
Tuesday, January 23, 2007

4th National Congress on Integrity

The National Congress on Integrity is an initiative of the Graduates Christian Fellowship (GCF) and the Oriental Hearts and Mind Study Institute (OHMSI). The following is a letter seeking your participation from Dr KJ John of OHMSI, who also writes a column for Malaysiakini after retiring from MIMOS.
Dear Friends,

This is an appeal for your HELP. We need true-blooded Malaysians who feel for issues “corrupting our nation” to attend this Dialogue as ordinary citizens. You are one of them and can you mobilize others.

With YB Shahrir and Dato Dr Cyrus Das as Keynote Speakers and moderated by Dato Dr Tan Kee Kwong, you will get more than your money’s worth of education on related issues. Moreover, with Citizen Nades, PJ Citizens’ Advocate Edward Lee, Prof Shad Saleem Faruqi and Lawyer Andrew Khoo and their views on the matter, you cannot go too far wrong to hear all sides on the matter. Your views also matter as we will table the findings to the Parliamentary Special Committee on Integrity.

So, please pass the word around and get people to come. It is only 30 ringgit per person and RM25 per person for a group of ten with pre-registration and payment. For a half day event of total education, I am sure you will do your self a favour by coming. Just sign up electronically and pay on the spot.

For more details, please click here to visit the website.

KJ John,
I might see you guys there ;)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:44 pm

    Hey, Prof. Shad Saleem Faruqi is my lecturer last time. He's the best lecturer in law, with vast knowledge on local and international issues. Should go and listen to him speak. You will never regret it. ;)
