
Friday, April 20, 2007


An angry young man @ Ijok?
Photo courtesy of Nathaniel Tan

They say a picture is worth a thousand words.

I may be a lousy politician if I can't rouse and agitate the crowd like he does. But I'll definitely rather be a lousy politician than be transmorgified into what you see on the left. And if I do for whatever reason become like him, then I'll deserve the heaps of criticism which will be piled heavily on my shoulders.

Nathaniel and Nik Nazmi both had their say on the issue. Suddenly I feel as if I took the wrong course, and picked the wrong university. Okay, that was overly dramatic, but it certainly gave our alma mater a bad name in this country. ;)

Read the full report on the Ijok nomination day fracas in Malaysiakini. Sigh.


  1. If only such degree of passion (or anger?) was present in the state of Sabah where many of its impoverished citizens live a life that many of us would find unsettling.

    Pity or sham?

  2. I always wonder that with so much time and effort in politics in this Nation, what resources is there left for more meaningful endeavours like economics, education, human wellbeing etc.?

  3. Anonymous4:09 pm

    Haha, I was only joking Tony. I have made many trips to the city for many reasons - friends studying there, bringing friends from Malaysia on a tour and also meeting certain esteemed personalities.

    I spoke to a few Oxford students recently while in the UK, and I mistakenly mentioned that Khairy was from St. Hilda's, which caused all the Oxonians to laugh! ;)

  4. Anonymous5:04 pm

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  5. Anonymous5:14 pm

    what a disgusting thug supported by brainless idiots....

  6. Anonymous5:24 pm

    hehe, yalah tony, main-main je :) kami semua respect oxford, but the irony was just too hard to resist!

    optimist that i am, i'd much rather believe that oxfordians are more like you then that fler up there :) hidup keble! :)

  7. Anonymous8:53 pm

    Take away his supporters!
    Take away his father in law!

    Would you think that man will be that 'berani"?

    Ini semua wayang kulit and sandiwara!

  8. Anonymous9:13 pm

    Fact: Khairy is just a scam of the society, anyone dares to tell me his good contribution to the society? Let us work together to topple BN and Pak Lah! Bring back democracy! Come and view of more facts on the dirty BN regime here:

  9. Anonymous9:43 pm

    If I am not mistaken last time there was a mentri besar from one of the state who gestulates obscenities during the election campaign.

    Did that Mentri besar graduated from Cambridge too?

  10. Anonymous9:46 pm

    Hard to believe from the pic that he is a graduate from Oxford.

    What did he learnt from his "oxford days"?

  11. From your pix you said 'young man'.
    Did you mean the guy on the left?
    Cos all I see is the 'Young man' on theleft of the picture carrying a Monkey'

  12. err...'Young man'..right of picture..

  13. Anonymous12:40 pm

    When you look at that face and picture, you are looking at the ultimate in the main issue - entitlement at its worst.

    This is a young man with all the privillege yet he represent the worst - choosing to make the most for himself via the most outdated means AND with an even heightened sense of self-righteousness and arrogance.

    No matter what he says, he built little legitimacy on any of the issue issue merely just plain self-promotion making the issues worst than it already is.

  14. Anonymous4:55 pm

    I pay more respect to a dog than Khairy. Even a toilet cleaner is more useful than this racist. What a shameful social nuisance!!

  15. Anonymous4:59 pm

    I think he skipped moral studies in his primiary school. a hopeless guy who will never get the support from the people.

  16. Anonymous5:03 pm

    This thug belongs to zoo...LOL

  17. Anonymous7:37 pm

    Which zoo?

    Tmn Melawati, KL?
    Johore Baru?

    Or some where very near PWTC?

  18. Wah tony, he looks like an actor in the pic...... forgot who though......

  19. Anonymous11:12 am

    king kong movie?

    Jurassic park?

  20. Anonymous12:04 pm

    KJ is just a nobody who will fade away when his father-in-law exits PM office. Ignore him and all his monkeys. Focus on the bigger agenda of truth, justice and tranparency.

  21. Anonymous4:44 pm

    is he leading the way to gangsterism? Bandar Bukit Puchong and now Ijok. Where else next. You shudder to think what would happen if he leads a gang of mat rempit goons into action. Zimbabwee ala Mugabe and Goons in the making?

  22. Anonymous5:23 pm

    He never understands how hard it's for some people to make a living. What's in is mind is to get super wealthy and gain political power through his corrupt father-in-law. This thug will never gain support from the people. What a shame that his parents never instill good moral values when he is brought up. Even a monkey is more well-behaved than this scam.

  23. Anonymous8:50 am

    It would be a mistake to be as arrogant as this young man in dismissing him. My own sense is that he is gaining grounds politically. This is a person with a lot of leverage and does not need a lot of political capital to make incredible leaps of power. This is the privillege of UMNOputraism in this country.

    Frankly all he needs is to win a few easy election and he will be hoisted into the highest office in the land easily.

    No, you may be looking at the next PM whether you like it or not..

  24. No!....Tony Pua will be the next prime minister!

  25. Anonymous10:32 pm

    khairy is doing what he needs to rise within umno. Mat rempits dont understand economic policy. Thats why he doesnt bother preaching. But they do understand racial slurs and enjoy aggression.

    Khairy getting fatter....maybe its because his bank account also fatter....

    Lucky Tony Pua fit and handsome....

  26. Anonymous1:27 pm

    Who let the dog out
    (woof, woof, woof, woof)
    (woof, woof, woof, woof)
    (woof, woof, woof, woof)
    (woof, woof, woof, woof)

    Who let the dog out (woof, woof, woof, woof)
    Who let the dogs out (woof, woof, woof, woof)

    .....Pak Lah lets mad dog out! Let's kill this mad dog before we get bitten. We can do so by voting BN out in the coming election to end the dirty regime. LOL...

  27. Anonymous12:27 am

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