
Sunday, January 28, 2007

Ong Ka Ting Kena Hentam?

Whoa! Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting, the President of MCA, as well as the Minister of Housing and Local Government, got a rare front page public dressing down from the Prime Minister himself, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. In simple terms, Pak Lah was just telling his senior cabinet minister that he's not doing his job.
People used to complain that the issuance of certificates of fitness (CF) was always delayed. The house is ready but it’s a hassle to get the CF. I promised to get this improved. For close to two years, people were still grumbling. I asked Ka Ting (Housing and Local Government Minister Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting): "What happened? What is the progress?"

I told him: "This is an important matter. Find a workable solution, do not look for cumbersome solutions." I fail to understand why they (the relevant approving agencies) are still reluctant to do this.

I told Ka Ting again that I want these processes to be expedited. Why is it so difficult?
First, it was the fault of the civil serivce. After that argument proving ineffective, it's now the fault of his ministers. And the president of his largest coalition partner, no less.

A RM10 salary cut motion for the Minister of Housing and Local Government proposed by Sdr Tan Kok Wai, the MP for Cheras in the last parliamentary session received an angry reception from Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting and his henchmen for apparently "distorting facts". Well, it looks like Datuk Seri deserved the pay cut after all. Given the public reprimand given by his big boss, Datuk Seri Ong should just volunteer the RM10 pay cut instead of suffering another embarrassing motion to do so.

What is interesting is that, of the many other inefficient and ineffective ministries to cite his example of poor leadership and weak implementation, the Prime Minister picked on his closest "ally".

Poor policy implementation is a hallmark of the Ministry of Education, but no, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein didn't get picked. Tender awards are still as opaque, but the Ministry of Finance didn't get highlighted. (Oh, sorry, Pak Lah's also the Minister of Finance). Even the incompetent Minister of Works who negotiated away the rakyat's weath doesn't get a mention.

If you ask me, I'll say that it's not as simple as the Prime Minister pointing out the defects in his government. Pak Lah is sending a stern message to Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting. The question then is, what is that message?


  1. Anonymous6:28 pm

    I fully agree with you there is underlying message to this dressing down. Firstly everyone knows the reason for the CF problem and it has little to do with OKT and his ministry. The truth is the government agencies from the district fire dept, land office etc. involved don't report to him and he is limited in cracking the whip or changing the personnel.

    I have always said that sooner of later this PM is going to give up on the non-bumi votes going to the next election. This is the first crack. He has made up his mind to take the ultra road going into the next election. He will rely on the conservative, Islamist, ultra votes ala NeoCons in the US 2004 election.

    This is just the beginning of telling the alliance partner not to hope for a lot of help to win votes i.e. publicly he will take a highly traditional ultra stance going into the next GE that the alliance partner will have to go and explain and win back the votes..

  2. Anonymous11:43 pm

    Poor OKT becomes the first scapegoat for all the blunders the Govt has made. Who's next?

  3. Anonymous1:20 am

    Eh Tony,

    How come you only whack the government, UMNO, MCA etc?

    How about the recent faux pas at DAP on their Selangor DAP chief fiasco? Come onlah friend, show a little impartialitylah...

  4. Anonymous9:38 am

    Is AAB having plastic dentures or real teeth to bite??
    Cos nobody seems to fear his bite...

  5. Anon 1.20am,

    Ummm... if you place DAP selangor committee squabbles in the same league as mismanagement and incompetence of our national leaders, then you have a serious problem with priorities.

    ;) Tony

  6. Anonymous11:26 am

    Haha Tony,

    The last time I checked, some of these people in DAP involved in the squabbles are also the country's law makers by virtue of them being in the Dewan Rakyat and Dewan Negara, I would also term them as national leaders even they though might be in opposition. They were also elected to represent the rakyat.

    Seems like you also have a serious problem getting your line of thought correct as well.

  7. Anonymous5:05 pm

    When you view the DAP squabbles in monetary terms $$$$$, it becomes a trival matter to pursue. Micro VS Macro priorities. Oranges VS Longans - Take your pick.

  8. While the recent DAP leadership struggles does not necessarily portrays the opposition in a good light (esp. in regards to the internal democracy of the DAP), it is wrong to equate the DAP MPs as part of the country's law makers given that they have no input whatsoever in the tabling and passing of bills in parliament.

    Furthermore, as Tony pointed out, the internal squabbles within the DAP pales in importance compared to issues of national policymaking in education, housing, finance and many more.

  9. Anonymous11:11 pm

    So, who is next? I think all the ministers need to queue up for their turn. How many are competent, right? lol

    People like to hentam DAP also. But, they are not running office lah. Waste of time. Wait till they are running office, then, we zoom in on them.

  10. Anonymous9:38 am

    Thanks for your input Kian Ming. It is only half true that DAP have no input whatsoever in the tabling and passing of bills in parliament. With the current almost absolute dominance of the ruling party in parliament and lower house, and DAP being the opposition party with most number of representives, it is of utmost importance that they portray an image of competence. They must not only be credible, but they must be seen to be credible. If they cannot even put their own internal house in order, what are the chances of that succeeding?

    If you asked me, I would definitely equate them to be of national importance even more so in such challenging and trying time for the country. Those bills that are eventually passed by the ruling party needs to be debated, and our poor rakyat definitely needs credible opposition to voice out for them should these bills be unfavourable. Perhaps they pale in comparison to national policy making issues such as education, housing, finance, etc. But I don't think it's that far away.

    They are still national leaders as far as many Malaysians are concerned. Ask the hawkers or street vendors in Bukit Bintang if they agree on this.

  11. Anonymous12:59 pm

    When every single GE is drawing near, there'a always a squabble within DAP. EVERYTIME. No missed. Nothing new. After the GE, the squabbles within the DAP dies down. It reminds me of the movie Whack the Dog. While the DAP whacks the government to the maximum, the MCA brings on the movie "Whack the Dog" for the rakyat to be entertained. The movie "Whack the Dog" that MCA brings is usually about DAP internal squabbles, so there's really nothing new about the story behind the movie. The rakyat is already sick of seeing the story of the movie everytime the GE is drawing near. In fact, the rakyat expected to watch this movie over and over again every single incoming GE. WTF. Go to hell-lah, MCA. What a lousy and sickening movie you bring.

  12. Anonymous6:54 pm

    I think Ong Tee Keat already kena hentam last year with regards to something about corruption in Chinese primary schools.

  13. Anonymous10:50 am

    It is the Minister's fault. He should just let the Mamak book stalls sell the certificates - you know DIY style. The the builders can fill in the details and give to the buyer. That's the way forward.After all this Govt is buta - they did not know that almost ALL the contracts were Ali-Baba deals. If they are serious, publish the name of the offenders and blacklist them - no contracts for the Bumis whose name appear on the blacklist. But they will never do it 'cos they are all UMNO.

  14. He works hard.
