
Monday, February 19, 2007

Happy Lunar New Year!

For all the Chinese friends and readers out there, I wish you a healthy, contented and prosperous year of the fiery boar. For all other Malaysians, I hope you are all enjoying a safe and peaceful holiday, as well as enjoying food at the various open houses.

Well, it's all out in the open now. I've disposed of all my interests of the company I founded. I've tendered my resignation as the chief executive officer. I've fully retired from the corporate world. As I've mentioned at the start of the year, 2007 will be the year I will forever remember as a major transition in my life.

Malaysiakini carried a brief interview with me on my taking the plunge into Malaysian politics with the Democratic Action Party. Today, if you've got your copy of the Sunday Star, Joceline Tan did a piece on me. Wah, for the latter article, I really a little shy man (blush!)...

Li Tsin of Malaysiakini asked for my comments comparing me to (gasp!) Khairy...
I would be flattered to be compared with the PM's son-in-law and from what I read he is one of the most powerful persons in Malaysia and I would most certainly be flattered if I was compared side by side with him.

I am just a political rookie and I've not been in politics before (laughs). I think the fact that we graduated form the same institution shouldn't be relevant because what matters is the principle that we believe in and whether we use whatever we have learnt from school, whatever training we've received for the betterment of Malaysians in general.

That should be the yardstick that I would like to be measured in, not so much where I graduated.
While Joceline finds it difficult to see me as an opposition politician demonstrating at toll booths, getting handcuffed and sent to lock-ups.
"If one has to be taken to the lock-up, it should be for a worthwhile cause. You won't find me standing in front of an FRU truck, asking to be arrested. But if the cause is that of speaking the truth and if the authorities have to use harsh measures, I will have to face the consequences."
Its a new year, and I get a new start. Kicking it off on the first day of the Lunar New Year is certainly as good a time as any. I've been extremely blessed over the past 35 years. I can only assume that for at least the next 25 years, I hope to return the favour to society. I look forward to playing my little part to help build a better Malaysia.

Thank you for all the support shown here, via emails and sms. Really appreciate them. Wish me luck!


  1. Anonymous9:37 pm

    Solder On!
    This society needs
    brave political ICON
    to initiate awakening and change,
    esp. among city folks.

  2. Anonymous12:20 am

    Tony, society need someone like you badly. Pls fight all the way. Don't let us down by half way jumping to BN party. There are many examples who joined DAP as stepping stone to gain publicity before jumping to BN, they suxx, they should go to hell.

    I hope you are not one of them. My full hope for you as a real fighter. You are the man. May the power with you.

  3. Anonymous2:29 am

    hey tony, you seems to be the only one i came across who is so right with the new year greeting. i mean 'happy lunar new year' and not 'happy chinese new year'. :)

    btw, have you notice lots of bloggers (including me) had been blogging about you joining DAP, esp. after your interview in malaysiakini and joceline tan's article on you in the star. everyone seemed to be so proud of you! you should try to compile a list of bloggers who blogs about you (if you like).

  4. Anonymous5:01 am

    wishing u all the best. may u inspire more like u to join politics for noble reasons rather than bread-and-butter ones.
    gong xi gong xi

    -ex-ASEAN scholar..

  5. Well done, TP! All the best and hopefully, many bloggers will rally to your call come elections time.

  6. Anonymous11:04 am

    Good! We need more Tonys' around as politicians and future leaders of Malaysia. I hope the DAP can rope in a few Malay star-budding candidates as well. We need a stronger DAP and a stronger opposition in parliament. I hope PKR & DAP will be able to take over Penang in the next election. I hope there won't be another "robo-cop" incident again ... hahaha ... Penang can be that stepping stone and also that quantum leap for DAP & PKR to dis-prove the notion that Malaysia needs the Barisan in order to have stability in this country.

    Tony, if you're contesting in Penang or Selangor or even in KL in the next election, I'm sure you'll find lots of support and I'm confident that you're going to be a YB very soon.

    Here are some possible parliamentary seats that you and the DAP election team should consider placing your candidacy for the next election:-

    Segambut, KL
    Klang, Selangor
    Beruas, Perak
    Taiping, Perak
    Kota Malacca, Malacca
    Jelutong, Penang
    Bkt. Bendera, Penang

    .... very excited and can’t wait to see you in action in Parliament House!

  7. Anonymous11:15 am

    Tony, as you are educated overseas since secondary, I hope your bahasa is politically well.

    There are section of overseas educated folks, with formation years in overseas, feel and maintain a distance, culturally and language wide, with this land, esp. when relating with public sectors.

  8. Anonymous11:45 am

    I shall swear my allegiance to Tony Pua :-)

    and~ oh~ by the way~ happy chinese new year...

  9. Anonymous12:01 pm

    Tony! U are BATMAN, and
    I am your side kick....ROBIN

    Let us fight the " scums' of the nation

  10. Yaaay good luck! And stay clean. :)

    With high hopes,


  11. Dear Tony,

    All the best in your political endeavour in the opposition camp. It's a great sacrifice on your part to abandoned your comfort zone to serve the people in the name of freedom, democracy, justice and equality for all. It wouldn't be easy. But not give up in your fight. Fight till the end.

    Gong Xi Fa Cai.

  12. Anonymous3:18 pm

    Lucia, what is so shameful to call the CHINESE New Year CHINESE New Year? Is it that being CHINESE is wrong? Or because you suffer from cultural inferiority complexes?

  13. Anonymous3:56 pm

    Happy Chinese New Year to you!

  14. Tony,

    I not only wish you luck, I also wish and will pray that you would be a chosen one to represent us Malaysians.

    However, as you have just taken the first step on the journey of political battlefield,you have to remember that, whether it is BN or Opposition, there's bound to be backstabbing and betrayals. Whatever is going to happen and whatever it may be, remember your original objective and mission that is suppose to lead to your ultimate vision - the destination of a fulfillment that must satisfy and must ultimately leave behind a legacy, for the future generations to remember and follow.

    No amount of wealth accumulated, no amount of fame acquired, and no amount of popularity and position should take precedence over Dignity, Integrity and the need for Legacy.

    God Bless you and your family. Hope we must someday for a good and objective discourse.

  15. Hi all,

    Thank you very very much for your kind comments and support! Trust me, it's certainly much appreciated.

    Thank you also for the concern shown with regards to the pitfalls of a political "career" - anything from "staying clean" to "backstabbing".

    I can only hope that you take some comfort (for the moment anyway), that I'm certainly going in with my eyes wide open. ;)

    Additionally, I'm not in it for monetary reasons. If that were the reason, it would have been difficult for me to divest my growing biz, or it's definitely more lucrative to join the BN component parties.

    Also, I'll going in unencumbered by any baggage. Hence, I take comfort in knowing that I'll be working to the extent that I'm wanted, and I'm happy to take the back seat should I be unwanted, or better personalities comes into the picture.

    Thanks once again! ;)

    Tony P

  16. Anonymous9:26 pm

    dunno when u will end up like lee lam thye ????

  17. Anonymous9:28 am

    DAP kaki pun macam Umno, MCA, MIC juga: semua ya-sokong Tony Pua sahaja tanpa menanya adakah Tony pilih masuk politik DAP kerana perniagaannya gagal.

  18. All the best!! Its refreshing to see a professional (a real entrepreneur) in politics! Wishing you all the best!!

  19. Glad to read the news that you joined DAP.
    Welcome to DAP

  20. Anonymous3:19 pm

    Best wishes for your new endeavour.

  21. Anonymous6:10 pm

    lee lam thye is different case.
    At current age, we need ICONS that city folks can identify, and TOny profile fits in well.

    While, we also have similar profile folks in those so-called 4th floor interns and party, (using rakyats money for education in the name of society balance, at the expense of many middle-level results / not well-off families whose kids couldn't afford private Univ. education and be sacrified.) and graduated in 21th century education system and came back to be more RACIST and greed than their previous.
    Is there a wind of change in this land? I don't think so, esp. with installed manipulated electoral and voting system.
    The solution is Plan B, to me.

  22. Anonymous8:33 pm

    you havent really warm up your seat with DAP, the bloggers over at Malaysia Today have already given you both brickbats and bouquets. Whatever, after reading all your blogs at Edu in Malaysia, I know you will give all that you have to make Malaysia a better place(in your own words). God bless you. Go all the way, soldier on with every ounce of your energy. May the spirit guide you in your endeavours. You will be strong.

  23. Hey "A mum",

    Thanks for pointing out that I was "featured" in Malaysia-Today. After reading your comment, I popped over expecting the "worst", but I thought it was not too bad ;)

    As mentioned in Joceline's article, I'm entering politics with my eyes wide open. I've seen it from "outside" for the past 12 years of my working life, and I certainly recognise the difficulties and challenges in politics, both from within and without.

    I certainly do not expect everyone to be agreeable with me, and I'm certainly prepared to take in all the requisite brickbats ;)

    Thank you once again for those who have express support! ;)


  24. Anonymous1:11 am


    All the best in your new endeavor. If you come to Seputeh constituency, you'll have my vote.

    Gong Xi! Gong Xi!

    Mark Eleven

  25. wow... looks like you already have tremendous support! But as one comment states... really hope you won't end up like lee lam thye.

  26. Anonymous12:01 pm

    Ha,ha,boyish looking Tony let a mummy with two adult kids beat you to the news. Actually more bouquets than brickbats. In a way it is good. Just take it all in and weigh and consider. Feedback abundance without you seeking for it. How nice! Quite fun reading what these people said about you. Whatever again stand your ground, uphold your principles. Stay humble. We are with you.

  27. Anonymous12:58 pm


    You are well armoured to tread into the strange world of politics.
    With a PPE you can be a Socrates,a Sir Thomas More and an Adam smith- a 3 in 1 convenient sachet to add that extra Ooomph to DAP's (tea) party.But don't allow yourself to be dispossable friendly like the sachet.

    Also don't try to an Oxford cuckoo and end up as a Klang Municipal crow like some of your fellow alumni...a disgrace to Malaysian political landscape.

    Welcome to Malaysian politics!

  28. Anonymous1:16 pm

    I believe you have a big and powerful khram to be successful in politics!

  29. I have thought the youngish Parti Keadilan Rakyat with fromer DPM Saudara Anwar Ibrahim soon assuming the leadership mantle from his beloved wife Wan Azizah would have been a better vehicle. But I am not elaborating here as I had propounded on this recommendation as the most viable vehicle for change -- if that's what Malaysians are aspiring for -- because you (Pua) have made your decision.
    I wish you success and ENJOY the fight and struggle for a better NegaraKu.

  30. Anonymous5:39 pm


    Chinese New Year is correct in this context, as this festive season is celebrated by the Chinese all over the wolrd.

    On the other hand, Lunar New Year refers to the beginning of the year in several cultures' calendars:

    * Chinese New Year
    * Korean New Year
    * Islamic New Year
    * Tết (Vietnamese New Year)
    * Thai New Year (Songkran)

    See more details here:
    Lunar New Year
    Chinese New Year

    Mark Eleven

  31. Anonymous10:19 am

    Hello Kawan-kawan,

    This blog is about Tony getting into politics which so happens to coincide with CNY, not trying to establish what's the real definition on CNY...have some respectlah...

  32. Anonymous5:07 pm

    Singapore's just posted a news regarding your decision to retire from corporate world and join arena of politics.
