
Sunday, June 24, 2007

Nazri "Bodoh! Bodoh! Bodoh!" Aziz

Yes, ladies and gentlemen. The following is a video clip of Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz, our Minister in the Prime Minister's Department, in-charge of Parliamentary Affairs in action.

Sadly, this is the standard of replies coming from our Ministers to pertinent questions raised by your elected parliamentarians. Check out also the full report by Malaysiakini here.

And thanks to YouTube, at least those with decent Internet access around the country can now see our Ministers in action, in their full glory. ;)


  1. Anonymous6:24 pm

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  2. Anonymous7:00 pm

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  3. Anonymous7:09 pm

    But I don't think the way Lim KS conducted himself is anything to shout about either. Don't you think so Tony?

  4. Anonymous7:45 pm

    Lim KS gives the true facts but this minister is making himself looks like he is a product of Bodohland, people don’t call this country Bodohland for nothing. I am ashamed to discuss with my students what our minister speaks in parliament, this is really shameful. I am ashamed that a Muslim speak like this as a government representative, this is shameful not only to himself, his wife, his children, his mother & father, his grandparents, Islam and the Malay race.

  5. Anonymous10:24 pm

    Dear Guru dari MARA,
    don't confused yourself. That is only a political show.

    The MCA and DAP are willing to made human shield /human barricade to protect the chinese illegal settlement in Ipoh from being demolished by the authority.

    But the malay leader and the malay lead authority are more than willing to help demolished even legal Malay settlement.

    got the drift?

  6. Anonymous10:38 pm

    Typical headline by the DAP - Desperate Act party

  7. Anonymous10:41 pm

    Need badly need 200 more intellectual politicians like Tony Pua to replace the seats of all BN's MP!!

  8. Anonymous10:43 pm

    Let us end 50 years of BN rule
    by Richard Teo

    For the first time in more than fifty years, when the next General Election comes, I am going to abandon the edict that it is better to vote for the devil that I know rather than the devil that I don’t Know.

    This time round there will be no hesitation. I will be like the proverbial saying throw caution to the wind. There will be no turning back. There will be no second thoughts.

    For the last fifty years I have faithfully chosen the safe path. I voted for the race-based party that belonged to the Barisan National.

    I even encouraged and persuaded my relatives to vote along the same racial line to ensure a strong stable govt that will protect the interests of all races. But events of late has proven me wrong.

    This govt that I and many others who placed their faith in is a corrupt, short-sighted, manipulative, racist and incompetent one. After fifty years they have not shown their abiltiy to govern with wisdom.

    Instead they squandered our nation’s coffers, encouraged and perpetuated a corrupt civil service and continue to formulate economic and fiscal policies that will take our country down the road to destruction.

    Enough is enough.

    Our country could’nt be worse off than what it is now.The time has come to vote for a change.

    After fifty years the present govt is complacent. We need to inject fresh blood with new vision to bring us further into this millennium or suffer and be left behind in this globalised world.

    The choice to determine our direction and future is in our hands. Let us choose wisely and vote for any one/party that stand against B.N.

    Even if we cannot win let us deny them the two-third majority that they enjoy for the last fifty years.

  9. Anonymous10:45 pm

    I have voted in seven general elections and my vote has always gone to the DAP. The party lost the parliamentary seat seven times but won the state seat twice.
    My stand was, we need a strong opposition to keep the BN on its toe but alas most voters chose the BN so as not to “rock the boat”.
    It is this attitude that had built a culture of arrogance and impunity with the BN circle.
    Just vote for any opposition without any fear. Like water finding its own level, there will alignment and realignment of forces from both the BN and Opposition to form a new front. Yes, even if you have to give your vote to PAS, do so.
    Voting for BN is a sure way to destroy this country.

  10. Anonymous10:57 pm

    Please convinced me that those opposition is a better alternative?
    If Nazri said bodoh, then Lim Kit Siang retaliate bodoh and Tony carried away with the bodoh, what all these means?

    Just could not image to call Mr Prime Minister Lim Kit Siang...

    ( I don't have other motherland to go ma!)

  11. Anonymous11:26 pm

    Two bodohs from DAP ma and one pandai from UMNO because he created ttwo bodohs from DAP. And pl God forbids the son of immigrant becomes PM! Its like allowing chin peng ( another ungrateful fella) to set foot in my country

  12. Anonymous11:28 pm

    The result of voting for BN is you get donkeys running as the government. Desperate Act party (DAP) (for the benefit of the people) is definetely MUCH BETTER than Burden of the Nation (BN).

  13. Anonymous11:31 pm

    Nazri's behaviour is truly an insult to Islam, the nation, and the Malay race. Being a Malay myself, I really feel ashamed for voting BN in the past - a mistake I will never commit again!!!

  14. Anonymous11:57 pm

    "Anonymous said...
    Nazri's behaviour is truly an insult to Islam, the nation, and the Malay race. Being a Malay myself, I really feel ashamed for voting BN in the past - a mistake I will never commit again!!! "

    are you sure you are Malay and Islam? My instinct say you could be Napolean Bonaparte type - man with many faces!

    Go head vote for Lim Kit Siang, as your wish.

    It is natural for Malay to respect leader of other races but not of his own race. History has shown it since the Japanese occupation till today...

  15. Anonymous12:03 am

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  16. Personally, I think it's about time for all the farts in parliament to be kicked out. None of them are executing their appointed jobs properly. We need a new kind of politics in Malaysia.

    BN is raping the nation by keeping us divided and malleable. The opposition plays the same game as they do and won't be any different even if they come to power.

    I believe that the problem is with the institutionalised mentality. The old politics may have worked in the past, but it is becoming irrelevant while still slowly tearing our country apart.

    Watching videos like this one depresses me. Maybe we should move for a public broadcast of parliament meetings. That way, we can see if our MPs are doing their jobs (and identify which ones are the samseng).

  17. Anonymous12:34 am

    Yup Shawn Tan, but even public broadcast will not do any good because politicians are by nature shifty. If and when you choose to be one you'll also be the same pain in the a..e.

  18. Anonymous2:40 am

    Our parliament is indeed a circus. you can watch more of these (just go GoogleVideo/YouTube and search 'parlimen'.). Lost my hope on both BN and the opposition.

    I really hope/wish/pray Tony Pua don't behave like them(opposition and gov), if he is to be elected one day.
    Wit and sarcasm is the way to go.

    P.S. Don't fight with idiots. They'll drag you into their level, and defeat you with their experience.

  19. Anonymous4:58 am

    I agree we are all animals; but there's a difference between a barbaric and a docile one. Do you get the point anonymous? ;)

  20. Anonymous9:22 am

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  21. Anonymous10:18 am

    i personally find both party 'agak kurang cerdik' but nazri came out lebih kurang cerdik daripada LKS

    LKS was baiting Nazri and Nazri took the bait, line and sinker, and came out the sillier of the two. while it was LKS who baits, he finally gave the answer to Nazri, and Nazri pun took the answer.. :tunggu AG jawab.

    the biggest loser is us, the common ppl, the rakyat. with such kurang cerdik minister behaving like that, not only he was unable answer the question, he went into a fit. i pity us.

  22. Anonymous11:10 am

    Well well, most people are not aware of the things happening at the back, hidden from the public perspective. Nazri is one of the guy TDM tried to get rid off before he retired. The reason? He is too arrogant and always against him. During the final few years of TDM's term, UMNO broke into few sects, with the main ones led by Najib and Nazri. TDM wanted Najib to take the helm, but was unable to keep Nazri's influence at bay. So in the end, as his health deteriorated, AAB became the black horse. AAB does not have his own gang, and in some sense always on the fence. I guess this is quite apparent after 45 months, no one cares about what AAB's words. So, disapponted, he remarry and go for holidays outstation. At the same time, we can get some connection of Nazri's behavior today. He became more and more
    barbaric, soon after the Altantuya case was exposed. Najib was losing his supporters inside UMNO because of that. All these people always have a plan in mind, and the casualties are always the citizens.

    I would really recommend May 13: Declassified by Kua. That was another internal political turmoil in UMNO's history, which spilled over to the public.

  23. Anonymous1:38 pm

    Dear All,

    I am a chinese, so what?? You are a Malay? also what??

    How relevant is that?? We are all Malaysian.....

    When Toll and roti canai prices hike, you suffer less because you are chinese or malay??

    I have many Malay and Indian friends and I trully value their friendship, and am sure it is vice-versa for them as well.

    We all work hard; we want to give the best to our children, and we want to elect the best to be the government so that our children also get the benefit.....

    Dear all my Malaysian friends, are you happy with the ways how our country is being run now??

    Frankly, I have voted for BN before, because they used riot and instability to threaten me, because i have children whom I am willing to die for to keep them out of those adverse situation and I believe all parents will do the same.

    For the coming election, I beleive most voters think the same, if we don't vote for BN, how sure are we the opposition now can do a better job?

    Tony, with your expertise, can share with us how should a good government be assessed? Any measurable KPIs?

  24. Anonymous7:20 pm

    hmm...He should know better than behave like that. Very embarrassing. He's a minister. He should set a good example. I dont know what ppl who voted for him will think after watching this clip. Educated ppl think rationally. (He doesnt seem so to me).

  25. Anonymous7:24 pm

    The minister called LKS bodoh
    He thinks we are bodoh as well
    Next time election, we shall show who is bodoh to lie to the nation

  26. Anonymous8:34 pm

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  27. Anonymous10:11 pm

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  28. Anonymous10:33 pm

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  29. Anonymous1:32 pm

    Najib was trying to woo China by saying China is a true friend. Doesn't this act sounds familiar? Maybe we should rewind 600 years ago to find the similar scenario. At that time, Ming China "requested" [i am just trying to protect the dignity of Malays] Malacca to take good care of Chinese doing business there. How i wish People's China will do the same today. :)

  30. Anonymous3:05 pm

    What else would a guilty man say?

  31. Why didn't the Speaker of the House reprimand Nazri for hurling insults at other MPs?

    Upon inspection, one role of the Speaker is to ensure that order is maintained in the House; and that relevancy is observed during debates.

    This is so arbitrary.

  32. Anonymous5:24 pm

    Anon 132 China does not on record take military action on countries except with those with common borders. No need to be sarcastic because you will only antagonise with the only few left who bothers to engage with you. There was a domino theory year's back on the spread of communism to southeast asia but it didn't work out.Not easy to oust vietnamese nationalism although I think they are of china stock. So dream on but intention is enough for us to be wary

  33. Anonymous7:48 pm

    Speaker from UMNO ma.

  34. Anonymous9:09 pm

    来届大选, 糖果照收, 反对党照投!!!我会永远只投反对党!!

  35. Anonymous9:22 pm


  36. Anonymous9:38 pm

    Sorry the translation for you guys who cant read - "we should not challenge YAB Nazri because he knows we are stupid. So we should just ship put to one corner of our motherland and keep quiet and concentrateon farming. That will benefit us idiots rather than talk politics"

  37. Anonymous10:02 pm

    政府无能; 贪污腐败; 部长高官, 废话连遍, 否认事实; 老百姓们, 认清狗脸, 来届大选, 糖果照收, 反对党照投!!!

  38. Anonymous11:08 pm

    Don't force us into 13/5

  39. Anonymous11:29 pm

    Wahh you talk like UMNOputra, we are not afraid to fight for our rights

  40. Anonymous11:35 pm

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  41. Anonymous11:48 pm

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  42. Anonymous5:46 am

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  43. Anonymous5:56 am

    I am very disappointed indeed, not only with the way our politicians were acting in the parlimentary debates (waste of time and tax payers' money), but I am equally disappointed at several anons who took this blog as a platform for their childish expressions.

    Frankly, if Chinese in this country are distressed, do you think China will intervene? Do you think India will do so if Indians in Malaysia complained about discriminations?

    If you can't have constructive comments, pls shut your mouth/don't post any comments. Barking at each other or acting like a schizophernia only reflect your own stupidity. Period.

  44. Anonymous9:00 am

    China will not intervene... India will not intervene... if the situation here get that worse, you want to force 13/5? Come on! Let it come! Let's destroy the country altogher, if you are that stupid!

  45. Anonymous1:15 pm













    流行歌曲如此唱着:没有钱,你会爱我吗?在种族思维和政治下,我们则不禁要问,除了钱, “不谈种族政治,你会爱我吗?”,抑或,你连听我一句话都不想呢?


  46. Anonymous3:01 pm

    Well said.

  47. Anonymous5:56 pm

    大家请支持反对党,一起教训狗官及贪污无能的首相! 支持潘检伟!! 愿我们有个更好的未来! MCA

  48. Anonymous6:30 pm

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  49. Anonymous6:39 pm

    kita tingalkan saja Tony Pua Ka ni dengan blog dia. Tak usah dok baca pun. bukan ada guna. Selama ni Tony Pua ka ni dok syok delete komen yang tak sebulu dengan dia, biarkan, biarkan, si Tony terjun dengan labu-labu nya....lagi di layan lagi la seddap dia buat kerja provokasi ni,....

  50. Anonymous6:41 pm

    Anon 6:39 PM

    setuju dan sokong, biarkan mereka bergelumang dengan ba alif ba ya dia....

  51. Anonymous6:43 pm

    Anon 6:39 PM & 6:41PM,

    Any suggested blog?

  52. Anonymous6:44 pm

    Who is this Tony Pua Ka?

  53. Anonymous7:37 pm

    Anoymous 630 pm,

    I know you worship bodoh ministers like BN. You are cut from the same cloth so there is little wonder there.

    Anoymous 639 pm,

    Since you are so unhappy with your dumb comments being deleted here, start your own blog then.

  54. Anonymous8:02 pm

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  55. Anonymous8:05 pm

    Tony Pua Ka?
    if not the joker Pua Chu Kang family must be Lee Kwan Yew kow tow.

  56. Anonymous8:07 pm

    dear Anoying 7:37 pm,
    can start new blog but not GO BLOG like lo

  57. Anonymous8:16 pm

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  58. Anonymous8:35 pm

    Total Chaos...

  59. Anonymous8:40 pm

    Tony! Where did you get all these clowns to spice up your blog? I think most ppl with genuine interest to post comments would have forsaken this blog. It's disgusting to see the way ppl post comments on this blog these days.

  60. Anonymous9:12 pm

    8:16 PM,

    GO BLOG lo!

  61. Anonymous9:22 pm

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  62. Anonymous9:28 pm

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  63. Anonymous9:36 pm

    Anon 9.22pm, what has these producers of animal feed got to do with Tony Pua? I pity your shallow idiot brain - even my 2 years old kid has better thinking that you. You don't even know how to differentiate write or wrong. Be open minded, don't be a racist, we are here working hard to have a better government - a government that is open, fair, clean, responsible, transparent, accountable and efficient. Being a blind supporter to KJ will only ruin your future.

  64. Anonymous9:45 pm

    Ok Tony I want to answer anon 9:36 PM, Please delete this also, because it is not in your favour.

    You want efficient government by calling idiot? teaching your 2 years old kid word idiot, bodoh?

    Ok tony, now you can delete this.

  65. Anonymous9:49 pm

    anon 115 and 556 showing prehistoric pictograph. Brother this is 21st Century, not ming era

  66. Anonymous9:53 pm

    115 & 556 watching too much chinese opera + kabuki!

  67. Anonymous11:27 pm

    The consistency of the people posting imflammatory remarks on your blog means that you are deep in their mind now. Finally, we have a LKS in making, a successor who will truly lead Malaysians out of the dark. I am looking forward for your performance :)

  68. Anonymous11:30 pm

    949, perhaps you are still in kesultanan melaka era?

  69. Anonymous11:36 pm

    totally agree with you, anon. 11.27 :)

  70. Anonymous11:44 pm

    agree with 11:27 PM. to the rest of the people leaving their "precious" comments, just admit it. you are afraid of tony pua, which is why you try to provoke him.

  71. Anonymous11:50 pm

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  72. Anonymous11:50 pm

    Love each other please!


  73. Anonymous11:56 pm

    love too personal anon. 11.50; maybe respect.

  74. Anonymous12:25 am

    amoy can love laa. ah beng or pua chu kang dont want laa

  75. Anonymous1:07 am

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  76. Anonymous8:43 am

    How many people believe that NAZRI is behaving this way WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING that this is EXPECTED from him by the PM and his top colleagues? Nazri is not a fool, he is doing this because its rewarding for him to do it. He knows he can go back to the PM and expected to be rewarded and defended by him for this kind of behaviour.

  77. Anonymous9:53 am

    Worse than Taiwan Parliament. I thought it was some outdated C grade movie. The finger pointing started by Nazri was most eyebrow raising. Respect has to be mutual. Someone thinks he is higher than others, deserves no respect from all others.

    The use of the word "bodoh" is not alarming or of concern. What surprises me most is that the Speaker of the Parliament thinks it is ok to use non-Parliamentary language and sees no need or urgency to correct the attitude or situation.

    I guess, my nation still cannot depend on Malaysia to save us the labour of moving ourselves forward. Maybe China and India will be kinder once we adapt to their work and culture styles.

  78. Anonymous12:22 pm

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  79. Anonymous2:15 pm

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  80. Anonymous4:33 pm

    why is that?

  81. Anonymous4:41 pm

    I thought your own people told the world we are multi-ethnic multi cultural country.

    You sounded like malaysia is a malay only country.

  82. Anonymous6:52 pm

    stop criticising each other here. if you have guts, do it openly and state your name and email address. else do not anyhow make racist remarks and dirty this blog.

    for those who are too free or unemployed, it is better for you to look at classifieds for a job, rather than wasting time and effort here. you have a family to support. to those who feel imitated, have a deep breath and forget such eye sores. it makes you as lowly as those people if you fight.


  83. Anonymous7:24 pm

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  84. Anonymous12:02 am

    Metro kajang is mca companny voted in by UMNO. Now they refuse to help you get a job - you deserve it simply vote mca who play you out hahaha

  85. Anonymous12:09 am

    Malysia is multi ethnic and multi cultural country but we want to be like singapore and brunei where the minority is PR or stateless and no power in politics or econmy

  86. oh tony... emotional title :)

  87. and i just realised i am the only person not blogging under anonymous...

  88. Anonymous1:38 am


  89. Anonymous3:00 am

    If singapore not a real country, then I'm not a real anonymous.

    Click on the link. It can track you down son.

  90. Anonymous4:01 am

    Malaysia has a very unique population composition and how the country is built upon the effort of different ethnic groups. Each group contributed to some significant aspects of the country. Although Chinese and Indian are at the moment minority of this country, comparison is not necessary admissible to other countries like Brunei.

    Moreover, other ethnic groups, especially Chinese has been recognised for contributions, especially in the economy sector. Leaders in our country are pretty much aware of it. That's why they didn't act like most anons here who suggested that Chinese Malaysians should leave the country or made as PR only.

    People who asserted that Chinese Malaysian should not stay in this country please calculate the ratio of contributions and expenditure made by Chinese Malaysians in comparison to other ethnic groups. I have no doubt that some ethnic groups contribute less but spend more. For those who wanted so much to hug this piece of Malaysian Land to yourself, do weigh the consequences. By the way, do look into the total equity owned by different ethnic groups. Some portion of equity are not owned by efforts/ability but by rights/legislations. While other ethnic groups remained quiet most of the time and tried so much to live harmoniously in this country, there should be some extent of similar attitude from the rest. Don't push till the point of no regrets.

    For those who tried to be funny or hostile in this blog, I hope that we could have constructive discussion than personal attacks with the use of name calling.

    I'm not here to judge anyone as unintellectual or stupid for those people may in real life much better than I am.

    Issues are always relative. Please respect the effort of bloggers trying to make sure that his/her blog remained active and interesting. Similary, I believe all the blogs are created based on the owner's intentions. So, if you disagree with the blogger's intentions/attitudes, just comment constructively. Please don't curse.

    If anyone thinks that you can do a better job, please provide your link. I shall drop by.

  91. Anonymous9:06 am

    He is making a fool of himself. We from Sabah are not happy with this guy, Nazri. He never do his homework about my state. He just hentam. Making fool of himself.

  92. Anonymous12:17 pm

    实际上如果肯冷静的想一想,我们的问题在政治体系,上梁不正下梁歪. 我是老头子再吃也最多二,三十年,但你们年轻应该为子孙想想,快去选民登记吧,好好利用你的权力,向政府勇敢说不!记住不要想移民。因为马来西亚是我们三大民族,千辛万苦才争取到独立自主的土地。我们绝对不可放弃。李昌泰

  93. Anonymous12:31 pm

    anon 401 suggest we think positive over this call for us to leave. He probably means well that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence - so by migrating we will be even better off, after all we are clever and hard working,right. The people left behind are probably contented and happy with little or no development, so be it. They think material wealth is not important for well being in this materialistic world, chatting at coffee shop and fishing in the countryside is life to them, let it be says the Beatles, let it be

  94. Anonymous2:09 pm

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  95. Anonymous3:23 pm

    Which side of the fence where the grass is greener depends on individuals.

    Some quarters call for chinese malaysian to leave the country because they thought after the chinese malaysian left, they will get a bigger piece of the cake. It's all about the country's wealth. Reportedly, the chinese currently still holds a significant portion of the wealth - businesses that generate wealth for the country.

    After all, it was the what youth leader who told some of the malays that it was the chinese who stole what they believe is their cake. But, they also forgot the cake was not a cake before it really generate profit. The people took the effort to turn it into a cake, they didn't stole them. After it makes profit some quarters simply act hero and claim it's theirs. How convenient!

    Also, what these people had not thought of is that without the people they wanted so much to leave the country generating the economy, they would not even have a cake to share. Even if there are, it could be a rotten cake like some of our national businesses. I wouldn't name them as some might think it is provocative.

    Some even said they'd rather broke than have the malaysian chinese generate the wealth for the country. What a great vision for the country! Ya, some said "we don't need you!" But don't underestimate the influence of the economical power in china. I'm not pro china or what, I'm a malaysian and I love my country, but we should not blind ourselves from the real situation of the world now. There are quite a number of malaysian chinese successfully set up businesses in china, and you know what, these people aren't even migrating there. Why? You must have thought that there's no way he wouldn't move to his homeland where he can make lots of money right? WRONG! We love our homeland, Malaysia.

  96. Anonymous5:20 pm

    Its more exciting than Taiwanese parliament, at least those from Taiwan argue in the correct ways with correct answers before they heads-off to the wrestling arena. CNN should visit us!

  97. Anonymous8:53 pm

    Anon 323 what cake are you talking about when you eat the whole thing yourself and forget that you are squatting in this land. We should share our wealth, otherwise people power like in Phillipines will come onto you

  98. Anonymous9:04 pm

    anon 1231 leaving the country should not be painted in a negative way. We get the benefit of a better life and those majority left behind are also happy with their coffee shop. so be it. One more thing, everybody lives as there is no fight. On this cake business it is actually elusive, you make more and more and are never enough and remains unhappy. Along the way you destroy the environment.

  99. Anonymous12:51 pm

    The only thing Nazri knows what to say is bodoh. Not surprising from a man who is a real Bodoh. Hey, Bodoh, apa khabar.

  100. Anonymous7:25 pm

    Dear YB (Yang biBenci) Nazri, please behave yourself in the parliment and don't bring shame to the country and the PM office. Otherwise, go back to primary school to retake the moral subject and i will definitely 糖果照收,反对党照投 !!!

  101. Anonymous11:22 pm

    Dear YB Nazri, why are you so bodoh now this immigrant wants to give lesson and cane you if you are bodoh. I told you to give stateles doc to these immigrant and you refuse to listen, bodoh lu

  102. Anonymous10:03 pm

    anon 853, since 80% of wealth are in the hands of the 20% minority , the majority has nothing to lose to bring in the force of people power. Yes you majority show your might before your land is stripped barren

  103. Anonymous10:26 pm

    chin peng built tunnels to live in the good old days of emergency. In modern times the minority slit eyes can stay in the smart tunnel

  104. Anonymous1:02 pm

    Nazri's behaviour in the parliment is a typical low-standard strategy used by most UMNO MPs to change the focus of the topic. When they cannot answer the question properly or feel guilty of some wrongdoings, they just scream "Bodoh". Don't think we are idiot please, your salary comes from our pocket! We are more clever now as compared to 20 years ago and know who to vote for next time!

  105. Anonymous1:03 pm




















  106. Anonymous1:34 pm

    Animal Farm our Parliament has become?
    Azly Rahman

    Bodoh. Bodoh. Bodoh. Bangang. Bengap. Bahlul. Bengap. Biol. Bebal. Binatang. Berok. Baghal. Baboon. Bocor. Booooooo! Bodoh. Bodoh. Bodoh.

    These are some of the recurring B-words that have become the common nouns, adjectives, and adverb lacing our parliamentary debates. Like the chorus of clanking machines in W.S. Rendra’s play “Perjuangan Suku Naga”

    It’s like Bronx gangsta rappers trying to rhyme the vulgar “B____” and “N_____” words to sell their albums and their degenerative ideology.

    Don’t we have any shame being representatives of the people who are supposed to not waste time spewing vulgarities and linguistic diarrhea in a house that is supposed to urgently and efficiently solve the problems of the poor, needy, the marginalized, and the dispossessed?

    How much time gets wasted in parliamentary debates that thrive on cajouling and the hurling of abuses? Why do we still have rude, vulgar, and diplomatically incompetent “elected representatives” still sitting in those debates, representing the rakyat?

    Is this the picture of progressive thinking we have developed as a political culture – 50 years after Merdeka?

    Shame. Shame. Shame!

    Politics of desperation

    We teach children in schools, universities, and educational institutions how to debate respectfully and rationally but in the Parliament that is supposed to be a congress and congregation of highly intelligent and politically productive adults, we see the culture of George Orwell’s animal farm reigning.

    We hear adults screaming at each other, interrupting each other violently, rational voices drowned in the cacophony of political thuggery. Perception and reality is now one. The culture of Ijok and of the parliament is now all the same. The line between perception and reality is destroyed.

    What are we adults teaching our youth and the children of our next generation? Is this the coming of age of our politics of desperation in which anger rules as a result of the total eclipse of reason?

    We wrongly call brutish politicians “Yang Berhormat”. They should be called “Yang Tidak Patut di Hormati”.

    We cannot immediately change the culture of unreasoned and brutish parliamentary debates. We paid the price for voting those species of parliamentarians into power. This is the disease that this nation has contracted since feudal times; from the brutishness of those who ruled since the times of Srivijaya and Majapahit to the modern times of Putrajaya and Cyberjaya.

    It will probably take a hundred years for this culture of intelligence amongst parliamentarians to evolve. It seems that to teach these people the art of listening while others are talking seem impossible.

    Why are these rude parliamentarians called “Yang Berhormat’ when they do not even have the necessary intelligence to carry out reasoned and data-driven arguments and when they have not earned the respect of the people?

    We must evolve culturally.

    Culture of shouting

    Our culture of parliamentary debate has the great potential to evolve from a ‘circus’ and a Balinese cock fighting and keris-wielding arena to a problem-solving forum, if and when we begin to elect more intelligent, rational, and meaningfully articulate politicians to represent our constituencies.

    Our society is becoming more intelligent and our imitation of models of development has become more sophisticated, but some of our parliamentarians need to learn how to speak in public and how to talk sense based on a data-driven style of argumentation.

    Must we continue to live with news reports concerning parliamentary debates that have representatives call each other “bodoh”, “berok”, “baboon”, “binatang” and other less than human designation, instead of calling upon facts and scientific reasoning to back up national issues that need to be resolved?

    Must we tolerate a culture of shouting and yelling and cajoling in sessions that are supposed to be used to deliberate and mediate our most urgent and serious issues involving the social, economic, and political fate of millions of citizens who voted for those into power?

    Must we let the culture permeate into our universities, schools, social and cultural institutions, and homes in which this brand of feudalism and ignorance and brute force rule in a half-baked democracy?

    Why have parliamentarians who present well-researched issues in the most civil manner been shouted at and interrupted perpetually by those who cannot mount anything substantial other than foul language and a chorus of gangsterish rowdiness?

    Why are we still seeing this culture at the time when our parliamentarians are becoming more and more educated either locally or abroad?

    What kind of parliamentarians gets voted into power and do those with brutish public speaking skills really represent their constituencies? Or are they now becoming an embarrassment to their electorate and an insult to its intelligence?

    I think this name-calling sessions that waste public money and glorify brute and arrogant ways of presenting opinion need to be ended.

    But how? What must we do? Where do we begin?

    Ponder these questions

    Be a smarter voter

    Rude parliamentarians with substandard intelligence need not be respected. They need to be voted out in the next election, so that the “general will” of the people can proceed with maturity, leaving these mentally decaying parliamentarians behind.

    Rude supporters of rude parliamentarians need not be respected en masse either. They will merely continue the intellectual destruction we the Malaysian people are trying to create as culture and as a legacy for our children who are becoming more and more intelligent and idealistic than the generation of rotting parliamentarians who get voted through unethical means.

    How might we recognise a Cicero, a Sheikh Kadir Jelani, a Gandhi, a Patrick Henry, a Sun Yat Sen, a Ho Chi Minh, a Che Guevara, a Sukarno, a Vaclav Havel, a John F Kennedy amongst us - leaders who can articulate sense with the power of reason and social imagination?

    Here are some questions for us:

    * Do our parliamentarians read philosophy?

    * Can they reason scientifically?

    * Can they think holistically?

    * Can they understand the complexities of arguments?

    * Can they gracefully link one idea to another and understand the deeper meaning of the themes?

    * Can they argue beyond the prison-house of “race and ethnicity” and bring arguments to a different and more sophisticated level?

    * Can they analyse past, present, and future systems of oppression?

    * Can they recognise ethics in decision-making and move beyond partisan politics?

    * Can they articulate what a utopia of a truly multicultural and ethical nation is, based on the power of scientific rationality, transcultural ethical system, and social justice that evolve out of the respect for the human intellect and the freedom to think without being punished for speaking up?

    * Do they read much at all to develop the power of their intellect that will be manifested through their powerful oratory skills?

    * Do they know how to mediate instead of merely aggravate?

    A hundred years is not too long for us to have our parliament evolve into a respectable and ‘world-class’ institution. We must begin to look at what concepts and skills we need in order to educate the younger generation with. We also need to explore what politics mean and what species of politicians we must create.

    The first step

    The first step is to recognise the symptoms of a corrupt political system – how much is spent to put a leader into power.

    The higher the office, the more the money is needed, seem to be the political wisdom of the day. Therefore, we now see the total enculturalisation of corruption – from the promotion system in our universities to the presenting of politically-charged ‘ang pau’ and ‘duit hari raya’ to children.

    The postmodern system dictates that billions of ringgit is needed to prepare for the next general election. The network of political-economic control is getting more sophisticated and the system of manipulation of human consciousness is getting more glitzy and savvy.

    The wealth of our resource-rich nation is used to maintain political hegemony. The ideological state apparatus is used to shut up citizens who speak up against various forms of injustices.

    Political hegemony translates into the control of the educational institutions, so that we may reproduce the brand of arrogance and ignorance desired.

    Our public universities are being used to shut people up more stylistically and sophisticatedly, using better language of mental domination, using more totalitarian system of educating, utilising authoritarian methods of teaching.

    What the must we do? You and I must decide fast. Our elected representatives have even lost the ability to speak politely in public.

    But essentially – we are all at fault.

    As the Indonesian poet Sutardji Calzoum Bachri would say: “Kalian… pun”. (You… as well)

  107. Anonymous1:40 pm

    Azly Rahman, Excellent Writing!! Let's vote for the opposition without hesitation in the coming General Election to give the useless PM a big slap!

  108. Anonymous5:33 pm

    We are not sure the opposition will be any better. Since the opposition never had ambition to over the government I dont think they attract the best brains. Moreover their warcry are just to oppose and nothing else. So the answer is not as simple as to vote in opposition but to take a risk and vote new educated faces in UMNO party. Say no to nazri and no to pm and dpm. Of course definitely no to any dap, they have no plan at all, they'll fail from the start go

  109. I couldn't agree more with some of the comments over here. It is indeed shameful to have elected representatives get involved in a shouting match. We are no different from them since we chose them to represent the rakyat. This applies to the opposition party as well. Is it very difficult to be calm and compose during such 'debate'? Or we willingly allow our animal instinct to take precedence? Shame on both parties.

  110. Anonymous3:15 pm













  111. Anonymous3:45 pm

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  112. Anonymous9:17 pm

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  113. Anonymous9:38 pm

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  114. Anonymous11:58 pm

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  115. Anonymous12:48 am

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  116. Anonymous12:04 pm

    Anon 12:48 AM, may I suggest that you send your kids to learn Chinese now. Otherwise, I worry that one day they can't find a job in the private sector. China is becoming a superpower and even people from Western countries have started to learn Mandarin. Knowing another language is a skill. Please wake up! Many people (you know what i mean) were unemployed simply becuase they have narrrow mindset like you. God bless you.

  117. Anonymous4:05 pm

    it's sad to see the malaysian level of parliamentary maturity is far from that of civilised nations. no wonder we still cannot be regarded as a "developed" nation. it's such a sad revelation.

  118. Anonymous10:33 pm



















