
Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Crime City

You know that crime in the city is at worrying levels in the city (and country) when you hear news of it first hand, instead of from friends who heard from friends who heard from... all within a few months.

A friend and ex-colleague was robbed in front of her house in Petaling Jaya by a "friendly-looking man" waiting with a parang in a car.

An existing staff experienced violent snatch theft twice within a period of 3 years. The first one landed her in hospital. She isn't the only victim in the office.

Another managerial staff had his notebook stolen from his boot within 10 minutes of leaving his car. Sdr Lim Kit Siang himself, suffered the same fate last month.

My sister-in-law's working in a foreign trade mission office which was robbed of its computer equipment in broad daylight.

An ex-staff had her SUV carjacked early last year. And a General Manager of IBM Malaysia who is a close business partner, had his carjacked late last year. This doesn't take into account stories of people who had lost their cars within minutes of collecting their new car keys!

And over the Hari Raya Puasa period, my house was broken into. After plenty of hardwork by the burglar(s) rummaging the house, I lost an old handphone and two bottles of Jack Daniels (which was won in lucky draws).

Its scary if you really think about it, is it not? Is it because the country is now run by idiotic frontbenchers like Deputy Internal Security Minister, Mohd Johari Baharum who believes its the rakyat's fault? Or is it a lack of commitment from our country's police force? Or is it a symtom of deteriorating economy where the rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer?

When someone as lackadaisical and nonchalant about security as me gets paranoid about it, it is indeed worrying (or is it age? ;)). Are we on the slippery slope to become Gotham City? Batman?


  1. Anonymous6:27 am

    Some robbers in van (with a gun) robbed my friend of several thousand ringgit during day time, when the security guards were off duty.

    In another case, buglars broke into two houses at the same time (my neighbours). The police came and inspected the houses. But I was curious why the police did not do a finger print search? The front door and grill was broken, sure the buglar must have left some finger print. I don't think powdering the finger print is a very expensive process?

  2. Anonymous6:59 am

    I think it's a combination of all.

    Mr Baharum's concept of rakyat's fault made the thieves rob more often. The police also tidak apa not my problem attitude. As on the economy, those who used to make a living by criminal activities re-emerged.

  3. Anonymous10:36 am

    would it be too cruel to actually hope for johari or his wife or kids be mugged? what would it take to teach the buffoon a lesson?

    not enough police, police underpaid, their horrible tidak apa attitude, the rotten economy, muggers with their get rich quick ideas and have poor regard for one's life ... none of that is the rakyat's fault.

  4. Anonymous2:20 pm

    Actually, these robberies are small time compared to millions being 'legally' siphoned by YBs

  5. Anonymous2:40 pm

    To combat the rising crime rates, we need not only Batman, but Superman, Spiderman, He-man, Ultraman or any other superheroes/superheroines you can think of to cover the whole nation. The crimes are spreading like wild fire. Don't expect the police to give their heart and soul when what they receive in return in peanuts and their own lives.

  6. Anonymous4:49 pm

    At least Batman can save innocent people from crime. The Malaysian police? Nah. A bunch of chicken men.

  7. Anonymous6:13 pm

    In Malaysia, the sequence goes like this: first, you read and heard about something from the media; next, you heard about it from your friends, neighbours, and relatives; and finally, you experienced it yourself.

    Those of us who employed foreign maids experienced this sequence as far as foreign maids running away from our homes is concerned

    Now, robberies, snatch thieves, violent crimes during day and night, and even murders. Don't ever think that these things are just what you read happening to others and won't happen to you! How wrong you are as you will surely experience them, sooner or later, as sure as the sun rising from the east each morning.

    The orang besar or our top civil servants will not care too much about these until and unless they experience the crimes themselves.

  8. Anonymous8:42 pm

    Crime rate situation in M'sia is really bad. The rot started with the previous PM administration and with the current PM's "tied-up hands", it got worse. The police force is "underpaid" - when you pay peanuts, you get monkeys. It will probably take more than a decade to rejuvenate the police force (like Hong Kong in the 60s to early 70s - in the movie Lee Rock).

    Security concern is the key reason why a lot of oversea Malaysians are not returning to Malaysia (I admire this blog's owner for his sacrifice to return to M'sia but he will probably need a lot of support and courage to swim against the "regressive tide" in Malaysia).

  9. Anonymous2:46 am

    Hong Kong took only 10 years because they have disciplined heroes like Lee Rock. Malaysia? Fat hopes... dreams too early... Tell me who do we have in the police who is like Lee Rock?

  10. Anonymous3:49 am

    We need a lot of Batmans in the police force very much instead of a bunch Jokers.

  11. Anonymous6:27 am

    I don't know anyone who has not being able to tell the same kind of stories you have just described. Having had a couple of personal experience making police reports, I began asking those who tell me their experience when making reports. The police does all sort of things to discourage people from even making police reports. I can't tell you how many friends I have made at police station while making police reports because of shared frustration. Truth is for every police report made there are many more than don't get reported and police statistic is the toilet papers..

  12. Anonymous9:57 am

    In Malaysia we have Cicakman and Kluangman...but both totally hopeless

    We have Uncle Kit but the poor fellow also keep getting his laptops stolen..How can he protect us when he cant protect himself

    Wat we need is the return of super powerful Khram to protect us!

  13. Anonymous11:37 am

    Let's shoot the /\^.^/\ sign into the sky...

  14. Anonymous9:47 am

    Wat the world need is Super Tony Pua and sidekick Super Kian Ming both in theit capes and Y Fronts!

  15. Anonymous4:30 pm

    I got hit by a motorcyclies who is trying to run away after snaching someone's handbag at Tesco Puchong 12 afternoon, when I was out for lunch.


  16. Anonymous10:55 am

    Today, we have the second daylight shooting murder case of MCA Youth Vice Chairman in Kedah just like Dr.Joe Fernandez 7 years ago. What have happen to this country ?

  17. That's where the "security service" business thrive. Now you need to "pay" to be protected.

    Take a walk at Jakarta's middle and upper class housing area.

    We are heading to that kinda state.
