
Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Bridging the Malaysian Divide

The "controversy" over my simple statement, and as reported in Malaysiakini, which suggested to the Government that the civil service needs to lose some weight has taught me a little thing or two about the extent of the divide, or for that matter "chasm" which we face as a nation today. While I'm thankful for all the support shown here from readers in little altercation with the UMNO Youth Deputy Chief, it paints only half the picture of Malaysians out there.

On Sunday, those who reads Utusan Malaysia will understand the size of the chasm which needs bridging to bring about a one-and-united Malaysia. Figuratively, you could say that I'm bruised blue-black in Utusan, not once, not twice, but three times(!) that day. ;)

First there was a published letter "Orang Melayu Terlalu Lembut" by Azizah Rahmad of Shah Alam:
BARU-baru ini orang Melayu dikejutkan dengan kenyataan menghina oleh Tony Pua di Malaysiakini bahawa penjawat awam hanya terdiri daripada orang Melayu mengalami masalah pengangguran.


Tetapi beliau mesti akur bahawa jika kerajaan sendiri tidak mengambil graduan bumiputera mahukah sektor swasta mengambil graduan bumiputera dengan ikhlas dan memberi peluang yang sama rata? Ini termasuk dari segala aspek antaranya kenaikan gaji dan pangkat dalam jangka masa yang panjang.

...hikmah tersirat dari kenyataan Tony Pua ini adalah satu wake up call bagi semua orang Melayu betapa pentingnya kita semua bersatu demi masa depan masyarakat Melayu... Orang Melayu dan Islam walau apa pun pegangan politik mereka mesti dengan serius mementingkan dan memikirkan nasib bangsa untuk tempoh akan datang dan bertindak dengan bijak sekarang ini.


Kita telah terlalu banyak berlembut dan bertolak ansur demi keharmonian sebagai rakyat dalam masyarakat berbilang kaum dan agama tetapi ini tidak bermakna mereka boleh ‘memijak’ kepala kita.
Once again, I have to repeat I did not say nor imply that "penjawat awam hanya terdiri daripada orang Melayu mengalami masalah pengangguran".

Then Irmohizam Ibrahim, Ahli Majlis Tertinggi of Gabungan Pelajar Melayu Semenanjung (GPMS), wrote in his opinion piece "Hentikan agenda gugat perpaduan kaum"
Kedegilan Tony Pua yang enggan meminta maaf kepada anggota perkhidmatan awam negara dan langkahnya mencabar Khairy untuk berdebat tajuk “Kecemerlangan Perkhidmatan Awam: Kualiti vs Kuantiti” mencerminkan hakikat bahawa kenyataan menghina yang dibuat oleh beliau sememangnya disengajakan dan ia memaparkan pandangannya terhadap standard perkhidmatan awam negara khasnya dan kualiti graduan Melayu amnya.


Sebenarnya kenyataan Tony Pua ini sebahagian daripada siri tindakan memprovokasi orang Melayu oleh parti DAP. Manakan tidak graduan Melayu yang menganggur dan gagal mendapat pekerjaan di sektor swasta terus dicap dan ditanggap sebagai mempunyai kualiti rendah. Beliau langsung tidak mengambil kira pelbagai sebab lain yang menyebabkan mereka gagal memperoleh pekerjaan di sektor swasta...

Kenapa kebelakangan ini kerap sangat parti DAP, pemimpin atau bekas pemimpinnya mengeluarkan kenyataan yang boleh merosakkan perhubungan kaum di negara tercinta ini?

Sebenarnya Tony Pua dan rakan-rakannya adalah simptom kepada apa yang menjadi masalah utama kepada parti DAP. Mereka adalah wajah sebenar kepada DAP iaitu sebuah parti yang sebenarnya tidak berminat untuk mewujudkan Malaysia untuk semua orang Malaysia seperti slogan muluk yang dilaung- laungkan...

Apa yang lebih menggerunkan bahawa DAP tidak sedar atau sengaja tidak mahu sedar bahawa jalan yang diambilnya adalah jalan yang boleh merosakkan negara untuk jangka masa panjang.
So now constructive criticisms of the civil service is now a racial issue which affects ethnic relations in the country...

Finally, the editor(s) of Utusan Malaysia, commented in their regular column "Bisik-Bisik Awang Selamat" that:
...Awang tertanya mengapa DAP enggan membetulkan sikap banyak syarikat swasta yang mengehadkan peluang pekerjaan kepada orang Melayu, dengan cara menetapkan syarat fasih bahasa Mandarin.

Awang percaya jika kepentingan Melayu terus diasak, akan tercetus gelombang suara mempersoalkan semula tolak ansur kepada golongan minoriti.

Tiada negara lain di dunia yang menyaksikan kaum minoriti menerima nasib yang sebegitu baik sebagaimana di Malaysia.
We really must be living in 2 separate worlds...

This post isn't to debate on the merits of the above arguments. I've already done that in my previous posts here and here.

The reason why I put the above quotes here is to demonstrate the size of the chasm or divide we face in this country, and the near-impossibly humongous task we have towards nation-building, despite 50 years of independence.


  1. Anonymous6:37 pm

    Ha, ha, welcome to the real world! Now you know why and how you can be condemed and buried by the BN-controlled mass media, without even given a chance to defend yourself openly to the people who read and listen to the mass media. Yes, white can be black and black can be white.

    How many among those who follow the BN-controlled mass media read this blog of yours? Be prepared to be cursed a million times by those who follow the BN-controlled mass media. Scary, right?

    Malaysia, truly land of opportunities for the people in power!

  2. Anonymous6:38 pm

    Dear Tony,

    Having read what you just described above. I must admire you for what you have done so far - in that I mean leaving behind everything i.e the corporate world. Having seen such a huge divide as you have mentioned, I really cannot understand what possessed you to do what you have actually done although I am sure we are all very glad for that.

    But then again I ask you, is it really worth it, when you have such clowns living amongst us? No amount of effort seems enough to ever get to them. Like the Malay saying "Bagai mencurah air ke daun keladi". In fact many amongst us have already "changed harbour" - like the saying goes.

    It would perhaps be more worthwhile to spend our time and effort advising/teaching the people, how to go about and what's the best way to change harbours.

  3. Anonymous7:57 pm

    " .....jika kerajaan sendiri tidak mengambil graduan bumiputera mahukah sektor swasta mengambil graduan bumiputera dengan ikhlas dan memberi peluang yang sama rata?"

    What i understand from this statement is that THEY THEMSELVES ADMIT THAT THEY ARE WEAK, AND THE GOVERNMENT IS TAKING IN RUBBISH. It has nothing to do with DAP or even TP, because none in his statements ever mentioned about those things.

    "....boleh ‘memijak’ kepala kita."

    This statement is amazingly racist! Since when they have been stepped?

    "...sebab lain yang menyebabkan mereka gagal memperoleh pekerjaan di sektor swasta."

    They have only UMNO to blame, and not others. They are the one who allow UMNO to keep them deep in the well.

    "....sebuah parti yang sebenarnya tidak berminat untuk mewujudkan Malaysia untuk semua orang Malaysia seperti slogan muluk yang dilaung- laungkan"

    I think he doesn't understand what he has written. The term "orang Malaysia" means ORANG MALAYSIA and not ORANG MELAYU! Now who is the one rejecting BANGSA MALAYSIA? UMNO is!

    "...dengan cara menetapkan syarat fasih bahasa Mandarin."

    Has he done his research on how many companies that require such "syarat"? This is a global village and not "kampung." So shut up!

    "Tiada negara lain di dunia yang menyaksikan kaum minoriti menerima nasib yang sebegitu baik sebagaimana di Malaysia"

    Let me tell you, they are many. I don't think the minority in Malaysia "menerima nasib yang sebegitu baik" in the first place. Our neighbour Singapore for one cares for her minorities, and particularly Malays. Again, go and do some research or else SHUT UP!

    In a nutshell, the Malays are making themselves the joke of the century. They are indeed "keras kepala" and will never admit their own weaknesses and work hard to overcome them. I can foresee 13/5/2009.

  4. Anonymous8:30 pm

    Scary indeed scary. A simple statement and you are shot all over. Now you can see the big divide. Do not even dare to step on their preserve. Do not even dare to question. It is treacherous for anyone to touch on their sensitivities. I thought rightful citizens deserve what is entitled to them accoding to principles of fairness and not because they are a minority. Hi, they are not illegal immigrants. They pay taxes so as rightful citizens they deserve a place under the sun. Just walk into any government department. 90% of the employees overwhelmingly one group.There is no running away from the fact that the government is the single biggest employer of this special group. What is there to say like "Tiada negara lain di dunia yang menyaksikan kaum minoriti menerima nasib yang sebegitu baik sebagaimana di Malaysia"

  5. ...Awang tertanya mengapa DAP enggan membetulkan sikap banyak syarikat swasta yang mengehadkan peluang pekerjaan kepada orang Melayu, dengan cara menetapkan syarat fasih bahasa Mandarin.

    Whats wrong with specifying that Mandarin is a pre-requisite? Mandarin is a language and although synonymous with the chinese, it should be viewed as a skill. There are Malays who can speak mandarin and the language can certainly be learned. If chinese can learn to speak malay, malays can certainly learn to speak mandarin. What? is Awang too good for mandarin?

    Besides, the pre-requisite of mandarin could be well justified in a business sense. Maybe the position requires the incumbent to deal with chinese speaking clients, among others.

    therefore, language discrimination should not be confused with racism. Language is a skill as it can facilitate communication. However, can we say the same about race? can we chinese be malay? we did not choose the colour of our skin, so why are we punished for it?

  6. Anonymous9:29 pm

    If not for the hard working Malaysian who are so willingly accruing knowledge and learning another language, if not their contribution to the economy who could predict Malaysia could not be another Western African state? If Awang cares about the country he is so beloved please contribute to the country by working more and paying more tax so that the next time he speak up I will be really giving him credit.

    Tax Payer

  7. Anonymous10:19 pm

    Dear Tony, your action in defending your factual statement will put those self-centred politicians from MCA, Gerakan and other BN component parties to shame.

    If Gali Jambanlutin were to demand apology from those buggers , I bet my last dollar that it will be given immediately, shame on them.

  8. Anonymous11:56 pm

    again, they are using racial slants as a cover-up. Is there any doubt that the government sector is bloated? um, give me statistics to prove otherwise.

  9. Anonymous1:05 am

    Did you notice that KJ and many other Malays, even ministers, cannot see the BIG PICTURE?

    Tony talked about BIG PICTURE, which is the effectiveness of the civil servants. Along mentioned the bumiputeras/malays being the majority of them, and THIS become the BIG PICTURE to KJ and the rest of them to talk about. They completely lost their focus to the main topic! How sad.

    Tony should learn this lesson and be very careful of their short-sight. I really hope there is a powerful Malay come out and write a book about "Ugly Malays", like what we have, Ugly Chinaman and Ugly Japanese an so on. That's good insights about ourselves.

  10. Anonymous1:33 am

    The Malays at large will never learn, as long as UMNO is leading them. UMNO is just a selfish political party that centers on the benefit of its own leaders. If Dato Onn Jaafar is still alive, he will be stunned to see what has gotten into the party he built up. He might choose to die rather than seeing the rotten side of Malays. The same is possible for Tunku, who stressed on equality and freedom. Yet, the Malays forget them.

  11. No wonder DAP "IS" always considered a pro-cina and chinese-centric party... Utusan does a good job in 'clorox-ing' the minds of many unsuspecting readers... the most effective propaganda machine?

    Hi Tony,

    I have read and understood your points. It is reflecting what is happening in reality but I would like to say it is best if you had not used the phrase "dumping ground" in your article / speech / argument.

    As you can see, the Son-In-Law is capitalising on that phrase and made a big issue out of it.

    Furthermore, the combination of Son-In-Law's rethorics, the phrase and the image of DAP in the eyes of Malays have created a big misunderstanding in racial terms.

    I understand that you are trying to explain the issue at hand to the public but that phrase caused some Malays to think DAP is attempting to insult them.

    It is not surprising that Utusan would take advantage of the situation and play the racial cards. We know who owns Utusan !

    Without that phrase, perhaps it would be easier to put your points across, don't you think?

    Why don't you opt for substitutes which are "not" negative?

    Just my two cents worth opinion. Hope you really get what I mean.


  13. Dear Tony,

    You should be proud of yourself because Utusan did the same thing before to the like of Lee Kuan Yew. When LKY went back to Singapore he banned Utusan. In the Malaysian struggle never say die but persevere until one fine day...

  14. Anonymous9:47 am

    UTUSAN should pay us to read their papers and not otherwise....

  15. Anonymous10:18 am

    Yep TP, i agree with Segaladoola there! while your intentions were good, and SIL has chickened out of the debate, he still has the means to take a shot at you from the shadows.

    while it may worth the while to ponder the possibility of 'explaining' your remarks to the malays, i guess this is the way the ruling coalition play the racial card, and they play it very well.

  16. Hi Sagaladoola,

    Thanks for the advice, and trust me, I appreciate it.

    Maybe I shouldn't have used the word "dumping ground", which in my opinion, isn't that harsh. But yes, I know, that may not be the view shared by others.

    However, if you look at the above commentaries, do you think that the outcome of my statement would've been any different, even if I don't use the word "dumping ground"?

    Its the opinion of many that I've been targetted. And when that happens, whatever mentioned, as long as they can link it to race, one way or another (e.g., I can come up with another economic piece on NEP which deals with competitiveness and not on race), they'll turn it into a race-debate to 'neutralise' the targets.

    So yes, I could have been gentler and maybe I should have been gentler despite stating the obvious, but the likely outcome would have been little different.

    As long as your critique is on the government and if it hits home, then whatever 'reasoned', and however it's been delivered becomes secondary to the 'debate'.

    ;) Tony

  17. Tony, if u're being targetted it could only mean one thing - you're important enough in the political game to catch the attention of none other than that s-i-l! in a way this is a baptism of fire for you, and you're proving to hold urself up very well. whatever it is, i think there will be more attempts such as this in the future. perhaps that is the s-i-l's way of trying to "destroy" the an extremely 3rd world and low class manner.

  18. Anonymous1:58 pm

    Hi Tony,

    I like this one : "Tiada negara lain di dunia yang menyaksikan kaum minoriti menerima nasib yang sebegitu baik sebagaimana di Malaysia.".

    One simple question i always wonder: what other nation in the world made law to protect, give special privilege to the majority instead of minority?

    Please enlighten me.

  19. Anonymous5:21 pm

    How bout KJ, he mention it is ok to be racist to defend himself when he causes racial tension. Why the malaysiakini did not question his act? Why KJ is so sensitive to racial issue while he use such words for defending his act? Why can't he and others take it as a joke like what Najib said?

    I don't get it.

    Whats the problem of mandarin speaking while most of the government servants which is bumi get promoted faster than a non-bumi. Some local university also mention bumi only. What is the differences. Do they know how a company run? Did they notice this issues before giving comments? Is it that they can cause racial issue legally while others are illegal?

  20. Anonymous5:41 pm

    Language is not a racial issue, if the requirement is English speaking then isn't it means they are racist to all Asian? Think about that.

    "Awang percaya jika kepentingan Melayu terus diasak, akan tercetus gelombang suara mempersoalkan semula tolak ansur kepada golongan minoriti."

    In fact, they still intend to cause another bloodshed. Look at the threatening words they said, isn't it counted as racism? They should apologize for such remarks too. 1 more thing, causing such tension will do no good to the country itself. We are globalize and known around the world as "Harmony" country with different ethnic groups. Guess what will happen if CNN reports this type of news, the Western and Eastern world will neglect us and maybe start a trade embargo, just maybe.

    1 thing for sure, our GDP will drop dramatically because of unstable political issue within the country which will drive out businesses. malaysiakini should think further before posting such news.

  21. Anonymous5:49 pm

    Not to make things confuse, they forgot that KJ started this arguments. Why do it turn out that Tony is the 1 accusing KJ? They cannot blame Chinese Company not to hire bumi, but did they forgot NEP? Yes, they did. 30% must be owned by Malays, did they miss out that point and it also requires that 30% of it must be bumi employees. Their point is not according to logic but out of anger.

  22. Dear Tony,

    I pray that your strength and resolute will carry you through the unthinkable divide and challenge we face in Malaysia. Indeed the first poster is right, welcome to real politics - where it's dirty, one sided and biased.

    Remember that people who read and think will see the light at the end of the tunnel. Keep on educating Malaysians.

  23. Anonymous7:54 pm

    Dear Tony,
    We do not wish to see you bruised in this manner but I have to agree with Sagaladoola that the word ‘dumping ground’ has been turned against you. You are now made to appear a ‘bad guy’ by u know who. The words carries a negative connotation. A place to dump stuff that is useless. You have been very brave to come out with this article and for that we salute you. Do be very careful with use of words and not give opportunists space to attack.

  24. Its an age old problem that we live in chasms. We tolerate but not integrate. We think and act along racial lines. Unless anyone comes out with a solution, cuz I don't have any, I don't think DAP and PAS could either because of their ideology and appeal. BN was supposed to do it but after 50 years of rule nothing changes. Could DSAI and PKR do it? Yet to be seen. On paper, it could if it could win over the Malay votes which I doubt.

    Could Tony do it? Ah...that would be interesting to watch.

  25. Anonymous9:33 pm

    Terima kasih Tony kerana telah memberi pandangan ikhlas dan memberi gambaran yang cukup jelas pemikiran, pandangan dan persepsi barisan pemimpin muda kaum saudara terhadap bangsa Melayu.

    Selepas ini semua kakitangan awam, khususnya yang berbangsa Melayu harus memberi layanan "karpet merah" kepada kaum Tony Pua.

    Semua tender kerajaan hendaklah di berikan kepada Tony dan rakan mereka kerana hanya mereka yang layak dan bijak serta mampu melaksanakannya.

  26. Anonymous11:08 pm

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  27. Anonymous11:31 pm

    Anon 9:33 PM.

    I don't mind the Malays lay out red carpet for me. I hope you will do what you say.

    Anon 11:08 PM.

    TP never "kutuk" any ethnic in the first place. He is only pointing out what is happening in the government, behind the door. If you don't understand English, i suggest you go back to primary one and start all over again.

  28. Anonymous12:26 am

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  29. Anonymous12:32 am

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  30. Anonymous2:18 am

    Anon 9.33

    Red carpet my foot! Is the bangsa melayu really that generous? I just wished my children can enter a public university without hassle just like bangsa melayu.

    I also wished all bangsa melayu were born as non-melayu and have a feel of what secondary citizen taste like!

  31. Anonymous7:18 am

    Hi Tony,
    You delete the coment aaa...
    this is what you & DAP say free speeking country huh.....
    Why don't u delete the "good remark" about KJ also....

  32. Anonymous7:47 am

    The majority race can only blame themselves for the entire shortfall and supporting UMNO didn’t help. They should never think like when the NEP was 1st implemented because during that time the ratio of tax contributor and those who so called qualify as “son of the soil” is not as of today. TP will stay in Malaysia but a lot of other similar to TP will never return to their country of birth and a lot will move away from Bolehland. So eventually being son of the soil is bad if you can’t upgrade and can’t accumulate knowledge and cannot contribute to the country coffer. Simply there were be too many “Son of the soil” and too few TP to contribute to the tax. Look at Indonesia where they only have a few percentage of TP vs majority "Soiled sons", so you have it. Please don't feel upset if in no time Putera & Puteri will only receive Rupees and have to live like Indonesian immigrants.

  33. LKY once said: those who make themselves relevant would be better off; those who opt out, would suffer.

  34. Anonymous9:43 am

    Here is the scary thing, while fundamentally there is a divide, the divide is more permanent because its enabled by the political hegemony and patronship of UMNO/BN.

    The people may not be united but it takes only a small number of politicians that find it extremely useful to keep the people apart for their own agenda.

  35. Anonymous10:31 am

    tony, in malaysia, there will always be a racial slant... you will lose, facts alone can't help you, actually, certain facts can do you in

    BN is strong... even the MCA, MIC and gerakan support umno... even when there's glaring problem

    i think the part where you said that majority are bumis did you in...

    i agree that many teacher are 'factory rejects'... they can't stand the work in the factory, overtime, long hours, yield... hence they run to be teachers!!! easy to teacher wat!!! hahaha

    you are a brave soul, i salute you for that, i'm glad to know a malaysian like you

  36. Anonymous12:18 pm

    Tony, I salute your hard work and true commitment to make this country a better place to live. Your growing reputation, high intelleutual quality, and integrity is certainly a big threat to UMNO in the coming general election. The UMNO putras are scared to death when they hear your name now, you are now like another Lim Kit Siang. They are scared because their leaders are nothing but good in covering up failures like the useless son-in-law Chicken Khairy. God Bless you. Good luck!

  37. Anonymous3:43 pm

    M'sia after 50 yrs of independance still never learn. Malay still asking & more & more is coming.

    We non malay here is not asking for any favar, we just asking for fairness & transparence.

    Why when Malay touching on racist issue as per last UMNO meeting, is ok for them ?? or they just superior than other.

    On Awang Selamat from Utusan Malaysia, minority here is treated very well compare to oversea.. Are u sure ?? Do u knew that onli in Malaysia, minority is not protected by our so called government but onli favarable majority of them onli.

    On the employment in private sector, u say they r racist requesting chinese speaking.. Do u think all chinese here can speak chinese ?? Did u think y they want chinese speaking ?? Becos they need someone to handle China issue.

    On the other hand, government is taking alot of malay graduates. Then they will say non malay not interested to join government due to money concerns. Is this truth ?? 100% gimmick from government.

    On brain drain issue, government always said non malay been unpatriot. Is this truth ?? Again 100% no truth. We luv our country but the way govn treat us has been upsetting us all this time. The brilliant cant get scholarship so what can we do ?? We just apply to our neighbor which gratefully offer us scholarship to study oversea & serve them back once grad.

    ummmm.....what can i expect from this country. Lets us see..

  38. tony,

    you have my support.


  39. Anonymous7:39 pm

    The way forward is to have DAP headed by a Malay.To kick off let's have a 70% Malay membership in DAP. Otherwise DAP is just a shadow of LKY's PAP. As ia stands DAP is seen as a racist party by the majority Malay, as it only fight for the benefit of chinese ( not even indian) and against whatever is malay. Of course it has to use the malaysian malaysia concept which the malays know is intent to wipe off anything Malay in this Malay Peninsula

  40. Anonymous9:06 pm

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  41. thanks for highlighting the civil servant issue of the country.

  42. pls dont give up dude. keep up the good work. sophie is 100 per cent behind u. woof woof.

    sophie's reaction to your earlier piece --


  43. Anonymous1:52 am

    We can attract Malays into DAP if it benefits them. But you cannot possibly expect them to join us when we are taking potshots at them.

  44. Anonymous6:28 pm

    We have been polarised for almost 50 years. Wether it is intentional or not, the government has polarised us. The reasons are not just the schooling system. Our schools are polarised. Our neighbourhoods are polarised. One thing is very sure - "we don't trust one another".

    Being in our unique Malaysian culture for so long, it is extremely difficult to neutralise that kind of mindset in our children. "Who would look after the welfare of our own race" that kind of mindset, as long as we concur the differentiation, we will never exit the loop. A hundred years from now, we will still be the same. And we still need some (race based) party to look after our own welfare. A thousand years from now, the malays will still have doubts in the chinese and vice versa.

    Race based political parties exist only because of our mindset. Because we (most of us) believe only these parties will look after and protect our interests?

    DAP should break away from the loop and start looking after the welfare of other races.

    For once, I thought Tony is the only person who can do it, after this, I think it is a mission impossible. I'm not doubting Tony's capability but the man power he has.

  45. Sadly, none of the commentators in the Utusan addresses the facts that Tony has brought up ... for obvious reasons, I am sure.

    Keep up the ante, Tony. The Opposition parties do have a role to play in this country and perhaps, once day, the majority will see the light.

  46. Anonymous2:19 pm

    In other countries the minorities assimilate. In malaysia the minorities wants to force their will on the majority.My answer is assilmilate or perish

  47. Anonymous11:19 pm

    Anoymous 2:19PM,

    What do you mean by assimilate? Care to explain?

    And lay of the hogwash about minorities perishing - are you the Gestapo?

  48. Anonymous7:31 am

    Anon 12:47,
    Tony highlight "unemployed Malay graduate" being employed by the goverment as the reason for the unwieldy civil service.

    To say "unemployed graduate" as "unemployed Malay graduate" will lead to fallacy.

    Further comment attacking Uitm graduate in this blog shows the racist of the whole issue

  49. Anonymous12:07 am

    What we have here is that the minority is the wise one and is telling the majority to see things their way. My take is these minorities are everywhere in the world doing trading and retail business - nothing ground breaking considering the large base in their motherland. So ignore them, they'll survive somehow.

  50. Anonymous12:24 am

    I spoke with an Aussie the other day the only thing he likes about this migrant is the food , and that's all

  51. Anonymous10:43 am

    I guess you guys only know how to add more salt to the wound ... so much for your intelligence!

  52. Anonymous4:44 pm

    This guys are merely speaking the language the other side understand. You can't talk sense to a confirmed chauvinist hiding behind a 'democratic' placard? Btw I heard that food and migrant story in beautiful Edinburgh! I won't comment on this though as I cannot try , not halal.

  53. Anonymous9:18 pm

    Hi Tony,We all should boycott BH and UM.These 2 newspapers are racist and biased.Most of the articles are penned by myopic and shallow thinking people.If I have the choice ,I will rather follow my forefathers and use the papers for toilet purpose.

  54. Anonymous10:52 pm

    Not to late to follow your forefathers man - just Do it.
