
Thursday, March 29, 2007

RPGT, Oxbridge, Economy and National Unity

The busy speaking engagements continue, and for those interested, here are the list of upcoming talks where I would be showing up in the next couple of days ;). Venues include Seremban, Petaling Jaya, Kuala Lumpur and Penang. ;)

  • Abolishing Real Property Gains Tax (RPGT): Its Impact on Malaysia's Economy

    I've been invited to speak by the Negeri Sembilan Chinese Assembly Hall to share my views on the above. Sharing the stage with me will be Dr Ho Kee Peng, a prominent entrepreneur and academic who will be speaking on other related developments in the Malaysian economy.
Date: 30 March 2007 (Fri)
Time: 8.00 pm
Venue: NS Chinese Assembly Hall, Seremban
Language: Chinese (Mandarin)

  • Life & Experiences @ Oxford University

    This is the 2nd of the series of higher education talks organised by not-for-profit Descartes Education Counselling Centre. I'll be sharing my personal experience at the university, as well as updating the audience on the latest entry requirements and application process. I'll be sharing the stage with Allen Ng, a Bank Negara scholar who did time at Cambridge University. ;) For more information, see here.
Date: 31st March (Sat)
Time: 4.00 pm
Venue: DECC, 55-1 Jalan SS21/1A, Damasara Utama (Uptown), 47400 Petaling Jaya

  • Dinner: Issues with the Malaysian Economy

    This is a 50 Years of Nation-Building Dinner event, organised by the DAP Kampung Kolam branch, Penang. I'll be speaking along side many other leaders, including YB Chow Kon Yeow, DAP Penang Chairman, YB Phee Boon Poh, Penang State Assemblyman for Sungai Puyu, YB Teng Chang Khim, Selangor State Assemblyman for Sungai Pinang, YB Violet Yong Wui Wui, Sarawak State Assemblywoman for Pending, YB Nga Kor Ming, Perak State Assemblyman for Pantai Remis as well as Ng Wei Aik, Political Secretary to DAP Secretary-General.
  • Date: 1 April 2007 (Sunday)
    Time: 7.30 pm
    Venue: Wonderland Restaurant, Komtar, Penang.
    Language: Chinese (Mandarin)
For those interested in attending, you can buy dinner tickets from Wei Aik @ RM30 each. You can reach him at nweiaik(at) Your contributions and attendance are much welcome. ;)

    • Government’s Education Policies: Are they Successful Instruments of National Development?

      This Young Malaysians National Unity & Development in Malaysia forum is organised by the Centre for Public Policy Studies and the Bar Council (through its National Young Lawyers' Committee). It is a full-day event, where my session will commence around 10.45 am. The other speakers in my panel include Dr Oh Ei Sun, a lecturer at Help University College and Universiti Malaysia Sabah and my favourite UM academic, Dr Azmi Sharom.
    Other topics discussed include:
    • Ethno-Religious Politics in Malaysia: Impact and Implications on Nation Building

    • Forging a Young Malaysian Identity towards National Unity
    Roundtable details:
    Date: 3rd April 2007
    Time: 8.30am - 4.00pm
    Venue: Bar Council, Kuala Lumpur

    So, that looks like a major round the country tour within a short 2 weeks ;). After that, I'll be busy with the by-elections campaigning in Machap, probably my maiden rally speech there, plus plenty of practice for my Mandarin as well as Malay ;). I'll also be making a trip to Kuching, Sarawak on the 21st April share views and ideas with our DAP leaders and comrades there.

    Also, as I've mentioned previously, I'll do my best to start recording these talks so that I can share them here on this site.

    So, if you are at any of these places, rememer to say hi! ;)


    1. Tony,
      Wonder if there will be any more talks on the economy in KL.

    2. Anonymous10:53 am


      From the rate of your activity, DAP's General Election machinery seems to be gathering steam.

      Wouldn't be a surprised if we get to see you contesting for at least one Dewan Negara/Rakyat seat.

      Go get 'em tiger!!

    3. Anonymous1:56 pm

      It will be a great lost to DAP if Tony is not select as candidate!

      Although we know that whether be a candidate or not is not important for Tony. General public begin to appreciate his contributions and feel his sincerity.

      Do you know that MCA in PJ begin to worry and panic that Tony may stand as a DAP candidate there in the coming General Election?

    4. Anonymous9:32 pm

      Go Tony Go!

      We want you as our DAP leader!

      Next election you be the Opposition leader!

    5. anonymous:

      Members of the Dewan Negara are appointed by the King and the various states government, so unless the DAP captures Penang (thus granting it the right to appoint 2 Senators), Tony probably won't be sitting in the Dewan Negara any time soon.

      I do hope Tony can win a Parliamentary seat in the next GE, though. He is the kind of man we need in our Parliament - bright, educated, articulate, without vested pecuniary interests, which are all criteria that I daresay most of our MPs (including several opposition ones) fail in one way or another.

    6. Anonymous12:27 pm


      Off Topic. This is more on your article "Don’t blame parents for national unity woes" in Malaysiakini.

      Not long ago I registered my son/daughter in the National School. However, instead of extending a welcome hand I was repeatedly discouraged from registering in the said school and they kept suggesting to register in another school which I must admit was nearer to my house but catering for the other housing estates.

      These despite all my neighbours children (my children friend) and also children who were more than 2 km further than us already studying there.

      As expected I receive the letter from jabatan Pelajaran Daerah saying that the intake is full despite the registration number suggest I am definetely in.

      One of my neighbour whose son/daughter too got rejected confronted ( he did not appeal but confronted) and questioned the reason for rejection. He managed to get his child in.

      I refused to appeal nor confront but registered them in vernacular school.

      Yes, it was a diffult desion for us as language was problem but they are slowing catching up.

      So who is here to blame for children to be sent to school other than National ones?

    7. Anonymous5:47 pm

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    8. Hey guys,

      Zewt, yes, I'll certainly be doing more 'economic' talks in the Klang Valley down the road. ;) Will keep you guys updated here (hopefully, with sufficient advance notice).

      (hopefully more interesting topics as well, this real property gains tax thingies is really quite dry and very specific ;))

      As for standing for elections, I believe that my boss has made the statement to the press that I will be a candidate (barring unforeseen circumstances), so the only question is 'where'. ;)

      But don't get your hopes too high though, there are not many safe seats which DAP contests in, and I certainly won't be standing in those seats! Irrespective of where I stand, you can be assured that I'll work my butts off ;)

      Tony ;)

    9. Anonymous11:01 am


      Alright dude, you sure need to work your butts off. Sure need more MPs like you in Parliament. Have seen some footages of how many of our Yang Berhormats behave in Parliament. I must say that they have no class at all! Shouting and hurling abuses across the floor. Definitely very disgraceful.

      In the event, you do get in there, it's time you set a benchmark and from there hopefully more Yang Berhormats who actually fit the bill will come in.

    10. Anonymous10:55 pm

      Dear Tony, you are the ideal candidate to sit in our parliment seat to replace those corrupted monkeys. I am so sick of those hypocrite MPs of BN. Keep up the good work and I will certainly ask my friends and relatives to support you! Long live Tony! Long live DAP! Down with Bodohwi!!!

    11. Anonymous11:34 pm

      Walau Tony,
      you same college as SIL ah, why he cannot think like you ah?

