
Thursday, May 24, 2007


Wah... plenty of calls (and emails) this morning to let me know that the UMNO Youth Deputy Chief had issued a statement asking for my apology on the statement I made with regards to the civil service pay rise, which was quoted in Malaysiakini.

The Star carried it here:

Umno Youth wants DAP and its economic adviser Tony Pua to apologise to Malaysians for his remarks that the civil service has been “a dumping ground for the politically sensitive constituency of unemployed Malay graduates.”

Its deputy Khairy Jamaluddin said Pua’s comments, implying that civil servants were the employees of last choice and unable to seek gainful employment elsewhere, were totally unacceptable and without basis.
It is also carried in Utusan Malaysia, where I was pleasantly surprised that they carried portions of my statement which made the report better balanced. ;)

Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO mendesak Penasihat Ekonomi kepada Setiausaha Agung DAP, Tony Pua dan parti itu meminta maaf berikutan kenyataannya bahawa penjawat awam hanya terdiri daripada orang Melayu yang mengalami masalah pengangguran.

Naib Ketua Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO, Khairy Jamaluddin berkata, kenyataan yang disiarkan di Malaysiakini semalam bersifat menghina dan angkuh terhadap lebih sejuta kakitangan awam di negara ini.


Pua berkata, sebagai contoh, pada tahun lalu, Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA) telah didesak mempercepatkan proses pengambilan graduan untuk mengisi kira-kira 30,000 kekosongan dalam perkhidmatan awam.

‘‘Gesaan itu dibuat oleh Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak untuk mengatasi masalah graduan menganggur, yang sebahagian besarnya bumiputera,’’ katanya dalam satu kenyataan sebagai mengulas kenaikan gaji kakitangan kerajaan mulai Julai ini.

Menurut Khairy, kenyataan Pua itu sememangnya tidak berasas dan perlu ditolak sama sekali kerana ramai kakitangan awam sanggup melepaskan tawaran kerja dengan gaji dan manfaat yang lumayan di sektor swasta disebabkan mahu berkhidmat kepada negara.
So what do you think? I'll provide my response in a bit ;)


  1. Well, NTR did say in the NST today that the opposition has got nothing to say about salary hike. He was wrong. Maybe what he meant is for PAS and PKR - DAP is not worthy opposition.

  2. 2005 refurbishment for the Parliament House
    - RM 90 million

    Inpecting all public buildings thoroughly
    - RM 22 million

    IDR transport system
    - RM 1.5 billion

    Giving up a lucrative private sector career for civil service deskjob
    - priceless

  3. Anonymous11:57 am

    NTR should whack the MSMs since they're not reporting what the Opps are saying.

    BTW: With this Umno move, u r going to romp past the finish line well ahead of your GE opponent. Congratulations!

  4. Anonymous11:58 am

    Isn't that a public secret? I have read countless articles saying such. Another cheapo shot.

    This was reported in The Straits Times on 06Feb2007:

    "KL's public sector growth: Unwieldy and unjustifiable"
    MALAYSIA'S quick cure for the problem of unemployed gradu-ates is threatening to weigh down and weaken the country's govern-ance itself.

    In providing jobs to a huge number of graduates, whether or not they are qualified for the tasks, the government has caused a massive expansion in the public sector. This short-term solution may prove to Be worse than the problem itself. It further shows that deeper mismatches between the needs of the national economy and the education provided to the young are not being seriously addressed.
    By resorting to the quick fix of absorbing unemployed graduates...and by not addressing the structural issues in the economy, the government is exacerbating the inefficiency evident in the already low-paid, low-morale public sector.

  5. Anonymous12:04 pm

    Madmonk says,

    Well said Hasilox. It's a reality and fact too: that the government is only good at fixing a problem with a problem. Also means: digging a hole to fill another hole! Bottomline: stupidity

  6. Anonymous12:25 pm

    wah! khairy scolded you! you're rocketing up the ranks! :)

    sorry, not enuff mental space to say anything more intelligent than that for now :P :)

  7. Anonymous1:13 pm

    Is this the same KJ whose great picture you published on the Ijok election?

    You better be careful TP, he might be 'wielding the kris' if you dont apologised...hehe

  8. Anonymous1:23 pm

    Tony, I thought that the Zam said all bloggers are liar and misleading others, why would KJ care about your comments?

    If you ask me about the dumping ground, I have no problem with it. Thats how economist give comments, same with my lecturer. What KJ missed out is the other half of the comment which is more encouraging to the government sector and some calculation of GDP to show the economy situation.

  9. Anonymous1:33 pm


    I don't think you should apologise for making the statement. As you said, the said 30,000 vacancies was done to overcome the problem of unemployed graduates. At that time, those people were really unemployed, unemployed because they can't find jobs in the private sector, the reasons the private sectors did not take them everyone can guess. The only apology I think you should make is just a sorry for your honest comments that may hurt them so much, that you did not intend to.

    Just a malaysian

  10. Anonymous1:34 pm

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  11. Anonymous1:51 pm

    On the bright side, it shows you are really an important person. Hey, the level 4 guys were keeping an eye on you, means if you are not that capable, they won't bother right? This KJ pushing your name up the ladder to the top is a good publicity for you. You should take this opportunity to make a meaningful press statement.

    Just a malaysian

  12. Anonymous2:10 pm

    Apology for what?The one who should apologize should be KJ.Tony, you have done a good job and please continue speaking up for the good of the country.

  13. If KJ was serious about defending Malay pride, the least he could do is provide some evidence that what Tony claimed was false.

    But I'm always reminded that he's not even an elected representative. Young man full of hot air only.

  14. Anonymous3:17 pm

    Looking at the current issues on the 'bocor' cases and all the taxpayers' funds go to waste speaks for itself, let's not adopt the 'see no evil, hear no evil,speak no evil' policy.

  15. Anonymous3:51 pm

    Apologise? No way. Let KJ harps on this issue hence, TP will be in the limelight of attention. Don't they say that any publicity is good publicity especially when the general election is around the corner.

  16. Anonymous3:53 pm


    I agree with some of us here that KJ's move has put you in the limelight.

    At the sametime, free lunch don't exist. He wouldn't want to put you in the limelight for no reason.

    This reminds me of a saying, "Lure Tiger from the mountain". He knows you may be the a pain in their a$$, and with the election coming, your presence is giving DAP a very credible presence.

    In other words, he wants to cause harm before the real fight begins.

    My take is not to even bother saying anything to that AND don't say "its just a blog" because then you would've shot yourself.

    All the best mate!

    p.s. of course, if you can come up with a good one and embarass him in his own game, by all means.. do it!

  17. Anonymous4:01 pm

    Hi Tony , just ignore the useless monkey by the name KJ, who does he think he is ?

  18. Anonymous5:13 pm

    Tony, I guess the truth hurts for the umno deputy youth clown.

    I would say by looking at the size of the cabinet versus the population, it is also a dumping ground for the otherwise unemployable BN MPs.

  19. Anonymous5:51 pm

    Hi Tony,

    Just challenge Khairy to go TV to debate on this issue...let the people judge...

  20. Anonymous6:32 pm


    Khairy reads your blog. If not, he does not have the whole picture of exactly what you are saying, and hence cannot demand an apology on what he has not read as a while.

    If he reads your blog, there goes his last political penny. Either way, he just shot himself in the foot (and mouth). Wonderful opponent.

  21. Anonymous7:04 pm

    Ask KJ for the great oxford public debate...
    Tony Pua versus KJ

    Bet you CNN, BBC and AlJazeera will be willing to sponsor, that will help fund DAP coffer
    Throw the gauntlet at him now and see if KJ is man enuff to accept your challenge.

    Hail Tony Pua!!

  22. Anonymous7:08 pm

    Is it true that proton have over RM500 million worth of cars gathering dusts?

  23. Anonymous7:18 pm

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  24. Hey guys,

    I really appreciate the support that has been shown here. But I've got a gentle request that readers use gentler language when making comments, and keep the discussion civil.

    In the meantime, I've called for a press conference at the DAP HQ tomorrow morning at 10.30am to rebutt Khairy's statement and to explain my earlier statement to those who didn't understand it. ;)

    Will update the blog after that.


  25. Hi Tony,

    When you know you are making statements that attract the attention of the so-called top leaders of our ruling government, you know you re saying something on the right track.

    It s true that some civil servants (back in the days) are truly talented, and worked for the love of the country. But these all know...:)

    keep the fight going

  26. Tony,

    Stick to making statements and rebutals in a civil yet learned way. This way its up to the readers to make their own judgement. Don't be drawn into any verbal brawl or dog fights. You are just pricking the nation's conscience which I hope they still is one.

    I am sure you know better.

    Bloggers should be doing the same in his blog.

  27. Anonymous9:26 pm

    just apologize like how the 2 sexist MPs apologize.

    First you can say to take it was a sense of humour =), then wait 7 days before issuing a half hearted attempt.

    That should do the trick.

    Or you could apologize like Lee Kuan Yew.

    "I'm sorry that you feel distressed by the statement that I made"

  28. Hey Tony,

    Wow... so many ppl giving support anonymously... haha... speaks much about malaysians huh....

    well, i am sure you already know whether you should apologise or not... :)

  29. hi Kiam Wee,

    congrats, but you have some work to do before you hit the front page, keep it up

    Tek Seang

  30. Anonymous11:31 pm

    Sigh, obviously KJ isn't a man.

  31. I think Utusan M'sia misinterpreted Tony Pua's blog here!

    'Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO mendesak Penasihat Ekonomi kepada Setiausaha Agung DAP, Tony Pua dan parti itu meminta maaf berikutan kenyataannya bahawa penjawat awam hanya terdiri daripada orang Melayu yang mengalami masalah pengangguran'.

    Do you notice the sentence 'hanya terdiri daripada orang Melayu yang mengalami masalah pengangguran'?

    I do not think that comes from Tony Pua.

    Who should apologize now?

  32. Anonymous11:49 pm

    KJ? Who is KJ?

  33. Anonymous11:55 pm

    KJ is the Mat Rempit laa, who else?

  34. Anonymous12:00 am

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  35. Anonymous12:19 am

    This KJ, if he indeed defeated Dr M as rumoured, then i guess Malaysia will have a hard future. We must stop this joker from a potential coup.

  36. Anonymous7:59 am

    My view is that this kind of attack cannot be taken lightly. The usual alternative is just to stand resolutely against such goading and attacks.

    However, the best response is intelligently. To send a shiver down their spine that you are smarter than them and they have no clue about it. To goad them to feverish pitch such that they turn off their own constituent.

    Here is a suggestion: You are more concern than about the direction of the debate that is being twisted and turn to a almost psychotic level by people you thought were the most intelligent, educated and privilleged in this country...

  37. Anonymous8:41 am

    KJ= Kaki jolok :p

  38. Anonymous9:56 am

    You know why most of Malays are unemployed?Because in private sector, your people only recruit candidates that can 'speak fluently in English and Mandarin'.You blame UMNO for racist remarks but you should watch your own people as well.They are no less racist than KJ.Just in different manner.

  39. Anonymous10:17 am

    tony, jangan hirau orang yang main politik demi kepentingan dirinya.
    apa yang awak fikirkan betul, cakap sahajalah.jangan takut.

  40. Anonymous11:15 am

    Anom 9.56 AM, for your info if you can comprehend, nobody owes us a living in this world except our parents when we are still a teenager or minor.

  41. Anonymous11:21 am

    I may be wrong, but it seems to me that, in this blog, the Chinese support TePee while the Malays support KeJu... JeffOoi labelled it "Oxford vs Oxford", but it's more like "Melayu lawan Cina" just like the primary school days.

    Macam ini, mana boleh hidup bersatu padu?

  42. Anonymous11:23 am

    Anon 9.56 AM is probably UITM grad??

  43. Anonymous11:26 am

    Nak hidup bersatu padu, guna gam UHU atau Araldite

    Saya harap Saudara Tony Pua terus berjuang meneggak kebenaran!

  44. Anonymous1:05 pm

    Dear Tony,

    Invite KJ for an open Public Debate on this issue. See whether he is a gentleman or orthwise.

  45. Anonymous2:06 pm

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  46. Anonymous2:33 pm

    ish! ish!
    Please 4 letter word f***

    My grandmother would rolling in the grave reading the blog

  47. Anonymous7:38 pm

    No, unfortunately I'm not UITM grad.I'm a medical doctor trained in Ireland.I'm just saying that the racism doesn't occur one way.ou said Malays are implementing racist policies in the government that favour the bumiputera.But the same thing actually occur in private sector.Nobody can deny that the Chinese never favour Malay graduates, no matter how good they are.Try do some research about this, Tony...

  48. Anonymous11:10 pm

    Anon 9.56am

    For your information, private sector is a PROFIT BASED sector. In that sense, it is just natural for them to select the BEST person for the job regardless of race and ethnicity. I am trying not to be racist in my arguments, but the reality doesn't support me. So if you feel that i am implying that Malays particularly are weak, i don't blame you.

    To the contrary, Maybank has earlier imposed a 50% Malays equity in a firm should they wanted to perform transactions with the bank. Now let me tell you that that is a true racism, by publicly announcing such ruling. While Malays may think that the rule will help them, but deep inside yourself, do you think that is the case? This kind of affirmative policies only aggravate the public's perceptions that Malays are indeed weak, and need to be protected! I for one feel that Malays are not weak at all and do not required such discriminative policies. The problem is that Malays conform to what the government says and admit that they are weak!

    My dear Malays, please open your eyes wide. That is what UMNO has made you into, by admitting yourself as weaklings. Please do not let the Malay ultras to continue to cover your real abilities.

  49. Anonymous1:10 am

    Hi, I remembered he was asked to apologise or retract his statements for remarks regarding other parties(or the Chinese) hoping to see a weak UMNO. He refused right? What right now has he to ask Tony to do the same? Thick skin.

  50. Anonymous5:19 pm

    To Anon 9.56AM, I think many Malays have the wrong logic of thinking. You said we are racist because we only recruit candidates that can speak fluently in English and Mandarin. This criterion is imposed becuase the the job requires fluency in such languages. Let me ask you a question, have you ever seen a Malay company recruiting computer programmer without demanding proficiency in English and C++? If you can, I will show you a monkey who can speak Japanese. Try to be logical and rational. Nobody stops you from learning the Chinese language! We can learn you language, why can't you? Now you can't speak Chinese simply becauase your parents did not encourage you to, and now you are at the disadvantage when it comes to employment, then you accuse us of racism, so who indeed is the racist? Wake up man! Show some wisdom please.

  51. Anonymous2:23 am

    The empty vessel makes the most noise. Khairy Jamaluddin is a coward and scam of the society with no guts. When challanged to a public debate, he just shrinks like a mouse. Take away his father-in-law, then this animal can no longer make any noise.

  52. Anonymous11:22 am

    Dear My Melayu Friends,

    Do you really think UMNO is fighting for the Melayu? If you really think so, I pity you.

    Friends of Malaysian

  53. Anonymous1:47 pm

    Anon 9.56am

    When I was in Paris , European gate attendants collecting tickets at Eiffel Tower conversed to us in excellent perfect Mandarin. In Switzerland Main Rolex Mall centre those European salesmen or saleswomen communicate to us in perfect Mandarin which is a compulsary language for them if they want to be employ by Rolex center !!
    If knowing that private sector only recruit candidates that can speak fluently English and Mandarin then brush up the competencies and learn up the language. Most private sectors have business dealings with China where English and Mandarin is the main language , if u are the recruiter , do u want to hire candidates that can't converse in English and Mandarin ?? Think logically :)

  54. Anonymous10:35 pm

    If you need to recruit candidates in areas where fluency in Mandarin is required like in tourism....that's fine.But in Malaysia, this is purposely done to take only Chinese.
    Tony, if you hate UMNO for their 'Malay supremacy' idea, don't use Chinese-chauvinism to fight them.At the end, you'll be the same as them.

    Sorang perkauman Melayu,
    Sorang lagi perkauman Cina.

    We'll never solve the problem.

  55. Anon,

    I'll bet with you if Dato' Siti Nurharliza (I have to mention this name because you know who is she and maybe you don't know she is fluent in mandarin and sings too)apply for that post of Mandarin speaking job, she will be instantly hired or I shall never eat chocolate cheese cake for the rest of my is that?

    I have a Indian customer who is a coordinator in a fully chinabeng owned retail tyre company and all the ah bengs are under her instruction. Well what do you know...she speak mandarin and swear in Cantonese far better than Hongkies.

  56. Anonymous8:05 pm

    Unknown 9.56am doesn't understand how the world functions at all. I understand that all these occurs because the Malays have very high self-esteem. But just a side note, this is the 21st, and soon to be 22nd century. I believe that the Malays are still thinking about the Malacca Sultanate, and how great it was. Now look, it was a thing of the past, and we have to look forward. We may be great once upon a time, but if we don't equip ourselves in this globalised world and only admire the past, we will not be getting anyway. Frankly, do you want to be a country that only exports maids and "kuli." If not, work hard and strieve along with everyone equally! We won't be getting anywhere without competition, because only competition will bring out our best ability! Wake up my dear Malays.

  57. Anonymous11:55 am

    Anon 9.56am, i suggest that you send your children to learn Mandarin before it's too late. Having the ability to speak another language is a skill. We Chinese can speak at least 3 languages, can you? Sure you can if you want. It's not a shame to learn Mandarin, trust me! It brings no harm at all to your children, but plenty of benefits. Wake up please!

  58. Anonymous5:12 pm

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  59. Anonymous5:00 am

    Malaysia is my country and Malay is my race.Why am I obliged to learn language that is not my mother-tongue?Chinese came to Malay Penisular and we gave them our land.Is was fair that they have to learn our language as uniting factor for the country.Learning more than 1 language doesn't add more competitiveness, for God sake!Look at Japan, France, Germany.I've traveled to plenty of these developed countries and most of their rakyat know nothing more than their own language.Yet, they are not nations full of 'kuli' etc.The issue here is not mastering additional language, my dear friends.If the Chinese boast about their ability to master 3 languages, you must not forget that many of the Malays can speak in 3 languages as well, Malay, English and Arabic.I agree that it is good to learn new language especially Mandarin(Frankly, I learned basic Mandarin as my third language in secondary school).But why most of private companies put Mandarin as requirement for recruitment?

    Excuse me, sir!Is this Republic of China?

  60. Anonymous3:53 pm

    Reply to Anon 5.00AM "But why most of private companies put Mandarin as requirement for recruitment?" If you company involves businesses with China/Hong Kong/Taiwan, is it odd not to add Mandarin as requirement for recruitment? For god sake, try travel to China if you have time, see how big and how powerful is China now. And see how many pepole speak Mandarin in this world as compared to those who speak Malay. Don't be a frog in the well always thinking you are the best. You are still far away from being stong nation like Japan, France, and Germany. They are much open that you. I really pity you for your short-slightness and shallow thinking. Now even Americans/Britons/Japaneses/Koreans and many nations are learning Mandarin. If Malaysia become as stong as in Japan within the next 10 years, the other foreigners will also learn malay!

  61. Anonymous4:03 pm

    Candidates with fluency in Mandarin are well saught after after by employers now because of it's commercial values. Try to think from the perspective of the employer: if you are a boss and your company have clients from China, forget about the race, would you employ a malay who can speak Mandarin or the one who can't for the same qualifications? Open you eye and admit that China is becoming more powerful than USA, and thus ths importance of Mandarin. If you want other nations to learn Malay too, ask the majority of bumi to work hard and make malaysia a first world country like Japan or S'pore first, and without asking for handouts from the government. In the corporate world, nobody will entertain you if you have no commercial value. The best simply gets the job!

  62. Anonymous4:19 pm

    To Anon 5.00AM, many unemployed bumi are unemployed simply becuase they have the same mindset with you: "Why am I obliged to learn xyz?" They are not willing to (or lazy to) learn new skills to upgrade themselves. Remember, opportunities belong to those hard working and open-minded. Don't stuck yourself in a box and keep claming your are the best or you deserve this deserve that. You will never improve with this kind of mindset. A Professor.

  63. I am Malaysian executive recruiter working in Singapore and have global MNCs as my clients. I have recruited executives in Malaysia and in Singapore and I must say that its a big challenge to find good people in Malaysia. The pool of talent in Singapore (with only 4m people) is so much wider than in Malaysia. I think people in Malaysia, Bumis and non-Bumis should seriously improve your skillsets if you want to get ahead. Relying and expecting the Government to help you get ahead is not the answer if you want the world to recognise your capabilities. Many global MNCs want Asians who are fluent in Mandarin to take advantage of the growing market in China. So for those of you who think that learning Malay and English is enough? You really are living in your own little world. They are Americans and Britons who can speak fluent Mandarin and can put many Singaporean and Malaysian Chinese to shame. So if these 'orang puteh' can learn Mandarin and understand the importance of Mandarin to be a player in this global economy, Bumis should realise that you need to know Mandarin to get ahead. Knowing Malay and English alone will not get you further than Johor. So, for those narrow minded people in Malaysia, please learn to look beyond your own country if you want to succeed in the this world.

    I have alot of Bumi friends who are doing well for themselves. The reason why these Bumis are doing well is because they realise they need to work hard and not rely on the Government to support them. They have learnt from not only the Chinese but from Americans, Britons, Europeans, Indians that they need to be competitive and set high standards for themselves. So, the rest of the Bumis who are always complaining about the lack of Govt support or that the Chinese is taking things away from them, please realise that no one owes you a living in this world. You need to persevere, work hard and build new skills to get things..not by asking the government that you should be spoon fed because you believe that they owe it to you. Alot of non Bumis in Malaysia that are successful now work hard without getting any hand-outs from the Govt, so if they can, I dont see why Bumis can't. Even if you come from a poor background, by having the right attitude and working hard, you can achieve it.

    If all the Bumis, who account for over 60% of the Malaysian population strive to compete with the non- Bumis without relying on the Government, Malaysia will overtake Singapore in being more productive.

  64. Anonymous5:10 pm

    vader, good comment. being in singapore myself really opens my eyes and i am glad that i choose to study here instead of malaysia. all the challenges from peers make me a better person compare to when i was back in malaysia. malacca fell because the ruler did not foresee the challenges ahead. qing dynasty fell due to the same reason. indonesia failed to advance even after so many years because they protect the natives. does malaysia wants to be like them? if not, do not depend on the government and let your ability bury by umno.

  65. Anonymous1:01 am

    Ruled by DAP? C'mon wake up this Persekutuan Tanah Melayu will never be little china aka singapore. Tunku made a mistake and we never forgive him - yeah we know he likes kuda ....delete... but we consider this a costly lesson never to be repeated

  66. Anonymous4:25 pm

    Dear anon 1:01am, giving up on singapore? If chinese in malaysia can lobby for change why can't the jawa in singapore do the same. Step 1 - rejoin malaysia
