
Saturday, May 12, 2007

Mothers' Day Event

Mothers' Day falls on this coming Sunday. For DAP in Petaling Jaya, to celebrate the occasion, we will be giving out carnations to all mothers at the Sea Park market on Sunday morning from 8.30am. At the same time, we will also be addressing the press at 9.30am, in part to register our with disgust with Barisan Nasional MPs, in particular, Mohd Said "Close-One-Eye" Yusof and Bung Mokhtar Radin who insulted all mothers and women in Parliament with their vulgar remarks.

For those who are free, who shares our disappointment with BN MPs who thumped their tables with joy when our MP for Batu Gajah, Fong Po Kuan failed in her bid to refer the duo to the House Committee of Privileges, please feel free to join us, either at 8.30 or at 9.30. For details, please email me at tonypua(at) Your support will be greatly appreciated. ;)

Below is our 3 Wishes for this Mothers' Day:

1. That Our Mothers' Dreams Will Come True

Mothers all over Malaysia have sacrificed immensely so we can be successful in our lives. Hence today, May 13 is a day dedicated to mothers across the country for their unconditional love and dedication in raising us. We should therefore be reminded to pause from our busy daily schedule to spend time with her and tell her how much we love her, hoping the our Mothers' dreams will all come true.

In honour of all mothers around the country and as a token of our appreciation, DAP PJ will be distributing carnations to all mothers in Sea Park, Petaling Jaya.

2. That Our Government Will Stop Breaking Up Happy Families

Rubber-tapper Marimuthu was happily married to Raimah Bibi a/p Noordin for 21 years with 7 children but was suddenly and forcibly separated from them because his wife was born a Muslim.

Although Marimuthu has gotten back all his children, the family is now broken up. Raimah Bibi is now separated from her husband and children – although there can be no doubt that they would want to be reunited as one family again.

All religions inculcate good values of family love, compassion and unity and no religion would work to disrupt happy families. Where is the justice in Malaysia if families who have been living happily together for decades are forcibly separated by the Government, leaving the children without the care and love of their mother?

The DAP wishes on this auspicious day, that Raimah, a dedicated wife and mother for the past 21 years, can be reunited her pride and joy.

3. That Our Government Respects Mothers & Women

It was a disgraceful act by BN MPs who insulted women all over Malaysia in Parliament. When our MP for Batu Gajah, Fong Po Kuan was debating the issue of leaks in the Parliament, the Bung Mokhtar Radin had retorted “Mana ada bocor, Batu Gajah pun tiap-tiap bulan pun bocor juga,” while Mohd Said Yusof added ““MP for Batu Gajah tiap-tiap bulan pun bocor juga.”

They abused of their parliamentary privileges to besmirch and dishonour the Parliament by making crude, vulgar, sexist and offensive remarks. They insulted not only Po Kuan but all Malaysian mothers and women.

DAP PJ will show our solidarity with Po Kuan this Mother's Day by asking why no woman BN MP was will stand up to speak up for women dignity and condemn the two sexist BN MPs? Why is our MP in Petaling Jaya Utara who is also the Parliamentary Secretary for Ministry of Women, Family & Community Development staying elegantly silent on the issue?

Happy Mothers' Day!


  1. Shameful words from our BN MPs. Shows their mental state and chauvinism. Why does the acronym MCP comes to mind?

    One of them even has a "close one eye" and other than a "leaky" attitude now. Such shame.

    What is even more shameful is the silence of our female BN MPs and the BN Whip. Silence means consent? Looks like it.

    Rafidah, Sharizat, Azalina, Ng Yen Yen, Chew M F, Komala and other defenders of women rights in the parliment, what say you?

  2. Anonymous1:47 pm

    If the spineless female MPs from BN cant stand up for themselves, do you expect them to stand up for you?
    Think about it when you vote.

  3. Anonymous10:07 pm

    I would like to urge all women in this country to vote Mohd Said Yusof and Bung Mokhtar Radin out of the parliment in the coming GE. What a big shame to those female BN MPs who remained silent during the episode. Tony, keep up the good work to topple BN, we are all behind you! Happy Mothers' day!

  4. Anonymous10:51 pm

    Mohd Said Yusof and Bung Mokhtar Radin both have 99.99% resemblance to a don't be surprised in what they had said...LOL

  5. Anonymous11:51 pm

    It is most disgraceful to have two Members of Parliament making such derogatory statements. They are not fit to be MPs at all.
