation is about the debate in parliament as you can read from his topic on Sunday, June 24, 2007. It is not necessary for Tony to choose that word in the topic, readers will judged themself.

  57. Anonymous10:32 pm

    Anon 10.10pm,
    when we deal with uncivilised thugs like Nazri, can the decent approach work? Tony has done nothing wrong if Nazri behaves himself in the parliment. Don't you think that the bahaviour of Nazri has brought shame to the whole nation and the Prime Minister's Department? wake up man!

  58. Anonymous10:39 pm

    Anon 10.13pm, my 2 years old kid has better thinking than you. I really pity your shallow thinking. You don't even know what is wrong and what is right. - another failure of Malaysian education system!

  59. Anonymous10:39 pm

    So anon 10:10pm, what the different between Lim Kit Siang, Tony himself and Nazri. all are using the same word!

    is that what the 'youth can make a different'programme? or this program is just DAP's political platform?

  60. Anonymous10:42 pm

    He was too taken aback by how stupid LKS can turn into! I should tell him not to be shocked , after these are ghee hin clans showing its true colour. Reminds me of Aussies too descendent of ex convicts but ghee hin is worse they are true gangster mob

  61. Anonymous10:45 pm

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  62. Anonymous11:30 pm

    Hmm.. an Indian hardly influential in his country but idolised in china. Should allow karpaw to take over LKS, and teach these dap fellas to behave lo

  63. Anonymous11:41 pm

    under the current education system, there is no way our youth can make a difference. needless to say, we are brainwashed since primary one with all the distorted history and facts. i don't think someone who kisses "keris" in front of all malaysians qualify to be a minister in the first place.

    putting aside communal discussions, our education system is in dire state. our spm and stpm are no longer on par with o- and a-levels. i remembered my teachers telling me once that stpm is one of the toughest in the world. well, i must say that that was the truth 3 decades ago.

    now, with any tom, dick and harry, as long as they passed malay at spm, can proceed with stpm. whether their science and mathematics suck, it is no longer the concern. all this is cater to matriculation, something that the government founded as a swift way for bumiputera to enter tertiary level.

    kudos i must say, mca and mic. because of your grumpy request to admit non-bumiputera into matriculation, the whole stpm has to be downgraded to nothing but a piece of paper. think about it. you are not doing any quaters better.

    We need some doctorates to revamp our education system, and if possible let someone who has at least a PhD to be the minister. He will be responsible to no one, only malaysians, and free of political pressure and propaganda.

  64. Anonymous8:53 am

    It's definitely possible to have a PhD holder as the minister. It's not difficult to get such a degree nowadays, but I don't believe it is a relatively good measure to quantify a person's capability in carrying out the duty of a minister.

    The previous Anon mentioned the need to have a minister who is
    "free of political pressure and propaganda"

    Education is an aspect of any country that is inseparable from politics. If any of the readers here can quote any country that has an education system that is TOTALLY free from politics, please highlight.

    Education involves resourcing, funding, staffing and most of all - the delivery of a country's agendas. All these aspects also involve political considerations, especially funding!

    We had once, a minister that was supposedly from "non-political" background and just imagine the chaos he has created because he had limited knowledge about politics and funding. To me, it's rather impossible to find a minister that is COMPLETELY capable to deliver THE BEST education system. We all have weaknesses. It's all about team work and how the rest of staff in the ministry, departments and institutions can work together.

    Nevertheless, what type of education system is the best - this is also relative because it may be good to some but bad for others.

    As for the decline of education quality in the country, things change and I believe, by and large, standards and achievement are not determined the quality in those who went through the evaluations, but by how our society presume our "expected" outcomes to be. Figures can be manipulated!

    If the government tightens its evaluation system and all a sudden, next year's results dropped from an average of 900 plus students achieving straight As in SPM to only 20 students (like the good old days - 3 decades ago), what would the PUBLIC say? --- I doubt that people will commend that the exam system has been tightened or improved to ensure standards and quality - BRAVO. Instead, GOV, SCHOOLS and TEACHERS HAVE FAILED! FAILED! FAILED! FIRE THEM!

    Straight As is almost worthless nowadays because too many of them on the street. This is definitely unfair for those who really possess the genuine quality. Unfortunately, there's no differentiation between a good straight A1s and a bad ones - extracurricular activities reports are also relative.

    Education system is a process and not and end product. You would not be able to find a country's education that can satisfactiously report that they have arrived to a point that they don't need to improve.

    People often praised the UK education system, but when one really examine how it works from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 4, you would understand that we do have something better than them. Of course, undoubtedly there're other aspects that we could learn from. WE should seek to explore education of other countries rather than those few that were often raised - UK, US, Australia and so on.

    Netherland was rated as the best place for youth and children to grow up based on the recent OECD review. Interestlingly, UK and US, the two countries that we often refer to, were at the bottom 2.

    It's possible to make a change and there're appropriate channels to do so. Often, some people just lax on the use of words and actions which caught themselves in trouble. Then, don't even talk about making a change for the country - such person can't even make a change for himself/herself.
