
Monday, January 15, 2007

Bloggers Clampdown?

Late last week, several very prominent bloggers in Malaysia were served with writ of summons from a local media organisation seeking an injunction towards the publication of several blog posts as well as damages for defamation.

We all know that many of our local media organisations act on the whims and fancies of the Malaysian Government. Now, is this a direct result from the recent warnings served by our Ministers who sought to frighten bloggers into self-censorship?

Will hitting the socio-political bloggers' community right at the top scare the rest of the foot soldiers into submission and anonymity? It is a sad start to the year indeed for the Internet and the civic-minded blogging community in Malaysia.

Pak Lah, is this your claim of greater press freedom in Malaysia?


  1. Anonymous7:40 pm

    Hi Tony,

    Just saw this, first I'm hearing of it; are there any more details available?


  2. Anonymous9:09 am

    This just give more credence that this PM promises of first election was plain hollow.

    Sure they can clamp down but they have to do it openly like in Singapore - take it to court and in public space with real arguments. Otherwise the backlash will great. Internet peneration is already 45% although broadband is still low. A underhanded means of clampdown of bloggers will unleash email traffic that will make blog traffic look like peanuts...

    These guys are dumb as they come frankly..

  3. Anonymous5:14 pm

    Dear Tony,
    I hope that your blogs have not and will not receive similar 'threats' from the dumba** govt. Otherwise, we'd have to worry about our limited freedom even in cyberspace. And our Internet penetration rate'd have come to a standstill due to lack of info 'cause of censorship.

  4. Anonymous2:12 pm


    I think you can hardly claim Jeff Ooi's blog to be civic-minded. Here is a person who posted his enemy's daughter's wedding dinner invitation on the Net for crying out loud! Jeff's blog is interesting, but his personal attacks on NSTP's management would have gotten him sued much earlier in developed countries, like USA. I'm surprised it took them so long...

    In short, I don't think this is an attack on bloggers as it is an attempt to stop one particular blogger from shooting his mouth. I haven't followed Rocky's blog so much, so I'm not sure what his reason is...
