
Sunday, January 07, 2007

Kudos to Police

No, it's not a sarcastic remark.Credit must be given where credit is due.

There were thousands protesting against the recent toll hike of 5 highways in the Klang Valley at the Sunway Pyramid today. And make no mistake, the police, represented largely by the Anti-Riot Unit came out in full force.

But to their credit, unlike the past peaceful demonstrations against fuel and toll hikes where the police used excessive and unjustified force to disperse the crowd, today they were polite and maintained their discipline.

As reported by Malaysiakini:
Subang district police chief ACP Muhd Fuad Talib said that the police will investigate the protest as an illegal demonstration. However, he said it was unlikely that anyone would be arrested over the matter.

“This is because they followed our instructions [...] and was quite orderly. They never threatened life and property, which is our priority (to protect),” said Muhd Fuad when met after the demonstrators dispersed.
Let us hope this is a positive change from the Malaysian police force and we expect such attitude and discipline to continue in the future.

Also, the Star deserves a "thank you" in this case for highlighting the venue of the protest. ;)


  1. Anonymous11:34 pm

    A lot needs to be done on the corrupt police force. The motto of "bersih, cekap & cepat" needs to live up to its name.

  2. Anonymous12:15 am

    At least it's a good start. Perhaps one day history will record today as the day when police started to become "apolitical". I could be wrong,but who knows?

  3. Anonymous4:02 am

    ke ke..kickstart visit malaysia ke..should have protest last nite at BIG BIG BIG FERRIS that matilah the govt :D
    really enjoy your blog.
    there are rumours that u will be a candidate in the upcoming GE? true/false

  4. Anonymous6:20 pm

    The Oppositions should kickstart a campaign during upcoming GE period to garner the supports of the police force over their much deserved salary hikes and denial of 'white elephants' we have had too much nowadays.

  5. Probably figured that there were too many cameras around, so did not do much.

  6. Anonymous1:43 am

    Nah......probably think VMY is around, so they stay shy of "ganas" and "samseng".......

  7. Anonymous12:58 pm

    See TV series...Gerak Khas for good policemen

  8. Anonymous5:20 pm

    I was there to watch the demonstration (cos I stay in Sunway..). I do echo what is said by TP, the policemen were by and large very polite and kept the crowds in order without exercising much violence.

  9. Anonymous5:32 pm

    Maybe AlJazzera and CNN were there?
    That explains the good conduct and manners of the powers that be?

  10. Anonymous5:25 pm

    "kudos to police" ?!, I don't know what mindset are you carrying .

    The fundamental pricinpal of national force is to protect , no harm.

    We have the mindset that always beg for mercy
