
Thursday, March 01, 2007

Hanoi, Here We Come!

Okay, I must really apologise to loyal readers out there for I really have been slacking in blogging for the past month or so. But its certainly not because I've lost interest in blogging. However, as you can tell from the recent announcements, I have been extremely tied up with various activities from attending press conferences, to preparing statements to giving interviews, to attending to the various needs of the political party I have just joined ;).

Last weeked was also a period of attending various open houses, as well as holding two of my own. What's more, I'm in the midst of renovating my community service centre, the counselling centre as well as a tuition centre, which is scheduled to be launched on the 18th March - all are welcome, and more details will follow. So for a first time in a fairly long time, I'm consistently lacking my much needed beauty sleep! ;)

Well, I'm at the KL LCCT at the moment awaiting my first visit to Hanoi, courtesy of super cheap tickets from Air Asia. Hopefully I'll get to catch my breath there during this short trip, and return recharged for more excitement next week.

There's really plenty plenty to blog about, and I'll certainly try to catch up on them if I can get proper access in Vietnam, and if the missus allow me the indulgence! ;) Will see if I get to shoot some photos worth putting up here as well.

Ciao! ;)


  1. Anonymous3:31 pm

    Try getting some hot pictures of nubile vietnamese virgins pls??
    he he

  2. Anonymous3:36 pm

    Mr Yip also want you to find a older vietnamese lady for him this time...

    Make sure the lady is not trained in vietnam army

  3. Anonymous3:56 pm

    bon voyage..have a pleasant trip :)

  4. Anonymous3:58 pm

    Ahh.. Have a good trip and enjoy your holiday! :)

  5. Anonymous4:51 pm

    So are you really a multi-millionaire lie the newspapers say ? not enough to retire on ? :)

  6. Anonymous6:00 pm

    We should have an informal gathering of your bloggers at Carcosa Sri Negara sponsored by your DAP...

    How abt it?

  7. Anonymous6:05 pm

    and come back refresh
    and kick that dirty regime,
    for the rakyats.

  8. Anonymous9:52 pm

    Dear Tony,

    Have an enjoyable trip and take care.


  9. Anonymous11:28 pm

    I am pretty excited to follow up with your activities with DAP. Wishing you a pleasant and safe journey. Recharge with more power, courage, and wisdom to kick Bodohw's ass. Don't be afraid, we are all behind you brother!

  10. Anonymous12:00 am


    Remember to visit Ha Long bay.

    Have a good trip and be back charged. We're awaiting your punch in the politics arena.

    Mark Eleven

  11. if you can read this while you're there... dont buy anything that resembles scallops...

    they are cobra meat...

  12. Anonymous3:03 am

    what a dedicated blogger to let his readers know where and when he's leaving .. lol. and to blog from the airport some more. waaaah.

    have a lovely trip!


  13. Anonymous4:49 pm

    I m a Malay. Can I stand in as a DAP candidate?
