
Tuesday, January 02, 2007

MCA, Our Hero

"MCA the voice of the Chinese."

So says the President of the Malaysia Chinese Association (MCA), Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting as reported by The Star, which MCA owns.
“We do not run away from or avoid any issues. We believe in results and actual consequences rather than in making superficial statements and leaving problems unresolved,” he said.
Do you see the "results and the actual consequences"? Or do we just hear "superficial statements and problems unresolved" by MCA? It's quite unbelievable that Datuk Seri Ong could actually state the above with a straight face.

I won't attempt to rebutt the MCA president point by point, that'll be writing a book but just touch on some of the key issues raised.

Non-Malays and GLCs
MCA thinks that as the GLCs belong to the Government, they should be open to every Malaysian. MCA has proposed several times to the Cabinet to have more non-Malays recruited into GLCs. This is to ensure that they will have an opportunity to contribute to the country.
After nearly 50 years of independence, are there more non-Malays in GLCs (which have become increasingly powerful and dominant over the economy) or are there less? Former Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Musa Hitam himself admitted as much that GLCs seeks only to recruit Malays.

The fact that MCA has admitted to proposing "several times" to the Cabinet to have more non-Malays recruited", and yet failing to achieve the desired results, doesn't it prove its incompetence, or worse irrelevance?

Chinese Education & Schools
Through the MCA's efforts in the past six years, a number of Chinese primary schools were approved to be built or relocated to new areas especially in new townships with high Chinese density. This has eased problems of the lack of Chinese schools in certain areas.

How many new Chinese primary schools were built over the past 10 years? None!

And how many Chinese primary schools were relocated in that period? Less than 5!

And how many new Chinese primary schools are expected to be built in the next 5 years? Again, none! There is only expected to be 1 new Sekolah Wawasan (Vision School) in Putra Heights, Puchong and a relocated school in Kulai, Johor (which, by the way, was "promised" way back during the 1999 elections).

How many new Chinese schools does the country actually need to build or relocate based on current needs?

The statistics illustrated above speaks for itself. The number of Chinese primary schools have declined from 1,333 in 1957 to 1,288 today, despite the enrolment numbers more than doubling from 310,000 to 636,000!

And the MCA President was eternally grateful to the Minister of Education, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein for 1 Vision School, and 1 relocated school.

Scholarhips for Non-bumiputeras

This issue has been discussed extensively at my other blog, Education in Malaysia. The failure of Barisan Nasional component parties "representing" the interest of non-bumiputeras is clear as day, and yet the President of MCA blames it on "wrong public perception – on why some applicants were rejected".

We, the rakyat of Malaysia, would like to state unequivocally to the President of MCA, that we "believe in results and actual consequences rather than in making superficial statements and leaving problems unresolved."


  1. Anonymous6:58 pm

    The statistics alone speaks louder than any bull the 'emasculated' president had bluffed in the Star, an equally 'gelded' MCA mouthpiece. The 'enlightened' ones won't be misled or deluded by such utter unmemorable rhetoric. I dare the party to pull out from BN!

  2. Anonymous10:31 pm

    Again talk and blog is cheap, so what if MCA has not been able to increase the number of Chinese schools in the country?

    Has the opposition been able to do that? This inspite of their non-stop barking, shouting and harping on the issue time and again?

    Who has been able to do that? Just tell me.

    People don't care if the MCA makes superficial statements, what the people or the Chinese community wants to know is who will be able to help them increase the number of schools.

    Tony, can you do that?

  3. Anonymous12:18 am

    I think Tony will be doing that soon, am I not right Tony?

    -- Old Man

  4. Anonymous3:26 am have my support!!!

  5. Anon 10.31am,

    :) "so what if MCA has not been able to increase the number of Chinese schools in the country?", you said.

    Umm... the gist of my post is the MCA president is making "superficial statements" without the "results and consequences to show". Nothing more, nothing less.

    Now, separately on the opposition side, I'm certain that if they get voted in, you'd get more schools ;)

    In fact, if Kulasegaran hasn't raised it in Parliament and got Noh Omar's butt burnt, you might not even have gotten the "vision school" or the "relocated school". Zilch whatsoever.

    Tony P

  6. Anonymous12:28 pm

    Ong made a big mistake when he told this to The Star. He should had stripped down to his loincloth, dramatically waved a Chinese broadsword and jumped about, screaming about bathing it in some s.o.b.'s blood should the Malaysian Chinese be 'threatened' in any way. (That's the way Chinese temple mediums deliver their oracles).

    Then only might his words catch the attention of his intended audience.

  7. Anonymous12:47 pm

    I think the issue here is someone claiming something that he had not done successfully rather than telling people how many chinese schools he can open or relocate. So I don't think that some anonymous person should be challenging anyone to see who can open more chinese schools. Sometimes we can tell people that we have been trying to do something really hard (only if you really had; reverse effect if you didn't try and claimed you did and found out by other people) but don't overdo it by claiming that you have done it when you haven't. No one will say you are useless when they see you trying really hard. Instead you will be respected for your dedication for your quest.

  8. Anonymous1:16 pm

    That Anonymous person could be Hishammuddin or Khairy in person or some Umno buggers. You never know, Tony. ;)

  9. Anonymous1:27 pm

    Could be MCA buggers too.

  10. Anonymous5:05 pm

    Anon 1031,

    " and blog is cheap..."

    Depends on what blog lah, I think certain blog (like this one) is more reliable compared to the mainstream media.

    " what if MCA has not been able to increase the number of Chinese schools in the country?.."

    People learnt and becomes wiser. If MCA is solid as a rock, there are good futures for BN. However, the results doesn't seem to show that. Thanks to blog like this, that I'm now aware that MCA is an empty shell.

    "Who has been able to do that? Just tell me."

    Maybe you?

    "People don't care if the MCA makes superficial statements, what the people or the Chinese community wants to know is who will be able to help them increase the number of schools."

    If the chinese community don't care, this is really a surprise to me.

    "..Tony, can you do that?..."

    This is the stupidest question of all. You are asking an unarmed man to stop the robbers who have riffles and grenades. Tony is not even in the cabinet, how can he answer that??? I think you are weired.

  11. Anonymous8:50 pm


    There are 2 new chinese schools in Kepong, Kuala Lumpur namely SJK(C) Desa Jaya(2)in Sri Damansara and SJK(C) Kepong(3) in Desa Park City.

  12. Anonymous10:26 am

    Tony, please consider to change this heading to "MCA, our traitors"

  13. Anonymous10:01 am

    Ka Ting....

    How can he be a saviour of the Chinese with the weak khram he got?

    Kang Choy is better! He looks like leader of the eight immortals!

  14. Anonymous5:34 pm

    Ong Ka Ting is playing chinese opera!
    Tung! Tung! Cheng!

  15. Anonymous11:18 pm

    its time we abolish the venacular school... its bad for social integration....
