
Monday, June 11, 2007


Courtesy of The Star. More pictures at the Star Photo Gallery

Beautiful view, ain't it?

Unfortunately, it isn't a river we are looking at, but instead Jalan Sultan Ismail. The question then is, what happened to Stormwater Management and Road Tunnel (SMART) which cost us some RM1.9 billion?

Or is it not so SMART now?


  1. Anonymous5:14 pm

    actually, it's now called 'bestari tunnel'.

    lol. same sh!t, different name :)

  2. There is massive defrauding going on. This is very obvious evidence. Some people should haul the companies involved in building and operating the SMART tunnel to court for deceptive marketing practices. Also, it's incredulous to ask the people to pay toll for an overpriced longkang that doesn't even work.

  3. Anonymous6:44 pm

    afaik, the smart is not yet completed. the 2 main water resevoir/pond are still under construction. do some research please, i do want to know what's the progress now. can't find from the website.

    btw, for me this is a very good engineering and the toll cost only rm2 per use. i think its quite reasonable..

  4. Anonymous8:48 pm

    Wow! Like that olso can. My Angmo friends is coming to KL for a holiday 2molo and now very malu to show them my KL lah! Think better pick them up at KLIA and drive them straight to Singapo.

  5. Yaa...mana nak letak muka kita. Muka menteri tak apalah...dah tebal..kebal macam konkrit.

    Sekarang cakap lonkang sumbat pulak, rakyat tak lepas kebas RM2 billion and rakyat kena bayar toll RM2 sekali lalu.

    Lepas tu kata nak selesai masalah, kena ada budget RM22 billion sebab yang asal alih banjir entah mana aje di bandar.

    Nilah perancangan negara kita.

    Tupun ciplak tulisan poem orang lain dibaca tuk Pak Lah dan Jeanne.

  6. samy will ask for RM22 million to to check for the problems......

  7. Anonymous9:32 pm

    Bantai jangan tak bantai ini peluang baik nak bantai kerajaan.

    Pray that Tony house be washed away by the flood, must be a big news....If Tony's house end up in the Sungai Kelang, I will send a boat of flower to Sungai Kelang..

  8. Anonymous11:26 pm

    Anoymous 9:32 pm,

    There is absolutely no need for such inane remarks regarding your wish for Tony Pua's house to be washed away.

    Keep your trap shut if you can't say anything sensible or decent!

  9. Anonymous11:36 pm

    We don't need to go after TP on this, man. The ole fella has given a deadline and the other semi value is saying something. By August if things does not work out, just flush both of them in the smart drain. The silent majority has spoken

  10. Anonymous1:28 am

    samy would say:" it could have been worst if the smart tunnel is not there, the entire KL would be flooded all the way to the tip of KLCC towers."

  11. Anonymous9:03 am

    And that makes Malaysia the joke of the century. We have the best smart tunnel costing billions and at the same time the city got flooded. Maybe Allah is laughing too hard until his tears dropped.

  12. Anonymous9:22 am

    With the rate Federal Highway itself getting flooded everytime, despite the assurances and guarantees and warranties, I am very certain....1000% certain SMART TUNNE: will face the same fate as the other civil structures such as the High court complex, Hospital, MR2 overhead.

    If I am a driver I wont pay RM 2 to get my car flooded in the so called Smart tunnel

  13. Anonymous9:24 am

    Wonder why the great SV is still the minister in charge???????

  14. Anonymous11:00 am

    This is one issue when we all agree failure is not an option for the good ole fella and his semi value. I just read in the paper the smart system will be ready next month! Ok any flood of such proportion after July the two must resign, otherwise their earnings ae considered haram or reicarnated into a pig whichever is applicable. (ps I am not suggesting they be punished in our system simply b'cause that's not real)

  15. Anonymous12:37 pm

    RM2billion only solve part of the problem.

  16. Anonymous12:40 pm

    Fat hopes lah, I have never heard of any Malaysian minister resigning and taking responsibility for doing a poor job.

  17. Anonymous3:04 pm

    Smart Tunnel, ada leaking kah? Takutah!

  18. Anonymous3:07 pm

    Smart tunnel, semua paip tadak bocor ah? manyak takut la!

  19. Anonymous4:12 pm

    1. Malaysian photo of the year. SMART Tunnel with the best of night view and the worst of landscape view.

    2. With a development cost of nearly US$514.6 million, SMART operations general manager Mohd Fuad Kamal Ariffin said that the floods that occurred on Sunday were flash floods caused by inadequate and/or clogged drainage and were not storm floods caused by overflowing river waters.

    My argument: "So half a billion is not enough to build one that's robust to both flash and storm flood?"

  20. visit this site.....more shame more,and watch DAP in action.

  21. Anonymous5:52 pm

    It's time to vote BN out in the next coming General Election. Vote Opposition Party to form a stronger check and balance for the country! Never expect any action to be taken by the snoopy Pak Lah again. Never again be conned by all the empty promises of Pak Lah. Never again let the corrupt and useless BN government to bring to country to utter shame!!! 50 years is enough!! Sammy Vellu is the only unsackable works minister in the world, what a pariah scum!

  22. Anonymous5:58 pm

    Vote DAP so that the government have a stronger opposition. We must convince all people that if the country has a strong opposition party, the government will not be so arrogant and ignorant! Tony, do something about this. It's time to educate the people and don't let them be pacified by all pre-election sweetener!

  23. Anonymous7:50 pm

    I'll vote for DAP if I can benefit from it. Convince me the party also champion the rights of the Malay majority

  24. Anonymous9:47 pm

    Lim Guan Ying spent 3 years in jail to help a Malay girl, is it not enough to prove? DAP works for the nation regardless of race. Has any UMNO politicians being sentenced to jail for fighthing the rights of Malays? They are fighthing for their own money and benefits, wake up!

  25. Anonymous11:42 pm

    Possible response 1:
    Muka Tembok Besar Malaysia: "Oh, our Smart Tunnel is very smart! Only the rain is not so smart lah. Anyway, we can't control the weather, it's GOD will. I think we need more fund to study the weather near the Smart Tunnel and set up a Smart Alert System to alert people not to use the smart tunnel with flood prediction alarm. So we need to pray harder that it doesn't rain near the tunnel. Maybe the people should consider not to use the tunnel when it rains..."

    When Smart Tunnel gets bocor/flooded one fine day...

    Possible response 2:
    Muka Tembok Besar Malaysia: "Oh, this has got nothing to do with me lah! I didn't build the tunnel. Go and question the company that built it."

    China has got the Great Wall of China, and Malaysia has one too, which is even stronger that the Berlin Wall, standing 'thick' through the time. Do we, tax payers need such a non-contributing wall? we have had enough of it!

  26. Anonymous11:43 pm

    What is it that DAP do for the nation which also benefit me more than what the present can give me?

  27. Anonymous12:26 am

    I am neither a BN nor DAP supporter. For me, only good candidates (regardless of political party represented) who can truely represent the people and work for the betterment of the people should be elected. This may sound a bit too idealistic. However, sadly, the true fact is we don't have many good choices, most of the time... Of course undeniably there are some good ones...

  28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  29. Anonymous8:42 am

    Pls do mind your language. I do understand yr feelings when dealing with super imbeciles and nincompoops here :)

  30. Anonymous10:56 am

    If you had never given any chance to DAP to be in power, never say you have no choice. The country badly needs a stronger opposition party to stop the arrogance, corruption, and ignorance of UMNO.

  31. Anonymous4:10 pm

    With DAP typical supporter like stevie, and the rest with so much hatred in them, I don't think DAP can get my vote even if I don't vote UMNO. PAS maybe. They can't even understand simple English but definitely good at cursing. So DAP leaders you have a long way to getting good audience beyond kongsi and chinatowns

  32. Anonymous4:18 pm

    Put DAP in power and have the likes of stevie in tow? You are drunk no?

  33. Anonymous4:54 pm

    "With a development cost of nearly US$514.6 million, SMART operations general manager Mohd Fuad Kamal Ariffin said that the floods that occurred on Sunday were flash floods caused by inadequate and/or clogged drainage and were not storm floods caused by overflowing river waters. "

    True and not true...... Sunday flood was a man made disaster.... look at the color of the water and the mud silt brought by it...... teh tarik color..... look at the floods in China and Australia..... plain water color..... natural disasters....

    Why was the flood water so murky and full of silt... simple.... deforestation..... huge development on the up hills.... rain water washed down the exposed hill sides and lo behold, with gravity, flowed to all available spaces in KL.....

    why didn't the water went out to the rivers.... again, simple theory, too much silt in the river, they just couldn't take the volume of water..... the rivers were overflowed too....

    Conclusion.... sue the parties that caused the deforestation in the first place.... stop all development up stream...... and most of all.... love our world....

    Karen Lee Huey Shyan

  34. Anonymous5:01 pm

    You are right Karen, this is the price we pay for so called development. Capitalist can only think in terms of money and more money resulting in the destruction of my beloved country.

  35. Anonymous6:12 pm

    Smart tunnel? Not so smart je...

    Congrat Malaysia, congrat countrymen, our ruling party has never failed in surprising us. They had never failed in manipulating facts...

    Visit Malaysia year 2007! We should be 'proud' of what we have here...


  36. Anonymous9:31 pm

    Say no to development. Development does not benefit the majority

  37. Anonymous9:29 am

    Malaysia really SMART!

    We are once again on the radar of international jokes.

    By the way, where is the new government delivery system prmomised by AAB two weeks ago? I saw the news of "one stop centre". Is that all? Another joke.

  38. Anonymous10:45 pm

    No its not a joke the ,the one-stop centre refers to the immigration centre for those one travespecially for pendatang

  39. Anonymous3:58 pm

    "With a development cost of nearly US$514.6 million, SMART operations general manager Mohd Fuad Kamal Ariffin said that the floods that occurred on Sunday were flash floods caused by inadequate and/or clogged drainage and were not storm floods caused by overflowing river waters. "
    eh? i thought Semi Value said it only cost rm640 juta to build?

  40. Anonymous5:27 pm

    Anon 3:58 PM,
    you only see RM 640 or US$514 only huh....

    Why don't you ask Tony what make the drainage clogged? and who are the culprit?

    Even if Many trillion RM spend but the habit of clogging the drainage is not changed flash flood will always reoccur ma.

  41. Anonymous11:58 pm

    Very easy stop, development especially logging and housing. I don't see any benefit in doing these. If you must tax them until they bleed

  42. Anonymous8:01 am

    “Our cities will be the most liveable on the globe, blending cosmopolitan facilities that are rooted in a tolerant and just societal ethos." Pak zzzLah

    So you guys please wait until 2057 than complaint ok? haha!

  43. Anonymous2:41 pm

    Everything comes under useless Pak Lah will fail miserably! For a PM who can't even fire the little scums like Zakaria, we should not expect any result from his anti-corruption campaign. He is a man full of empty promises only. By 2057, Malaysia will be the biggest exporter of cheap labour to countries like Indonesia, China, India, S'pore if BN still in power. It's time to vote UMNO out of power!!! Vote DAP!! Long live Tony Pua!!!

  44. Anonymous2:09 am

    Stupid conclusion, just throwing out ( figuratively) this PM will do but UMNO remains. On second thought the PM days is numbered, nobody in this blog thinks highly of him. But DAP ? no lahh...that's a dream. Tp should be ok I think except that he did delete some of my comments earlier on although it wasn't racists or vulgar. Of course an 'opposing view to his and you fellas, but that shows his intolerance of other viewpoints, right?

  45. Anonymous8:09 am

    Hmm... we do hv some kinda natural talent in coming up with names which are EXACTLY OPPOSITE of the situations, like SYABAS, SMART Tunnel (anyone wants to second me to lobby for it to be renamed to DUMB/BODOH Tunnel? :D)

  46. Anonymous9:40 pm

    anon 809 no need to do the renaming. In corporate Malaysia we have berjaya corp but not really berjaya. Once upon a time we had a listed company Menang corp. It has since folded. Yes, these talents are well spread in the private sector too

  47. Anonymous11:33 pm

    What can I say, keep building elevated railways and highways. The lower level is going to be turned into slums.

    Fantastic view.

  48. Anonymous12:13 am

    /// Anonymous said...
    What is it that DAP do for the nation which also benefit me more than what the present can give me? ///

    Allo, in case you haven't noticed, the DAP is not the government...

  49. Anonymous1:30 pm

    You are right ( thankfully so )but pl understand simple English, what can DAP do that can benefit me. TP why are idiots allowed to speak on DAP's behalf?

  50. Anonymous5:46 pm

    This anoymous 1:30 pm @ melayu raya does not realize that posters in the blog speak for themselves and not on behalf of political parties unless they said so.

    What to do? Same kind of genes as the bocor ministers mah....defective and soon to be weeded out as per Darwin's axiom of the survival of the fittest.

  51. Anonymous6:08 pm

    Survival of the fittest?,

    no need la, today use pesticide, weed killer, can kill all weed, not fit also can survive.

    The fittest one, being chop down for timber OK?

  52. Anonymous6:39 pm

    Wooi, anoy 608 pm, don't talk cock lah if you can't find something better to retaliate.

  53. Anonymous6:51 pm

    Cock already die, selsema burung ma..

  54. Anonymous6:55 pm

    anon 6:39,
    are from Gee Hin or Hai San clan?

  55. Anonymous9:42 pm

    Yup, they are from the kongsi gelap genes. We are unlucky that this type of migrants decide to come here. Anyway they are most welcome to leave

  56. Anonymous10:05 pm

    anon 546 why are associating me with melayu raya. I can speak for myself too and I don't have to be from UMNO putra. . Anyway to cut the story short I don't like to be a racist, but the majority inthis country have agreed that you have overstayed here - pl leave via cerating or padang besar or whichever way and don't come back

  57. Anonymous10:48 pm

    anon 1005 the ghee hin and hai san came via penang. Can we have permission for them to leave via jerejak and swim aound the malacca straits to macau?

  58. Anonymous11:48 pm

    To those who ask fellow Malaysians to leave because of their skin color, kindly be the first ones to leave yourself.

    Or better yet, commit mass hara-kiri. Your kind is most unwelcome anywhere on this earth.

    Thank you.

  59. Anonymous12:02 am

    No Malaysians are asked to leave,
    only Chinasian who still think that they are belongs to tanah busat...and be here to be supramacist

  60. Anonymous12:06 am

    The only supremacists (get your spelling right, you ignoramus) are the racist idiots like you.

    So get lost!

  61. Anonymous12:17 am

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  62. Anonymous12:20 am

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  63. Anonymous12:21 am

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  64. Anonymous12:23 am

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  65. Anonymous12:26 am

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  66. Anonymous12:19 pm

    We should not indulge in name-calling as it does not resolve the mess we are in fellow Bumis.
    We also should not choose violence to resolve conflict unless we are provoked.
    What we must do is to use the modern weapons of civilisation - democracy. The law should state that not less than 80% wealth should be in the hands of Bumis at all times. Anybody that disagree with the law will have committed an unlawful act and be dealt with by the court of law ( syariah) accordingly.

  67. Anonymous1:37 pm

    Hi Tony,

    Anything you can do on your part to ban such racist idiots like anoymous 1219 pm from your blog? Besides deleting his comments.

    I am tired of reading all his nazi tripe.

  68. Anonymous2:18 pm

    I'm also too tired of your idiots remarks, idiots 1:37PM....

  69. Anonymous2:34 pm

    WAH, new postings every now and then, arguing, but unclear if this just a wayang kulit of someone with split personality. C'mon, if you guys (you) don't have the guts to reveal yourself, pls stop contaminating TP's blog. Those who get irratated with your comments would find it worthless to event post their constructive comments while having you guys step on it like doesn't even worth a single sen. Period.

  70. Anonymous8:48 pm

    I concur.

    Don't pollute Tony's blog with your racist filth.

  71. Anonymous12:07 am

    Not racist maa... its according to law passed through democratic means

  72. Anonymous7:39 pm

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