
Thursday, December 28, 2006

It's Your Fault!

Who gets the blame when the Government is unable to provide the rakyat with an living and working environment in which we are safe from both violent and petty crime?

Deputy Internal Security Minister Datuk Mohd Johari Baharum said snatch thefts usually occurred when the victims were careless with their property. Apparently, “such an attitude gives snatch thieves the opportunity to strike.”

It's always the rakyat's fault isn't it. When asked if the Parliamentary sessions could be telecast live, the Minister of Information said that the rakyat is too immature for such debates. Now, when snatch thefts have become serious concerns of the rakyat, it's once again the rakyat's fault for being careless!

Of course, it's really the rakyat's fault that there are preying criminals lurking on every other street corner. It's the rakyat's fault for the ease in which the criminals could get away with their crimes. And of course, it's the rakyat's fault for not being able to live in an environment in which they could enjoy higher standards of living, even if they could afford to do so.

These are indeed the Ministers the rakyat has generously elected.


  1. Anonymous5:31 pm

    Mr Mohd Johari, those thiefs are your relatives or what, why are you protecting them???

  2. Anonymous5:51 pm

    The minister who made the unsensible and insensitive remarks .. does he care that these murderous snatch thieves robbery are the worst type of robbery that have killed victims before..

    And why is it the police still couldn’t nab all of them and put them behind bars ? Why isn’t there more police patrols and monitoring done to help protect the rakyat from these thief murderers?

  3. Anonymous7:00 pm

    Hopefully one day Mohd Johari's house is broken into, then we can just say "It's your own fault your house is broken into!". High probability of happening though since many VIPs' house were broken into in the past few weeks.

  4. Anonymous7:36 pm

    Yes, it's indeed all rakyat's fault, for electing such people in the first place.

  5. Anonymous9:59 pm

    it is not safe now almost to do anything. while making a call with ur handheld,look around u that there r no suspicious character. quite common for it to be snatched from ur hand while u r engaged in a call. better still, hide in the toilet to make or take calls. when walking up the escalator, be sure not to be 'brushed' by any insidious character. woe betide thee if it happens, u find ur pockets emptied of ur wallet or ur mobile. lonely places not safe, crowded places also not safe. what to do or where else to go? ans: stay at home or if ur rich employ a body guard when u venture out. it's ur fault if anything happpens

  6. Anonymous12:01 am

    Of course. How can Mr.Baharum be wrong? It is RAKYAT's fault that he is a minister. And it is RAKYAT's fault that his party won the general election. And it is RAKYAT's fault for not seeing the light, for mistaking an incompetent toadying minister for a statesman who represent them.

    Of course, its ALL RAKYAT's fault.

  7. Anonymous8:17 am

    Right. It's also the rakyat's fault for the floods. They are to be blamed for not paying attention to the Meteorological Dept's forecast of rain there. And it's the rakyat's fault for the Jan 1 tolls hike. They should be going around in helicopters, not cars. Serves them right. Stick it to them 'cause I'm going to be made a full minister after the coming GE

  8. Anonymous2:31 pm

    oh ya concerning the floods that caused so much ravage in johore, wondering where was the MB who shot down the consep of Bangsa Malaysia. talk BIG but hardly visible when as the HEAD, he should be in the thick of aid operations. he should get himself wet, and feet muddy. rm81 million in damage to the major roads and bridges. Better scrap all white elephant projects and use it to help the flood victims and foot the bill for repairs of buildings, roads etc. that is definitely more urgent.

  9. Anonymous10:41 pm

    Like father, like son. Like leader, like followers. Like AAB(gone for holidays in Australia), like the rest of his budak-budak.

  10. Anonymous7:34 pm

    Give it up for K.P. Selvam! Read what he wrote to The Star in Letters to the the Editor. The Bangsa Malaysia spirit has been well demonstrated in Johor and other states during the current floods. All different races are helping each other to relieve the victims' suffering. This is what Bangsa Malaysia is all about.It is not about U Chinese, I dun help or U Malay I dun help. Bangsa Malaysia does not recognise skin colour. When help is needed, u render ur hand irregardless of race or skin or religion. That's the beauty of Bangsa Malaysia. The spirit binds people not differentiate them.

  11. Anonymous8:27 pm

    Rubbish. This has little to do with the fact that we are Malaysian. People being people will be helpful anywhere. We need not pride ourselves on the mere fact that we are human beings. We should be more than normal.

  12. Anonymous3:32 pm

    I got time! I got time! I got time!

    from Astro advert

  13. Anonymous5:34 pm

    talk so much but not brave enough to even leave a nick name.....peeegiiidaahhh~!
